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Sorting results and labeling each section


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I imagine this is an easy one for you all! I actually asked a very similar question probably 10 years ago, doesn't seem to be a way to find it in my history though :/ Thanks in advance for helping out a very, very casual coder. 




I have a query that pulls events from my table. Events use `date` field if it is on a specific date, or the `date_from` and `date_to` fields if they occur over a range of dates.

SELECT * FROM cms_events WHERE county_id='7' AND status='1' and ((`date_to`>='2015-12-10' || `date`>='2015-12-10')) ORDER BY date_from,date,name ASC

Returned on the page, I would like to have a header separating events by date. So it would print "December 10", list results for 2015-12-10, then "December 11", list results for 2015-12-11, etc. Then at the end, "Ongoing" events, which are the ones using date_from and date_to fields.


Thank you for your help!

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if would be a little conditional logic -

// example data
$data[] = array('date'=>'2015-12-10','date_from'=>'','date_to'=>'','name'=>'event1');
$data[] = array('date'=>'2015-12-11','date_from'=>'','date_to'=>'','name'=>'event2');
$data[] = array('date'=>'2015-12-11','date_from'=>'','date_to'=>'','name'=>'event3');
$data[] = array('date'=>'','date_from'=>'2015-12-09','date_to'=>'2015-12-10','name'=>'event4');
$data[] = array('date'=>'','date_from'=>'2015-12-20','date_to'=>'2015-12-29','name'=>'event5');

$last_value = null; // use to detect date change for multiple events on a date
$first_pass = true; // used to output a one time label
foreach($data as $row){ // loop over the data. you can either fetch all your rows into an array named $data, or replace this line of code with a while() loop that loops over the result set from your query
        // there is a specific date, do the specific date handling
        // if the date changes or is the first one, output a new heading
        if($last_value != $row['date']){
            // save the new date as the last value
            $last_value = $row['date'];
            // format the date for display
            $date = date_create($row['date']);
            echo date_format($date, 'F j') . '<br>';
        // output the data under the heading
        echo $row['name'] . '<br>';
    } else {
        // there is not a specific date, do the general date handling
        // output a one time label for this section
            echo "Ongoing Events -<br>";
            $first_pass = false;
        // format the dates for display
        $date1 = date_create($row['date_from']);
        $date2 = date_create($row['date_to']);
        echo date_format($date1, 'F j') . ' to ' . date_format($date2, 'F j') . ' ' . $row['name'] . '<br>';

the ORDER BY term you have in your query should produce the correct output. you would want the rows, having a date, first in the result set.

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