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So I have a blog, and I use Word Press. I love WP. So there are some nice PHP plug ins that allow for a digg badge. So I put it on my blog. But the problem is, it is ugly. I would really love to have a digg badge clicked, and then a pretty lightbox appears with an ajax iFrame of the digg site. Then the user could close it when finished. So I found a lightbox that supports ajax iframes, and I changed all the code in the badge. But it doesn't work for the following reasons:

1) The digg redirection to a login screen.
2) The URL string has a lightbox boolean value, that is partially displayed in the digg this forms

So I would really like this to work, but I can't figure it out. I am guessing one of the following will need to happen

1) Make a new lightbox that supports iFrames w/o the boolean value
2) Make a non js frame breaker code (I think frame breakers work in AJAX, but I am not sure)
3) Digg release their long awaited API so this would be easy.

For an example check out dillonmp3.com/dillonblog/ (the site is still being built, and I am still working on this so if you get errors (mainly functions not used) don't worry.

If anyone has any ideas, please feel free to express them. [email protected]
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