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When I load this into the browser I get a bunch of zeros '0' stacked on top of each other on the left side of the screen instead of getting the name and numbers of the individuals. I added this line in one of the files to try and find the problem but as it turns out this line is outputting exactly what I wanted and expected it to output so I don't know why the rest of the program isn't working.

print_r('The $attribute variable = ' . $attribute . '<br />');   <- that's the line I added into the file inmate.php and it shows that the variable $attribute has exactly what it needs to have but when I try and output this information from the test.php file I get the zeros.





$inmates = Inmate::get_inmates();

foreach($inmates as $inmate)
    print $inmate->inmate_property['first_name'] . " "  . $inmate->inmate_property['last_name'] . " " . $inmate->inmate_property['number']  . "<br />";





class Inmate

//    public $first_name;
//    public $last_name;
//    public $full_name;
//    public $race;
//    public $number;
//    public $facility;
//    public $type_of_transit;

    public $inmate_property = array('first_name' => '', 'last_name' => '', 'full_name' => '', 'race' => '', 'number' => 0, 'facility' => '', 'type_of_transit' => '');

    public function __construct($result)
//        $this->first_name = $result['first_name'];
//        $this->last_name = $result['last_name'];
//        $this->number = $result['number'];
        foreach($result as $attribute)
            print_r('The $attribute variable = ' . $attribute . '<br />');
            $this->inmate_property[$attribute] = $attribute;

    public function get_property($property)
        return $this->$property;

    public function set_property($property, $value)
        $this->$property = $value;

    public static function get_inmates()
        $connection = get_db_connection();
        $inmates = array();

        $sql = "SELECT * FROM inmate_board";
        $query = $connection->query($sql);

        while($result = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
            array_push($inmates, new Inmate($result));

        return $inmates;


I'm trying to setup xdebug for vim so I don't have to post this many questions but I'm having some trouble getting that going.

Edited by lewashby

First I would recommend not using static functions. I would also suggest maybe just pulling and displaying the data directly from the database table?


For example this is what I did for a small blog/forum that I did for my own website:

    public function read($category = "sysop") {

        $this->sql = 'SELECT id, creator_id, category, sticky, title, content,  date_updated, date_added FROM pages WHERE category=:category ORDER BY date_added DESC';
        try {
            $this->stmt = $this->pdo->prepare($this->sql);
            $this->stmt->execute([':category' => $category]);
            return $this->stmt;
        } catch (Exception $ex) {
            print $ex->getMessage();

Then I just use a view page that I called posts.php


while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
    $dateAdded = new DateTime($row->date_added, new DateTimeZone('America/Detroit'));
    $dateUpdated = new DateTime($row->date_updated, new DateTimeZone('America/Detroit'));
    <article class="blogArticle">
            <h1><?php echo $row->title; ?></h1>
            <p class="author">by <?php echo $blog->getUsername($row->creator_id); ?> created on <?php echo $dateAdded->format("F j, Y g:i A"); ?> updated on <?php echo $dateUpdated->format("F j, Y g:i A") ?></p>

        <p class="blogParagraph"><?php echo nl2br(html_escape($row->content)); ?></p>
            <?php if ($user && ( $user->id === $row->creator_id || $user->security_level === 'sysop')) { ?>
                <a class="edit" href="edit.php?edit=<?php echo urlencode($row->id); ?>">Edit</a><a class="delete" href="delete.php?delete=<?php echo urlencode($row->id); ?>" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this thread?');">Delete</a>
            <?php } ?>
<?php }  

that I use for my index.php page or what have you like so

$stmt = $blog->read();

require_once 'lib/includes/header.inc.php';
<div class="container mainPage">
    <?php include 'lib/views/posts.php'; ?>
require_once 'lib/includes/footer.inc.php';

You can alway build an array as you go about displaying if you have other plans for it. Just a suggestion. 

Edited by Strider64
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