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php function for bootstrap sidebarmenu


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I was a php programmer, I'm a time been very ill because of that I've lost a lot of memory so I very much like things the programming process is difficult because I can almost completely got rid of that part.

but I want to pick up again as I am now doing just a month I'll be there but not out, what was once a makie is now very difficult.
but I want my good cms to put in a bootstrap admin I bought an admin template http://themeforest.net/item/pixit-admin-frontend-template/7528815 and I want to use.

only I did not come out to make the sidebar menu with submenus with my php function, who wants to convert it into a working and thereby indicate what and how it works.

this is my function:

function build_sidebar_menu( $div_container = ' class="main-menu" ', $div_id = ' id="topnav" ', $ul_id ='class="sidebar-nav" ', $nest = 0, $use_expand = true, $expand = true )
                if ( empty ( $this->my_array ))
                $selected = '';
                $arrow = '';
                $active = '';
                //$html = '<!-- vision_to_homepage (php class) dynamic menu - by www.visionto.nl -->' . "\n";
                //$html .= '<div>' . "\n";
                $html .= '    <div' . $div_container . '>' . "\n";
                $html .= "\n" . '<ul ' . $ul_id . '>' . "\n";
                foreach ( $this->my_array as $key => $node )
// if($this->add_titles == true)
//    $html .= "\n".'<li><h3 class="headerbar" >'.$node[ 'name' ].'</h3></li>' . "\n";
                        if ( $node['active'] && $node['parent'] == 0 )
                                if ( $this->menu_titles == true )
                                        $html .= "\n" . '<li><h3 class="headerbar" >' . $node['title'] . '</h3></li>' . "\n";
                                $subsign = ( $this->get_children_1( $node['id'] ) != false ) ? $this->subsign : '';
                                if ( strlen( $node['css'] ) || strlen( $subsign ))
                                        $html .= '<li ' . $subsign;
// $html .= '<li class="' . $node[ 'css' ] . '">'.$subsign;
                                        $html .= '<li ' . $subsign;
                                $querystring = $node['file_name'];
                                if ( in_array( $node['id'], $this->active_path ))
                                        $selected = 'class="current" ';
//$expand = true;
                                if ( $node['id'] == $this->get_file_id_eregi( ))
                                        $active = ' class="active" ';
                                        $arrow = $this->arrow;

                                $html .= $selected . '>'. '<a href="' . $querystring .'"><span class="sidebar-text">' . $node['title'] . '</span>' . $arrow . '</a>' ;
                                $selected = '';
                                $arrow = '';
                                $active = '';
                                $html .= $this->get_children_1( $node['id'], $nest++ );
                                $html .= '</li>' . "\n";
                $html .= "\n" . '</ul>' . "\n";
                $html .= "\n" . '</div>';
                return $html . "\n" . '</div>';
        function get_children_1( $id, $nest = 0, $ul_sub = '' )
                if ( empty ( $this->my_array ))
                $selected = '';
                $arrow = '';
                $active = '';
                $has_children = false;
                $indent = '';
                $tabify = $nest ? str_repeat( '\t', $nest ) . ' ' : '';
                $html = '';
                if ( $nest == 0 )
                        $html .= $ul_sub . "\n";
                        $html .= "\n" . '<ul class="submenu collapse">' . "\n";
                foreach ( $this->my_array as $key => $node )
                        if ( $node['active'] && $node['parent'] == $id )
                                $has_children = true;
//found node
                                $add_class = ( $this->get_children_1( $node['id'] ) != false ) ? 'active' : '';
                                if ( strlen( $node['css'] ) || strlen( $add_class ))
                                        $html .='<li class=' . $add_class;
//    $html .= '<li class="' . $node[ 'css' ] . $add_class.'">';
                                        $html .= '<li>';
                                $querystring = $node['file_name'];
                                if ( in_array( $node['id'], $this->active_path ))
                                        $selected = ' class="selected" ';
                                if ( $node['id'] == $this->get_file_id_eregi( ))
                                        $active = ' class="active" ';
                                        $arrow = $this->arrow;
//    $html .= '<a '.$selected.' href="' .$querystring.'" title="'.$node[ 'title' ].'" >'.$node[ 'title' ].'</a>'.$this->check_file_status($node[ 'file_name' ]).$arrow;
                                $html .= '<a ' . $selected . ' href="' . $querystring . '"><span class="sidebar-text">' . $node['title'] . '</span>' . $arrow . '</a>';
                                $selected = '';
                                $arrow = '';
                                $html .= $this->get_children_1( $node['id'], $nest++ );
                                $active = '';
                                $html .= '</li>' . "\n";
                $html .= "\n" . '</ul>' . "\n";
                return ( $has_children ) ? $html : false;

if I use this function and I look at the HTML than it looks almost the same but I do not get out at all subs an arrow and when I click on the link then the dropdown does not work ...

there is a js function to but I understand nothing of him charging him but nothing happens?

/* Toggle submenu open */
function toggleSidebarMenu() {
    var $this = $('.sidebar-nav');
    $this.find('li.active').has('ul').children('ul').addClass('collapse in');
    $this.find('li').has('ul').children('a').on('click', function (e) {

can anyone help me, I'm not coming out there


Edited by Gerrit_van_Weele
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html result is :

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