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And another question xD (php callout doesnt work properly)

Go to solution Solved by AzeS,

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So first of all there is no error msg at all but as i mentioned ther is something wrong i want to give my users the oppertunity to check on theyre historie i also want them to be able to check on there activities by an specific date though... 
so here is whats happening :

First i try to hand over the var :

if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
  $IND_ = date( "Y-m-d", strtotime($_POST['y']   . "-" . $_POST['m'] . "-" . $_POST['d']));
  echo $IND_;
  echo "<<<";
  $ID = $userRow['userId'];
  $result = $crud->thouhistory($ID, $IND_);
  echo $IND_;
  echo "<<<";

So far so good echos the correct date taht the user have been submitted...

But then apperantly this happens in the crud.php 

public function thouhistory($UID,$IND) { #Abruf history für user 
	echo " >0 ";
	echo $IND;
	if ($IND == "NONE") {
	try {
	echo " >1 ";
	echo $IND;
	$sql = $this->Db->prepare("SELECT * FROM history WHERE uid=:id");
	$sql->execute(array(':id' => $UID));
	$res = $sql->fetchAll();
		if (count($res)) {
			return $res;
		} else {
			return 0;
	return $row;
	} catch (PDOException $ex) {
		echo $ex->getMessage();
	} elseif($IND = "--") {
		return 0;
	} else {
		echo " >2 ";
		echo $IND;
	try {
	$sql = $this->Db->prepare("SELECT * FROM history WHERE uid=:id AND DATE_IND=:IND");
		echo " >3 ";
		echo $IND;
	$sql->execute(array(':IND' => $IND,':id' => $UID));
	$res = $sql->fetchAll();
		if (count($res)) {
			return $res;
		} else {
			return 0;
	return $row;
	} catch (PDOException $ex) {
		echo $ex->getMessage();
	} # history $CREDIT['CREDIT'] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


echos : >0 NONE >1 NONE (1970-01-01<<<)<-submited (>0 1970-01-01)crud (1970-01-01<<<)submitted 
but the hilarios point on this is that it displays : no items to display yet (return 0;)

so in conclusion there is something wrong...

Full code PHP CALL OUT :


 require_once '../dbconnect.php';
 if( !isset($_SESSION['user']) ) {
  header("Location: index.php?reqlog");

$IND_ = "NONE";
$ID = $userRow['userId'];
$result = $crud->thouhistory($ID, $IND_);
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
  $IND_ = date( "Y-m-d", strtotime($_POST['y']   . "-" . $_POST['m'] . "-" . $_POST['d']));
  echo $IND_;
  echo "<<<";
  $ID = $userRow['userId'];
  $result = $crud->thouhistory($ID, $IND_);
  echo $IND_;
  echo "<<<";
if (isset($_POST['submitall'])) {
  $IND_ = "NONE";
  $ID = $userRow['userId'];
  $result = $crud->thouhistory($ID, $IND_);


public function thouhistory($UID,$IND) { #Abruf history für user 
	echo " >0 ";
	echo $IND;
	if ($IND == "NONE") {
	try {
	echo " >1 ";
	echo $IND;
	$sql = $this->Db->prepare("SELECT * FROM history WHERE uid=:id");
	$sql->execute(array(':id' => $UID));
	$res = $sql->fetchAll();
		if (count($res)) {
			return $res;
		} else {
			return 0;
	return $row;
	} catch (PDOException $ex) {
		echo $ex->getMessage();
	} elseif($IND = "--") {
		return 0;
	} else {
		echo " >2 ";
		echo $IND;
	try {
	$sql = $this->Db->prepare("SELECT * FROM history WHERE uid=:id AND DATE_IND=:IND");
		echo " >3 ";
		echo $IND;
	$sql->execute(array(':IND' => $IND,':id' => $UID));
	$res = $sql->fetchAll();
		if (count($res)) {
			return $res;
		} else {
			return 0;
	return $row;
	} catch (PDOException $ex) {
		echo $ex->getMessage();
	} # history $CREDIT['CREDIT'] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Html --> 

<div class="Space_0 Background_1"></div>
<div class="HeZC">
	<h4><?php echo $userRow['UzRI']; ?> this is your history</h4>
  <div class="HeZ Body_E01">
        if (isset($result)) {
          if ($result != 0) {
            foreach($result as $row) {
            echo "<li><p>" . $row['subject'] . "</p><p>". $row['DATE_'] . "</p></li>";
        } else {
          echo "<li><p>there are currently no items to display yet..." . "</p></li>";


<div class="UcZc">
  <div class="UcZ  Body_E01">
    <h4>Or maybe your searching for an specific entry... </h4>
    <form class="UcZf" method="POST">
      <input type="number" name="y" maxlength="4" placeholder="Year">
      <input type="number" name="d" maxlength="2" placeholder="Day"> 
      <input type="number" name="m" maxlength="2" placeholder="Month">
      <button name="submit">Search</button>
      <button name="submitall">display all</button>
Edited by AzeS
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Why are you trying to bind the statement parameters twice? You either use PDOStatement::bindParam(), or you pass an array to PDOStatement::execute(), not both.


The function design is also unfortunate. It's a lot of duplicate code, it uses magic strings like “NONE” to control the behavior, and the error handling is weird (never catch exceptions to print the error message on the screen, avoid magic values like “0” to indicate problems).


A better approach would be something like this:

public function getUserHistory($userID, $date = null)
    // basic query
    $historySQL = '
            -- always select specific columns, not just "everything"
            uid = :user_id
    $historyParameters = ['user_id' => $userID];

    // add date condition if a date is given
    if ($date)
        $historySQL .= ' AND date_ind = :date';
        $historyParameters['date'] = $date;

    $historyStmt = $this->Db->prepare($historySQL);

    return $historyStmt->fetchAll();

This has no duplicate code (which makes it much shorter), it uses optional parameters instead of magic strings, and it has proper error handling. If the query fails, you get an exception, otherwise you get a valid result set (which may be empty).

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  • Solution

Thanks alot !!!  :happy-04: 

public function thouhistory($UID,$IND) { #Abruf history für user 
	if ($IND == null) {
	try {
	$sql = $this->Db->prepare("SELECT * FROM history WHERE uid=:id");
	$sql->execute(array(':id' => $UID));
	$res = $sql->fetchAll();
		if (count($res)) {
			return $res;
		} else {
			return 0;
	return $row;
	} catch (PDOException $ex) {
		echo $ex->getMessage();
	} else {
	try {
	$sql = $this->Db->prepare("SELECT * FROM history WHERE uid=:id AND DATE_IND=:IND");
	$sql->execute(array(':IND' => $IND,':id' => $UID));
	$res = $sql->fetchAll();
		if (count($res)) {
			return $res;
		} else {
			return 0;
	return $row;
	} catch (PDOException $ex) {
		echo $ex->getMessage();
	} # history $CREDIT['CREDIT'] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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