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how to execute a transaction inside stored procedure in php multiple times


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hello, i have this php 2D array:$arr[]= array($pri,$l_pla,$my_o,$my_Ac,$my_p,$my_t);
and would like to insert all its contents into a databse using php.
for ($j = 0, $num_specials = count($arr); $j < $num_specials; $j++) {

// $num_sub is 3: the number of elements in each sub-array
for ($m = 0, $num_sub = count($arr[$j]); $m < $num_sub; $m++) {
//print "Element [$j][$m] is " . $arr[$j][$m] . "\n"

$strat_sql="call sp_addnewdata(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
$insert=$mysqli->prepare($strat_sql)or die($mysqli->error);

#associate variables with the input parameters
$insert->bind_param("isssssi",$pri,$l_pla,$my_o,$my_Ac,$my _p,$my_t,$snew);

$pri =$arr[$j][$m];

//save record
#Execute the statement
$insert->execute( ) or die ($insert->error);

$insert->close( );
//$mysqli->close( );


It has failed so far.The stored procedure works well on the mysql.

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to use a prepared query inside of a loop, the only things that go inside of the loop are the statements that populate the bound variables with data and the ->execute() statement. the code building the sql query, the ->prepare(), and the ->bind_param() should only exist once and come before the start of your loops.


where is $l_planid defined at? should it instead be $l_pla?


what symptom or error are you getting that leads you to believe that it is failing?

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to use a prepared query inside of a loop, the only things that go inside of the loop are the statements that populate the bound variables with data and the ->execute() statement. the code building the sql query, the ->prepare(), and the ->bind_param() should only exist once and come before the start of your loops.


where is $l_planid defined at? should it instead be $l_pla?


what symptom or error are you getting that leads you to believe that it is failing?

$l_planid  should  be $l_pla.here is the code for my stored proc it has a transaction in it and populating many different tables:



CREATE PROCEDURE sp_addnewdata(IN in_stratprio int,IN in_Planre varchar(255),in in_Outcomes varchar(255),in in_Activities varchar(255),in in_performa varchar(255),in in_tar1 varchar(255),in in_state int)



DECLARE Result1 int;

DECLARE pcnt1 int;

DECLARE o_id varchar(255);DECLARE in_Outcomesrids varchar(255);

DECLARE in_actids varchar(255);DECLARE in_pids varchar(255);

DECLARE r_id varchar(255);

DECLARE in_PLANrids varchar(255);

DECLARE pcnt int;

DECLARE a_id varchar(255);

DECLARE pcntI int;

DECLARE p_id varchar(255);DECLARE in_tids varchar(255);

DECLARE pcntt int;

DECLARE pchk int;

DECLARE lo_id int;

DECLARE l_AO_id int;

DECLARE l_perfo_id int;

DECLARE l_tar_id int;

DECLARE t_id varchar(255);

DECLARE in_Planid varchar(20);


DECLARE l_outcome_id varchar(20);

DECLARE l_Activit varchar(20);

DECLARE l_perform varchar(20);

DECLARE l_tar varchar(20);


SAVEPOINT savepoint_tfer;


/*check if planned result exists*/

SELECT count(*) into Result1 FROM Plantbl WHERE Planre=in_Planre and EXISTS (SELECT * FROM _strate WHERE Plantbl.Planid=_strate.Planid and stratprio_id=in_stratprio);

IF Result1=0 && in_state=0 THEN

SELECT count(*) into pcnt from Plantbl where Planid like concat(in_stratprio,'%');

SET r_id=pcnt+1;

SET in_PLANrids=concat(in_stratprio,'.',r_id);

INSERT INTO Plantbl(Planid,Planre) VALUES(in_PLANrids,in_Planre);



SELECT Planid into in_Planid FROM Plantbl WHERE Planre=in_Planre ;


SELECT count(*) into lo_id FROM Out_tbl WHERE outcome=in_Outcomes ;

IF lo_id=0 THEN


SELECT count(*) into pcnt1 from Out_tbl where outcome_id like concat(in_Planid,'.','%');

SET o_id=pcnt1+1;

SET in_Outcomesrids=concat(in_Planid,'.',o_id);

INSERT INTO Out_tbl(outcome_id,outcome) VALUES(in_Outcomesrids,in_Outcomes);



ROLLBACK TO savepoint_tfer;



SELECT count(*) into l_AO_id FROM _Planresdetailstbl WHERE Activities=in_Activities;

IF l_AO_id=0 THEN

SELECT outcome_id into l_outcome_id FROM Out_tbl WHERE outcome=in_Outcomes ;

SELECT count(*) into pcnt from _Planresdetailstbl where Activities_id like concat(l_outcome_id,'.','%');

SET a_id=pcnt+1;

SET in_actids=concat(l_outcome_id,'.',a_id);

INSERT INTO _Planresdetailstbl(Activities_id,Activities) VALUES(in_actids,in_Activities);


ROLLBACK TO savepoint_tfer;



SELECT count(*) into l_perfo_id FROM _Perforailstbl WHERE performance_Indicators=in_performa;

IF l_perfo_id=0 THEN



SELECT count(*) into pcntI from _Perforailstbl where Pind_id like concat(l_outcome_id,'.','%');

SET p_id=pcntI+1;

SET in_pids=concat(l_outcome_id,'.',p_id);

INSERT INTO _Perforailstbl(Pind_id,performanc e_Indicators) VALUES(in_pids,in_performa);


ROLLBACK TO savepoint_tfer;



SELECT count(*) into l_tar_id FROM tartbl WHERE tar1=in_tar1;

IF l_tar_id=0 THEN


SELECT count(*) into pcntt from tartbl where tar like concat(l_outcome_id,'.','%');

SET t_id=pcntt+1;

SET in_tids=concat(l_outcome_id,'.',t_id);

INSERT INTO tartbl(tar,tar1) VALUES(in_tids,in_tar1);


ROLLBACK TO savepoint_tfer;





SELECT Activities_id into l_Activit FROM _Planresdetailstbl WHERE Activities=in_Activities;

SELECT Pind_id into l_perform FROM _Perforailstbl WHERE performance_Indicators=in_performa;

SELECT tar into l_tar FROM tartbl WHERE tar1=in_tar1;


INSERT INTO _stbl(stratprio_id,Planid,outcome_id,Activities_id ,Pind_id,tar ) VALUES(in_stratprio,in_Plan_id,l_outcome_id,l_A cti_id,l_perf_id ,l_tar_id);





I get no error from php by the fact that nothing is added to the database though no error msg is displayed

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if you stored procedure worked when you were using mysql_ statements, the problem isn't in the stored procedure.


i'm betting that nothing is displayed when you request your page.


there's a space in the $my _p variable in the bind_param(....) statement that is causing a fatal php syntax error.


when developing and debugging code, you must have php's error_reporting set to E_ALL and display_errors set to ON in your php.ini on your development system so that all php detected errors will be reported and displayed (parse errors in your main file won't be reported if you try to set the error_reporting/display_errors settings in your code because your main code never runs to cause the settings to take effect.)

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if you stored procedure worked when you were using mysql_ statements, the problem isn't in the stored procedure.


i'm betting that nothing is displayed when you request your page.


there's a space in the $my _p variable in the bind_param(....) statement that is causing a fatal php syntax error.


when developing and debugging code, you must have php's error_reporting set to E_ALL and display_errors set to ON in your php.ini on your development system so that all php detected errors will be reported and displayed (parse errors in your main file won't be reported if you try to set the error_reporting/display_errors settings in your code because your main code never runs to cause the settings to take effect.)

my stored procedure worked on the mysql commandline .Ithink the problem could be with the execution of the transaction inside the stored procedure .how can I do that using php .that is where i have failed even when that space is removed

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  • 2 weeks later...

if you stored procedure worked when you were using mysql_ statements, the problem isn't in the stored procedure.


i'm betting that nothing is displayed when you request your page.


there's a space in the $my _p variable in the bind_param(....) statement that is causing a fatal php syntax error.


when developing and debugging code, you must have php's error_reporting set to E_ALL and display_errors set to ON in your php.ini on your development system so that all php detected errors will be reported and displayed (parse errors in your main file won't be reported if you try to set the error_reporting/display_errors settings in your code because your main code never runs to cause the settings to take effect.)

How can i multi-execute such a stored procedure with a transaction inside it on a single Mysqli connection in php.

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