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Echo out results comma and apostrophe delimited

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I am new to php and stuck on this msqli function.


I would like to echo out all the results divided by commas and apostrophe.  Example:  "23232","324231","342533"


With the last one not having a comma.


Here is what I came up with and not sure why I am getting errors.


I think this is the issue but not sure: $list.= $result->'"'.video_code.'",';




$sql = 'SELECT video_code FROM yt_videos WHERE yt_video_item_id="'.$vidid.'" ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 10'; 
$query = mysqli_query($db_conx, $sql);
while ($result = $query ->fetch_object()) {
$list.= $result->'"'.video_code.'",';
echo $list=substr($list,0,-1); 
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Thanks for the reply. I don't quite understand how to implement the join function in my code.


I think I am close other wise as I am no longer getting an error but not quite the result I need.


When I use this code it works:

$list.= $result->video_code.'",';

Resulting in 2343234",345353",43533534"


How do I write that line to include a " before each row result too.  Looking for "2343234","345353","43533534" 



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Ok I tried the join function but now I am getting an error: Warning: join() [function.join]: Invalid arguments passed in...


Here is my code.  I just don't understand mysqli, I just have some experience and mysql.

$sql='SELECT video_code FROM yt_videos WHERE yt_video_item_id="'.$vidid.'" ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 10';
echo '"' . join('","', $result) . '"';
Edited by solidrocketfuel
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Thanks Fastol.  That helped.  Now its only echoing one result.


Here is my code now.  No errors!! Getting close! :)


$sql = 'SELECT video_code FROM yt_videos WHERE yt_video_item_id="'.$vidid.'" ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 10';


// Associative array
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
   echo '"' . join('","', $row) . '"';
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Sorry for being such a newbie guys.  Just fixed the single echo with a while loop. But the only problem is that the comma between echos is not work.


My result is:  "_IvF4X658hY""DRF6b1N_KFk""G-keFAKQHy4"              


My code: 


$sql = 'SELECT video_code FROM yt_videos WHERE yt_video_item_id="'.$vidid.'" ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 10';


// Associative array
while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) 
   echo '"' . join('","', $row) . '"'  
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The code works for me when I test it like this, basically simulating an array.

$a = array(

 echo '"' . join('","', $a) . '"'

The problem is likely that $row is not what you want to give the join(), meaning it's probably not formatted right.  Do a print_r($row); in the while() and post it back here so I can see what the array looks like.

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I was curious why you are trying to echo them wrapped double quotes and commas



Make it an array in the loop

$sql = 'SELECT video_code FROM yt_videos WHERE yt_video_item_id="'.$vidid.'" ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 10';

$video_codes = array();
// Associative array
while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){
    $video_codes[] = $row['video_code'];
    echo $row['video_code']."<br />";

echo '"' . join('","', $video_codes) . '"';

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Store the things you want to join in the array

$sql = 'SELECT video_code FROM yt_videos WHERE yt_video_item_id="'.$vidid.'" ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 10';


$codes = array();

while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    $codes[] = $row['video_code'];  // add code to the array

// now join the array of codes
echo '"' . join('","', $codes) . '"';

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