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Trying to figure out how to remove a php confimation


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I've been looking all through this php coding for a wordpress plugin, and for the life of me I can not figure it out.


function evr_htmlchanger($string) 
   $string = str_replace(array("<", ">", '&', ''', '"','<', '>'), array("<", ">",'&','\'','"','<','>'), htmlspecialchars_decode($string, ENT_NOQUOTES));
       return $string; 
function evr_process_confirmation(){
    global $wpdb, $company_options;
    <img src="<?php echo EVR_PLUGINFULLURL;?>colorbox/images/loading.gif" />
    $num_people = 0;
    #For security purposes we serialized all form data on the confirmation page
    #this helps eliminate spam regisrations
    #We need to now convert it back to strings for posting to the database.
    $reg_form = unserialize(urldecode($_POST["reg_form"]));
#GT Hook for MailChimp Addon
do_action('evr_process_confirmation', $reg_form );
    $qanda = unserialize(urldecode($_POST["questions"]));
    $attendee_array = $_POST['attendee'];
    #We added a session toaken to the confirmation page to eliminate double postings
    $submitted_token = isset($_POST['token'])?$_POST['token']:'0';
    #Make sure we are registering for a valid event
    $passed_event_id = $reg_form["event_id"];
    if (is_numeric($passed_event_id)){$event_id = $passed_event_id;}
    else {echo "Failure - please retry!"; exit;}
    #Grab field data needed later    
    $ticket_array = unserialize($reg_form['tickets']);
    $attendee_list = serialize($attendee_array);
    $business =   serialize($company_options); 
    # Start check to see if guest was already inserted earlier
    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . get_option('evr_attendee') . " WHERE token='{$submitted_token}'";   
    $attendee_valid = $wpdb->get_row($sql);
    # Ideally there should be no records with the token, as it should be unique.  
    # If there are no records then we can add this record.
    if ($attendee_valid != null)
        # If attendee record already existed in the database, get the id of the attendee for completing the registration process
        $reg_id = $attendee_valid->id;
     else { 
        # Put all attendee data in an array for submission to the attendee database
        $sql=array('lname'=>$reg_form['lname'], 'fname'=>$reg_form['fname'], 'address'=>$reg_form['address'], 'city'=>$reg_form['city'], 
                    'state'=>$reg_form['state'], 'zip'=>$reg_form['zip'], 'reg_type'=>$reg_form['reg_type'], 'email'=>$reg_form['email'],
                    'phone'=>$reg_form['phone'], 'coupon'=>$reg_form['coupon'], 'event_id'=>$reg_form['event_id'],'quantity'=>$reg_form['num_people'],
                    'tickets'=>$reg_form['tickets'], 'payment'=>$reg_form['payment'],'tax'=>$reg_form['tax'],'attendees'=>$attendee_list,
                    'company'=>$reg_form['company'], 'co_address'=>$reg_form['co_add'], 'co_city'=>$reg_form['co_city'], 'co_state'=>$reg_form['co_state'],
                    'co_zip'=>$reg_form['co_zip'], 'token'=>$submitted_token,'waiver_agree'=>$reg_form['waiver_agree']);
        # Define datatypes for submission to database, should be one for each field to post
        $sql_data = array('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s');
        #Post new attendee info to the Attendee Database
        $attendee_insert_sql_result = $wpdb->insert( get_option('evr_attendee'), $sql, $sql_data );
     # If attendee record posted to the database, then add the custom questions as well.
            if ($attendee_insert_sql_result){
            # In order to post the custom, we need the id of the attendee we are posting for.
                  $reg_id = $wpdb->insert_id;
                  #Check our array of unserialized responses, if there are any begin posting to the answer database
                  if ( count($qanda)>"0"){
                        $i = 0;
                         do {
                            $question_id = $qanda[$i]['question'];
                            $response  = $qanda[$i]["response"];
                            if($question_id !=''){$wpdb->query("INSERT into ".get_option('evr_answer')." (registration_id, question_id, answer)
                         values ('$reg_id', '$question_id', '$response')");}
                         } while ($i < (count($qanda)+1));
    #Now that the attendee record has been posted and we have id, redirect to confirmation page.
    $url_to_goto = evr_permalink($company_options['evr_page_id']).'action=show_confirm_mess&event_id='.$passed_event_id.'&reg_id='.$reg_id;
    echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url='.$url_to_goto .'" />';
function evr_show_confirmation()
    global $wpdb, $company_options;
   // $company_options = get_option('evr_company_settings');
    if (is_numeric($_REQUEST['event_id'])){ $event_id = (int)$_REQUEST['event_id']; }
    if (is_numeric($_REQUEST['reg_id'])){ $reg_id = (int)$_REQUEST['reg_id'];}
    if (isset($company_options['info_recieved']) && ($company_options['info_recieved'] !='')){
        echo $company_options['info_recieved'];
    } else { _e("Your information has been received.",'evr_language'); }
    echo "<br/>";
    $event = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM ". get_option('evr_event') ." WHERE id = %d",$event_id));
   //$sql= "SELECT * FROM ". get_option('evr_event')." WHERE id=".$event_id; 
        $event_id = $event->id;
        $reg_form_defaults = unserialize($event->reg_form_defaults);
        if ($reg_form_defaults !=""){
            if (in_array("Address", $reg_form_defaults)) {$inc_address = "Y";}
            if (in_array("City", $reg_form_defaults)) {$inc_city = "Y";}
            if (in_array("State", $reg_form_defaults)) {$inc_state = "Y";}
            if (in_array("Zip", $reg_form_defaults)) {$inc_zip = "Y";}
            if (in_array("Phone", $reg_form_defaults)) {$inc_phone = "Y";}
        $use_coupon = $event->use_coupon;
        $reg_limit = $event->reg_limit;
        $event_name = htmlspecialchars_decode(html_entity_decode(stripslashes($event->event_name)));
        $mail_subject =  evr_htmlchanger($event->event_name);
        $invoice_event = $event->event_name;
        $event_identifier = stripslashes($event->event_identifier);
        $display_desc = $event->display_desc;  // Y or N
        $event_desc = html_entity_decode(stripslashes($event->event_desc));
        $event_category = unserialize($event->category_id);
        $reg_limit = $event->reg_limit;
        $event_location = $event->event_location;
        $event_address = $event->event_address;
        $event_city = $event->event_city;
        $event_state =$event->event_state;
        $google_map = $event->google_map;  // Y or N
        $start_month = $event->start_month;
        $start_day = $event->start_day;
        $start_year = $event->start_year;
        $end_month = $event->end_month;
        $end_day = $event->end_day;
        $end_year = $event->end_year;
        $start_time = $event->start_time;
        $end_time = $event->end_time;
        $allow_checks = $event->allow_checks;
        $outside_reg = $event->outside_reg;  // Yor N
        $external_site = $event->external_site;
        $more_info = $event->more_info;
        $image_link = $event->image_link;
        $header_image = $event->header_image;
        //$event_cost = $event->event_cost;
        $allow_checks = $event->allow_checks;
        $is_active = $event->is_active;
        $send_mail = $event->send_mail;  // Y or N
        $conf_mail = stripslashes($event->conf_mail);
        $start_date = $event->start_date;
        $end_date = $event->end_date;
        //added 6.00.13
        $send_coord = $event->send_coord;
        $coord_email = $event->coord_email;
        $coord_msg = stripcslashes($event->coord_msg);
        $coord_pay_msg = stripslashes($event->coord_pay_msg);
        $number_attendees = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT SUM(quantity) FROM " . get_option('evr_attendee') . " WHERE event_id=%d",$event_id));
        if ($number_attendees == '' || $number_attendees == 0 || $number_attendees == null){
            $number_attendees = '0';
        if ($reg_limit == "" || $reg_limit == " " || $reg_limit == null){
            $reg_limit = "Unlimited";}
        $available_spaces = $reg_limit;
 //'company'=>$company, 'co_add'=>$coadd, 'co_city'=>$cocity, 'co_state'=>$costate, 'co_zip'=>$cozip,
 //grab form responses for mail etc.
  $reg_form = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM ". get_option('evr_attendee')." WHERE id= '$reg_id'", ARRAY_A);
  $attendee_array = unserialize($reg_form['attendees']);
  $ticket_array = unserialize($reg_form['tickets']);
  $business = '';
//create array for invoice
$invoice_data = array('reg_id'=>$reg_id,'lname'=>$reg_form['lname'], 'fname'=>$reg_form['fname'], 'address'=>$reg_form['address'], 
                'city'=>$reg_form['city'], 'state'=>$reg_form['state'], 'zip'=>$reg_form['zip'], 'reg_type'=>$reg_form['reg_type'], 
                'company'=>$reg_form['company'], 'co_address'=>$reg_form['co_address'], 'co_city'=>$reg_form['co_city'], 'co_state'=>$reg_form['co_state'],
                'co_zip'=>$reg_form['co_zip'], 'email'=>$reg_form['email'], 'phone'=>$reg_form['phone'], 'coupon'=>$reg_form['coupon'], 'event_id'=>$reg_form['event_id'],
                'event_name'=>$invoice_event, 'quantity'=>$reg_form['quantity'], 'tickets'=>$reg_form['tickets'], 
                'payment'=>$reg_form['payment'], 'tax'=>$reg_form['tax'],'attendees'=>$attendee_array,'business'=>$business);
$invoice_post = urlencode(serialize($invoice_data));
/* Comment Out PDF confirmation Option
<form id="pdf out" class="evr_regform" method="post" action="<?php echo get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/event-registration/evr_pdf_out.php'?>">
<input type="hidden" name="reg_form" value="<?php echo $_POST["reg_form"];?>" />
<input type="hidden" name="attendee_list" value="<?php echo $attendee_list;?>" />
<input type="submit" name="mySubmit" id="mySubmit" value="<?php _e('PDF Confirmation','evr_language');?>" /> 
//Send Confirmation Email   
   //Select the default message
if ($company_options['send_confirm']=="Y"){
      if ($send_mail == "Y"){
            $confirmation_email_body = $conf_mail;
        else{ $confirmation_email_body = $company_options['message'];}
    if ( count($attendee_array)>"0"){
                $i = 0;
                 do {
                    $attendee_names .= $attendee_array[$i]["first_name"]." ".$attendee_array[$i]['last_name'].",";
                 } while ($i < count($attendee_array));
    $row_count = count($ticket_array);
    $ticket_list = "";
    for ($row = 0; $row < $row_count; $row++) {
    if ($ticket_array[$row]['ItemQty'] >= "1"){ $ticket_list.= $ticket_array[$row]['ItemQty']." ".$ticket_array[$row]['ItemCat']."-".$ticket_array[$row]['ItemName']." ".$ticket_array[$row]['ItemCurrency'] . " " . $ticket_array[$row]['ItemCost']."<br \>";}
    $payment_link = evr_permalink($company_options['return_url']). "id=".$reg_id."&fname=".$reg_form['fname'];
    //search and replace tags
    $SearchValues = array(  "[id]","[fname]", "[lname]", "[phone]", 
                            "[event]","[description]", "[cost]", "[currency]",
                            "[contact]", "[coordinator]","[company]", "[co_add1]", "[co_add2]", 
"[co_city]", "[co_state]","[co_zip]", 
                            "[payment_url]", "[start_date]", "[start_time]", "[end_date]","[end_time]", 
    $ReplaceValues = array($reg_id, $reg_form['fname'], $reg_form['lname'], $reg_form['phone'], 
                            $reg_form['address'], $reg_form['city'], $reg_form['state'], $reg_form['zip'], 
                            $event_name, $event_desc, $reg_form['payment'],$company_options['default_currency'], 
                            $company_options['company_email'], $coord_email, stripslashes($company_options['company']), 
                            $company_options['company_street1'], $company_options['company_street2'],
                            $company_options['company_city'], $company_options['company_state'], 
                            $payment_link , $start_date,$start_time, $end_date, $end_time, 
                            $reg_form['quantity'],$attendee_names, $ticket_list);
    $email_content = str_replace($SearchValues, $ReplaceValues, $confirmation_email_body);
    $message_top = "<html><body>"; 
    $message_bottom = "</html></body>";
   if ($company_options['wait_message'] != ""){ $wait_message = $company_options['wait_message'];}
    else {
    $wait_message =  '<font color="red"><p>'.__("Thank you for registering for",'evr_language')." ".$event_name.". ".__("At this time, all seats for the event have been taken.  
    Your information has been placed on our waiting list.  
    The waiting list is on a first come, first serve basis.  
    You will be notified by email should a seat become available.",'evr_language').'</p><p>'.__("Thank You",'evr_language').'</p></font>';}
     $SearchValues = array(  "[id]","[fname]", "[lname]", "[phone]", 
                            "[event]","[description]", "[cost]", "[currency]",
                            "[contact]", "[coordinator]","[company]", "[co_add1]", "[co_add2]", "[co_city]", "[co_state]","[co_zip]", 
                            "[payment_url]", "[start_date]", "[start_time]", "[end_date]","[end_time]", 
    $ReplaceValues = array($reg_id, $reg_form['fname'], $reg_form['lname'], $reg_form['phone'], 
                            $reg_form['address'], $reg_form['city'], $reg_form['state'], $reg_form['zip'], $reg_form['email'],
                            $event_name, $event_desc, $reg_form['payment'],$company_options['default_currency'], 
                            $company_options['company_email'], $coord_email, stripslashes($company_options['company']), 
                            $company_options['company_street1'], $company_options['company_street2'],$company_options['company_city'],                                      
                            $company_options['company_state'], $company_options['company_postal'],
                            $payment_link , $start_date,$start_time, $end_date, $end_time, 
                            $reg_form['quantity'],$attendee_names, $ticket_list);
    $wait_message_replaced = str_replace($SearchValues, $ReplaceValues, $wait_message);
    if ($reg_form['reg_type']=="WAIT"){$email_content = $wait_message_replaced;}
    $email_body = $email_content;
    $email_body = $message_top.$email_content.$message_bottom;        
    $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
    $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n";
    $headers .= 'From: "' .  htmlspecialchars_decode(html_entity_decode(stripslashes($company_options['company']))) . '" <' . $company_options['company_email'] . ">\r\n";
    wp_mail($reg_form['email'], stripslashes($mail_subject), html_entity_decode(nl2br($email_body)), $headers);
    _e("A confirmation email has been sent to:",'evr_language'); 
    echo " ";
    echo $reg_form['email']."<br/>";
//End Send Confirmation Email    
//Send Coordinator AlertEmail   
   //Select the default message
if ($send_coord =="Y"){
      if ( count($attendee_array)>"0"){
                $i = 0;
                 do {
                    $attendee_names .= $attendee_array[$i]["first_name"]." ".$attendee_array[$i]['last_name'].",";
                 } while ($i < count($attendee_array));
    $row_count = count($ticket_array);
    $ticket_list = "";
    for ($row = 0; $row < $row_count; $row++) {
    if ($ticket_array[$row]['ItemQty'] >= "1"){ $ticket_list.= $ticket_array[$row]['ItemQty']." ".$ticket_array[$row]['ItemCat']."-".$ticket_array[$row]['ItemName']." ".$ticket_array[$row]['ItemCurrency'] . " " . $ticket_array[$row]['ItemCost']."<br \>";}
    $payment_link = evr_permalink($company_options['return_url']). "id=".$reg_id."&fname=".$reg_form['fname'];
    //get answers to custom questions
    $events_answer_tbl = get_option('evr_answer');
    $events_question_tbl = get_option('evr_question');
    $qry = "SELECT ".$events_question_tbl.".id, ".
                                $events_question_tbl.".sequence, ".
                                $events_question_tbl.".question, ".
                                $events_answer_tbl.".answer ".
                                " FROM ".$events_question_tbl.", ".$events_answer_tbl.
                                " WHERE ".$events_question_tbl.".id = ".$events_answer_tbl.".question_id ".
                                " AND ".$events_answer_tbl.".registration_id = ".$reg_id.
                                " ORDER by sequence";
     $rows = $wpdb->get_results( $qry);
        if ($rows){
         foreach ($rows as $answer){
         $custom_responses .=  $answer->question."   ".$answer->answer."<br/>";
    //search and replace tags
    $SearchValues = array(  "[id]","[fname]", "[lname]", "[phone]", 
                            "[event]","[description]", "[cost]", "[currency]",
                            "[contact]", "[coordinator]","[company]", "[co_add1]", "[co_add2]", 
"[co_city]", "[co_state]","[co_zip]", 
                            "[payment_url]", "[start_date]", "[start_time]", "[end_date]","[end_time]", 
    $ReplaceValues = array($reg_id, $reg_form['fname'], $reg_form['lname'], $reg_form['phone'], 
                            $reg_form['address'], $reg_form['city'], $reg_form['state'], $reg_form['zip'], $reg_form['email'],
                            $event_name, $event_desc, $reg_form['payment'],$company_options['default_currency'], 
                            $company_options['company_email'], $coord_email, $company_options['company'], 
                            $company_options['company_street1'], $company_options['company_street2'],
                            $company_options['company_state'], $company_options['company_postal'],
                            $payment_link , $start_date,$start_time, $end_date, $end_time, 
                            $reg_form['quantity'], $attendee_names, $ticket_list, $custom_responses);
    $email_content = str_replace($SearchValues, $ReplaceValues, $coord_msg);
    $message_top = "<html><body>"; 
    $message_bottom = "</html></body>";
    $email_body = $message_top.$email_content.$message_bottom;
    $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
    $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n";
    $headers .= 'From: "' .  htmlspecialchars_decode(html_entity_decode(stripslashes($company_options['company']))) . '" <' . $company_options['company_email'] . ">\r\n";
    wp_mail($coord_email,  stripslashes($mail_subject), html_entity_decode(nl2br($email_body)), $headers);
//End Send Coordinator Email     
//Provide screen feedback on registration process   
//If registration is at capacity and attendee is waitlisted, notify attendee of waitlist.
    echo "<p>";
    _e("At this time, all seats for the event have been taken.  Your information has been placed on our waiting list.  The waiting list is on a first come, first serve basis.  You will be notified by email should a seat become available.",'evr_language');
    echo "</p>";
//If there is a balance of payment over 0, then notify attendee of payment need.  
   if ($reg_form['payment'] > "0"){
    //need to make this a an option
    //echo $company_options['payment_alert'];
             _e("Registration, however, is not complete until we have received your payment.",'evr_language'); 
           echo "<br/> ";
           if ($company_options['checks'] == "Yes"){
                _e("You may pay by check.  If you are paying by check, please mail your check today to:",'evr_language');
                echo "<p>".
                stripslashes($company_options['company'])."<br />".
                $company_options['company_street1']."<br />";
                if ($company_options['company_street2']!=""){echo $company_options['company_street2']."<br />";}
                echo $company_options['company_city']." ".$company_options['company_state']." ".$company_options['company_postal']."<br/>";
                 _e("Reference ",'evr_language');  echo "<b>".$event_name." - ID: ".$reg_id."</b></p>";
           echo "<hr/>";
           evr_registration_payment($event_id, $reg_id);
 // If Accept Donations is yes and Event Fees are 0, then make Donation Offer
        if (($company_options['donations']=="Yes") && (($reg_form['payment'] < "1")||($reg_form['payment'] == ""))&&($reg_form['reg_type']!="WAIT")) {
            _e("While there is no fee for this event, we gladly accept donations.",'evr_language');
              echo "<br/>";
              if ($company_options['checks']=="Yes"){
                _e("You may donate online or by check.  If you are donating by check, please mail your check to:",'evr_language');
                echo "<p>".
                stripslashes($company_options['company'])."<br />".
                $company_options['company_street1']."<br />";
                if ($company_options['company_street2']!=""){echo $company_options['company_street2']."<br />";}
                echo $company_options['company_city']." ".$company_options['company_state']." ".$company_options['company_postal']."</p>";
                _e("Reference: Donation - ",'evr_language');
                 echo "<b>".$event_name."</b><br/><br/>";
           _e("Please select the Donate button to be taken to our payment vendor's site for online-donations.",'evr_language');
           echo "<hr/>";
           evr_registration_donation($event_id, $reg_id);
if (isset($company_options['evr_invoice'])){
if ($company_options['evr_invoice'] == "Y"){
    echo '<form id="invoice" class="evr_regform" method="post" target=_blank action="'.get_bloginfo('wpurl') .'/wp-content/plugins/event-registration/tcpdf/examples/invoice.php">';
<input type="hidden" name="reg_form" value="<?php echo $invoice_post;?>" />
<input type="submit" name="mySubmit" id="mySubmit" value="<?php _e('Print Invoice','evr_language');?>" /> 
} }
please if someone can help me, I'd really appreciate it.
Edited by Ch0cu3r
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What "php confirmation" are we looking for in that massive wall of code?

the plugin that I'm using is called event registration and it for some reason sends a confimation letting people sign-up before having to pay for the event that they register for, for some reason I can't find where I am suppose to remove that I've tried contacting the developers but they have not replied thus far.

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There are 2 wp_mail() functions in your code


//line 237 confirmation email

wp_mail($coord_email,  stripslashes($mail_subject), html_entity_decode(nl2br($email_body)), $headers);


//line 301

wp_mail($reg_form['email'], stripslashes($mail_subject), html_entity_decode(nl2br($email_body)), $headers);


Both seem to send the same content and could comment one or both out depending your needs.


There is other variables in the plugin elsewhere that could work as an option to send or not as well.


if ($company_options['send_confirm']=="Y"){
      if ($send_mail == "Y"){


The plugin creator would have the easiest time where to set this initially so your plugin is not doing needless work. Is way too many folders and scripts to look through.

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