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generating pdf dynamically through fpdf


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I am trying to generate pdf dynamically using fpdf. But i am getting it very difficult. Only half of the result i could get. I want to generate my pdf like this




And now i am getting like this




Here is the code for pdf



$id = $_GET['order_id'];
$db = new mysqli('localhost','root','','dbnme'); // use your credentials

class INVPDF extends FPDF
    var $id;
    var $today;
    var $widths;
    var $heads;
    var $aligns;
    var $formats;
    var $db;
    var $invTotal = 0;

        function INVPDF($invno, $db)
            $this->id = $invno;
            $this->db = $db;
            $this->today = date('jS M Y');
            $this->heads = array('Item', 'UOM', 'Price', 'Qty', 'Disc %', 'Tax', 'Frt', 'Total' );
            $this->widths = array (45, 15, 35, 15, 15, 20, 25, 30);
            $this->aligns = array ('L','C','L','C','C','R','C', 'C');
            $this->formats = array (0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0);

        //Page header
        function Header()
                //Arial bold 15

                $ss1 = "select orders.sales_order_id, orders.company_id, lead_address.address, lead_address.address_category, lead_address.country, lead_address.state, lead_address.company_id, lead_address.city,lead_address.pin from orders INNER JOIN lead_address ON orders.company_id=lead_address.company_id where lead_address.address_category='Billing' AND orders.sales_order_id='".$_GET['order_id']."'";
                $mq1 = mysql_query($ss1) or die(mysql_error());
                $rr1 = mysql_fetch_array($mq1);

                $billing = $rr1['address'];
                list($line1, $line2, $line3) = explode(',',$billing);
                $country = $rr1['country'];
                $state = $rr1['state'];
                $city = $rr1['city'];
                $pin = $rr1['pin'];
                //list($line1, $line2, $country, $state, $city, $pin) = explode(',',$address);
                $ss2 = "select orders.sales_order_id, orders.company_id, lead_address.address, lead_address.address_category, lead_address.country, lead_address.state, lead_address.company_id, lead_address.city,lead_address.pin from orders INNER JOIN lead_address ON orders.company_id=lead_address.company_id where lead_address.address_category='Shipping' AND orders.sales_order_id='".$_GET['order_id']."'";

                $mq2 = mysql_query($ss2) or die(mysql_error());
                $rr2 = mysql_fetch_array($mq2);

                $shipping = $rr2['address'];

                $country1 = $rr2['country'];
                $state1 = $rr2['state'];
                $city1 = $rr2['city'];
                $pin1 = $rr2['pin'];

               // $this->Cell(0,10,'Quotation '.$this->id,0,2,'L');
                $this->Cell(0,10,'Company Name. ',0,2,'L');
                $this->Cell(0,0,'Address1, address2',0,2,'L');
                $this->Cell(0,8,'city, stte',0,2,'L');


                $this->Cell(0,-2,'Shipping Address',$this->id,0,2,0,'L');

                $this ->MultiCell(57,22,'', 'LRTB', 'L', 1);

                $this->Cell(0,10,$country." , ".$state,$this->id,0,2,0,'L');

                $this->Cell(0,20,$city." , ".$pin,$this->id,0,2,0,'L');

                $this ->MultiCell(57,22,'', 'LRTB', 'L', 1);

                $this->Cell(0,30,'Billing Address',$this->id,0,2,0,'L');

                $this->Cell(0,40,$line1." , ".$line2, $this->id,0,2,0,'L');

                $this->Cell(0,49,$line3, $this->id,0,2,0,'L');

                $this->Cell(0,62,$city1." , ".$pin1,$this->id,0,2,0,'L');

               $this->Cell(0,70,$country1." , ".$state1,$this->id,0,2,0,'L');

                $this->Cell(0,10,'QUOTATION:  '.$this->id,0,2,'R');

                $until = date ('jS F Y', strtotime($this->today));
                $this->Cell(0,0,'Date: '.$until,0,2,'R');

               $this->Cell(0,10,'Due Date: Due on receipt',0,2,'R');

                //Line break
                for ($i=0; $i<9; $i++)
                    $this->Cell ($this->widths[$i], 8, $this->heads[$i], 1, 0, 'C', 1);

        //Page footer
       function Footer()

            # $this->SetY(-50);          // Uncomment to position at 5 cm from bottom
            //Arial italic 8
            $w = array_sum(array_slice($this->widths,0,3));

            $this->setLeftMargin(45 + array_sum(array_slice($this->widths,0,4)));

            $this->Cell($this->widths[5],4,'Sub Total',1);

            $this->Cell($this->widths[6],4,number_format('Tax amount should come',2),1,0,'R');

            $this->Cell($this->widths[6],4,number_format('Freight amount',2),1,0,'R');


            $this->Cell($this->widths[6],4,number_format('Overall Toatl',2),1,0,'R');

            $this->Cell(30,4,'Private Limited Company - TIN: 345sddd - PAN: sf43534',0,0,'C');
            $this->Cell(-30,12,'SRVC TAX: gddddddddddd - CIN: sdgdgdgdfgfdgfg',0,0,'C');
            $this->Cell(30,20,'This document has been electronically generated and requires no physical signature or stamp.',0,0,'C');


        function makeInvoice()

            $sql =  "select before_order_line_items.item, before_order_line_items.description, before_order_line_items.uom, before_order_line_items.selling_price, before_order_line_items.quantity, before_order_line_items.discount, before_order_line_items.tax, before_order_line_items.freight, before_order_line_items.tax_amount, before_order_line_items.total, items.name as iname, taxes.tax_id, taxes.name as tname, taxes.rate from before_order_line_items inner join items on before_order_line_items.item=items.item_id inner join taxes on before_order_line_items.tax=taxes.tax_id where before_order_line_items.sales_order_id = '".$_GET['order_id']."' ";

            //echo $sql;    

            $res = $this->db->query($sql) or die($this->db->error);
            if ($res->num_rows > 0)

                while ($r = $res->fetch_row())

                    $this->invTotal += $r[10];

                    foreach ($r as $c => $value) {
                        //echo $value;
                       if ($this->formats[$c]) {
                           $value = number_format($value);
                          // echo $value;

                        $this->Cell($this->widths[$c],10,$value,'LR',0, $this->aligns[$c]);

                    //$amount = number_format($amount+$value);


} # invpdf class

$invno = $_GET['order_id'];
//Instantiation of inherited class
$pdf = new INVPDF($invno, $db);


Can somebody please help me how to do it? or is there any example code for something similar to this.


Edited by mac_gyver
extra code removed
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