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Guys,  total PHP noob here but years of MS development experience (I know, I know,,,).


Really need to get an understanding of this code, I have a handle on the individual lines and can run the code, but overall I'm kinda at a loss, all help much appreciated!


class MyTestClass
const REGEXP = '/\{(((?>[^\{\}]+)|(?R))*)\}/x';
public function render($text)
               return preg_replace_callback(
[$this, 'replace'],
public function replace($text)
$text = $this->render($text[1]);
$parts = explode('|', $text);
return trim($parts[array_rand($parts)]);
$obj = new MyTestClass();
$result = $obj->replace("Fred");
echo $result;


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The regex is perfectly fine, but you're not using the class correctly.


What this does is look for substrings of the kind {<choice1>|<choice2>|<choice3>|...|<choicen>} and randomly replace them with one of the substrings <choice1>, <choice2>, <choice3>, ..., <choicen>. For example,

Have a look at our {fabulous|fantastic|awesome} pet shop.

could become “Have a look at our fantastic pet shop.” or “Have a look at our awesome pet shop”.


Nested patterns are also supported:

We sell {furry {cats|kittens}|adorable dogs}.

So it's basically a simple text generator.

You use the class by calling the render() method with an appropriate input. Do not call replace(), that's just an internal method.


class TextGenerator
    const REGEXP = '/\{(((?>[^{}]+)|(?R))*)\}/';

    public function render($text)
        return preg_replace_callback(
            [$this, 'replace'],

    public function replace($text)
        $text = $this->render($text[1]);
        $parts = explode('|', $text);
        return trim($parts[array_rand($parts)]);


$textGenerator = new TextGenerator();
echo $textGenerator->render('We sell {furry {cats|kittens}|adorable dogs}.');

Edited by Jacques1
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Jacques1 - thank you very much for the reply - it has really helped.   In the Replace function, the line

$text = $this->render($text[1]);

is confusing me, does this "recall" the Render function??


If I had to add a second parameter to Render, how would I pass it into the callback?



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In the Replace function, the line

$text = $this->render($text[1]);

is confusing me, does this "recall" the Render function??


Yes, the method is called repeatedly to handle nested expressions.




If I had to add a second parameter to Render, how would I pass it into the callback?


You can use a closure as the callback function. It has access to variables in the scope of its definition:


class TextGenerator
    const REGEXP = '/\{(((?>[^{}]+)|(?R))*)\}/';

    public function render($text, $separator)
        $replace = function ($subject) use ($separator) {
            $subject = $this->render($subject[1], $separator);
            $parts = explode($separator, $subject);
            return trim($parts[array_rand($parts)]);

        return preg_replace_callback(

$textGenerator = new TextGenerator();
$separator = '/';
echo $textGenerator->render('We sell {furry {cats/kittens}/adorable dogs}.', $separator);

This is actually a cleaner solution in general, because you don't need a pseudo-public replace() method.

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PHP 5.3 doesn't support $this in a closure. You need to explicitly import it as a variable:

public function render($text, $separator)
    $currentObject = $this;
    $replace = function ($subject) use ($currentObject, $separator) {
        $subject = $currentObject->render($subject[1], $separator);

Note that both PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.4 have reached end-of-life.

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