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How do I automate this script to create individual CSV files?

Go to solution Solved by mac_gyver,

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I have about 1000+htm files they have data like the attached files. I have the following code that converts this data into a csv file. I then wanted to convert the whole folder into csv files so I have the following code


header('Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf-8');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=data.csv');

// have to put files in another folder that does not include this script
foreach (glob("directory/*.*") as $filename) {

$dump = file_get_contents($filename);

$stats_wanted = array('playedPositionsShort',

$output = json_decode($dump);

 foreach($output->playerTableStats as $o){
    foreach($o as $key=>$value){
        if(!in_array($key, $stats_wanted)){
     $new[$o->name] = $o;

$output = fopen('php://output', 'w');
fputcsv($output, $stats_wanted);
foreach ($new as $n) {
    foreach($n as $a){
        $ar[] = $a;

    fputcsv($output, $ar);

This script does export a csv file which I can save, that file has ALL the data of every file in the folder that was processed, however when I open it, the data is all wrong. Its all mixed up. I tested the above


1 file at a time = no errors

2+ files at a time = jumbled up.

What I want to do is convert each of the htm files I have to individual csv files in one batch. I also want the file name to match the htm file name. I don't know if that is possible with amendments to this script or would I need a totally new script? Any help on this matter would be very much appreciated, I have been banging on this for more than a week now.







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the following implements your logic, saving the output from each input .htm file to a corresponding .csv file - 



$stats_wanted = array('playedPositionsShort',

$keys = array_flip($stats_wanted); // change stats wanted into keys

$source_path = 'directory/';
$dest_path = ''; // enter the path, with trailing /, where you want the destination files to be written

foreach (glob("$source_path*.*") as $filename) {
    echo "Processing: $filename<br>";
    $info = pathinfo($filename); // get the ['filename']
    $content = json_decode(file_get_contents($filename),true); // read file contents as an array
    $output = fopen("$dest_path{$info['filename']}.csv",'w'); // create output file
    fputcsv($output, $stats_wanted); // write header line to file
    // loop over players in the data
    foreach($content['playerTableStats'] as $arr){
        $arr = array_intersect_key($arr,$keys); // keep only the stats wanted elements
        fputcsv($output, $arr); // write the data to the file
    fclose($output); // close the current file

this makes the same assumption that your code does, that the order of the $stats_wanted elements matches the order that the data elements will exist as. if not, you can throw in a sort operation before writing the data to the file.

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