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mysql_query help


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I keep getting this error in the below script:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_query() in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\eBiz 07\CheckLogin.php on line 13

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@mysql_connect("localhost","student","student") or die("Cannot Connect to DB!");
@mysql_select_db("trademymedia")or die("Cannot select DB");

$r = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM customerinfo WHERE Email = '".$Email."' AND Password = '".$password."'");

if(!$r) {
print $err;

print "Username/password pair is invalid. Verify and try again.";}
else {
print "Succes";}
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If you are just using your machine for development and not for hosting I would download a program called easyPHP.  This is one of these installers that does it all for you. Took about 10 mins then a bit of tweaking in PHPmyadmin and I was away.  Depends how much detail you want to go into on the set up tho. But as far as im aware everything that people recommend you should have switch off ie register_globals etc. Is swithced off. This a beginner package and the only installer that i could find that worked.

You can get it from here [url=http://sourceforge.net/projects/quickeasyphp/]http://sourceforge.net/projects/quickeasyphp/[/url]  although the version I downloaded I couldn't get phpmyadmin to work so had to download this seperate.

This will only work on windows so if you are using linux i have just wasted your tom lol  ;D.
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