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Linker Tables problems. Some help please?


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I'm not new to php, but i've never had to learn to link tables from MYSQL together to execute a query. and now that i've tried i'm having a few problems here, and was wondering if anyone could help.

Here's the code:

function getEquip($item_type) {
if($item_type == "all") {
//Add that function later 
//return getAllEquips();
$sql = "SELECT * FROM equip";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$var = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
$id = 0;
if ($item_type == "head") {
$id = $var['head'];
} elseif ($item_type == "weapon") {
$id = $var['weapon'];
} elseif ($item_type == "body") {
$id = $var['body'];
} elseif ($item_type == "leg") {
$id = $var['leg'];
} elseif ($item_type == "shield") {
$id = $var['shield'];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM DATA_ITEMS WHERE id = '$id";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
return mysql_fetch_assoc($result);

this is in the middle of a function i have called functions.php, so you're not going to see EVERYTHING. so dont assume i'm stupid because i dont connect or use tags. thats earlier in the file :p.
that is supposed to link two tables in my database together
one is named equip, the other DATA_ITEMS. I have fields in equip labeled "weapon" "head" "body" "leg" "shield".  its supposed to take the value placed in one of those fields, and search 'DATA_ITEMS' for the ID that matches the value in that field.

so say in "weapon" i have the integer "1".
so i would make the code $wep = getEquip(weapon);
then it would take the "1" in weapon field, to search for the ID "1" in DATA_ITEMS.

but whenever i execute it. I get THIS error:

Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /usr/home/shantred/public_html/delirium/inc/functions.php on line 59

line 59 in my file would be:

"return mysql_fetch_assoc($result);"

can anyone help me figure out whats wrong here? thanks for any of those who take the time to read this and try and figure it out for me.

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try making your database connection resource a global like this:
global $cn;

$cn=@mysql_connect("host","username","password") or die(mysql_error());
and change
$result = mysql_query($sql);

$result=@mysql_query($sql,$cn) or die(mysql_error());
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Actually, you should always enclose your variables like that in single quotes, you were just missing the closing quote

[quote]$sql = "SELECT * FROM DATA_ITEMS WHERE id = '$id[color=red]'[/color]";[/quote]

Handy Hints:

Always use codes to debug your script.  eg: after a query, have it print an error (this would have picked up the missing ')

eg: [code=php:0]$result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());[/code]

This will kill the script if it causes an error, and tell you what the error is

Next handy hint

Try using a [url=http://nz2.php.net/manual/en/control-structures.switch.php]switch[/url] rather than that long else/if statement

eg [code=php:0]switch($item_type){
case "head" : $id = $var['head']; break;
case "weapon" : $id = $var['weapon']; break;

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