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Flashy line help please

Go to solution Solved by Barand,

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Create_Date is a date and time field


I want to flash a row if the create_date is 20 hours old

<title>Status Screen</title>
<p> Open RedTags  </p>

$connect =odbc_connect("removed");
if(!$connect) {
	exit("Connection Failed: " . $connect);

$sql="SELECT uompschedulenumber, uompscheduleColor,jmaPartID,ompSalesOrderID, uomlSorP,serial,rail,panel,stile,upsdescription,itemtype
, uomlStyleGroup,status ,
when status=10 then 'Created' 
 when status=3 then 'PreSanding' 
 when status=4 then 'PrePaint' else 
'' end as Status1
,getdate() as Created_Date
FROM WIP_master 
	where  redtag='Y' and redtagclosed !='Y'
	order by uompschedulenumber,uomlSorP,upsdescription,jmaPartID 	";

$result =odbc_exec($connect,$sql);
exit("Error in SQL");
echo "<table cellspacing='10' border='1'><tr>";

echo "<th>PartID</th>";
echo "<th>OrderID</th>";
echo "<th>SorP</th>";
echo "<th>Serial</th>";
echo "<th>Rail</th>";
echo "<th>Panel</th>";
echo "<th>Description</th>";
echo "<th>ItemType</th>";
echo "<th>Stile</th>";
echo "<th>Created</th>";
echo "<th>Status</th>";
echo "<th>StatusDesc</th>";

while (odbc_fetch_row($result)) {
	$bgcolor= odbc_result($result, "uompscheduleColor");
	$jmaPartID= odbc_result($result, "jmaPartID");
	$ompSalesOrderID= odbc_result($result, "ompSalesOrderID");
	$uomlSorP= odbc_result($result, "uomlSorP");
	$serial= odbc_result($result, "serial");
	$rail= odbc_result($result, "rail");
	$panel= odbc_result($result, "panel");
	$stile= odbc_result($result, "stile");
	$upsdescription= odbc_result($result, "upsdescription");
	$itemtype = odbc_result($result, "itemtype");
   $uomlStyleGroup =  odbc_result($result, "uomlStyleGroup");
   $Created = odbc_result($result, "Created_Date");
   	$status = odbc_result($result, "status");
   		$status1 = odbc_result($result, "status1");


  echo "<tr><td bgcolor=$bgcolor >$jmaPartID</td>";
  echo "<td style='text-align:center'>$ompSalesOrderID</td>";
  echo "<td style='text-align:center'>$uomlSorP</td>";
  echo "<td style='text-align:center'>$serial</td>";
  echo "<td style='text-align:center'>	$panel</td>";
  echo "<td style='text-align:center'>	$stile</td>";
  echo "<td style='text-align:center'>	$upsdescription</td>";
  echo "<td style='text-align:center'>	$itemtype</td>";
  echo "<td style='text-align:center'>$uomlStyleGroup</td>";
   echo "<td style='text-align:center'>$Created</td>";
   echo "<td style='text-align:center'>$status</td>";
    echo "<td style='text-align:center'>$status1</td>";



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How is your Created_Date stored before calling getdate() function?  

That function is returning YYYY-mm-dd HH:mm:ss.  

You could try strtotime() which will attempt to convert your string to a Unix timestamp.  


Once in Unix timestamp, you can apply some algorithm that will:

1. Calculate Created_Date plus 24 hours

2. compare current time() to Calculated (Created_Date + 24 hours) time. 

3. If current time() is greater than Calculated time, echo out some message

4. else do nothing

I am sorry the first code has been updated to included the field Create_Date which is now a time stamp in our sql database.What I need is how to make a row flash what would be the code for that


my output is on an 80"screen and we want to flash rows that are older than 20 hours 

Try this.  <blink> is unreliable and probably deprecated.  So <marquee> would be another option.

$stored_date1 = "2015-08-01 01:30:00"; // in the past
$timestamp1 = strtotime($stored_date1);
$stored_date2 = "2015-08-12 03:00:00"; // in the future
$timestamp2 = strtotime($stored_date2);
function evalStoredTime($t) {
  $curtime = time();
  $calculated = $t + 86400; // + 24 hours
  if($calculated >= $curtime) {
	echo "The stored date/time plus 24 hours is in the future.";
  } else {
	echo '<marquee behavior="scroll" bgcolor="#00CCCC" loop="-1" width="40%">The stored date/time plus 24 hours is in the past.</marquee>';
echo " Date/time 1: " . evalStoredTime($timestamp1);
echo "<br>";
echo " Date/time 2: " . evalStoredTime($timestamp2);
Edited by rwhite35
  • Solution

This will do it using CSS

$sql = "SELECT timeslot
        , client
        , TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR, timeslot, NOW()) as elapsed
        FROM timeslots";
$res = $db->query($sql);
$rows = '';
while (list($ts, $cl, $el) = $res->fetch_row()) {
    $class = $el >= 20 ? 'class="blink"' : '';
    $rows .= "<tr><td>$cl</td><td $class>$ts</td></tr>\n";
<title>Example Flashing</title>
<style type='text/css'>
    /* The animation code */
    @keyframes flash {
        from {background-color: red;}
        to {background-color: white;}

    /* The element to apply the animation to */
    td.blink {
        width: 100px;
        height: 100px;
        background-color: white;
        animation: flash 1s infinite;
    <table border="1">
  • Like 1
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