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real dork just installed MySQL - what is "jdbc:mysql://[host]:[port]/[database]"


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Hi Everyone, after several years of Flash/PHP using Apache2Triad bundles, I've decided to take the plunge into Flex/ColdFusion MX 7.0.2 through Apache webserver with a MySQL db. I'm halfway through the "ACME" instructions (http://www.acidlabs.org/extras/acme/), but having never had to install MySQL or Apache before (from scratch), I don't know what the proper info should be for the "://[host]:[port]/[database] " part of instructions (6) in this page, which I have to do apparently:


I followed the instructions from ACME perfectly, MySQL starts fine, so does Apache, so does CF and so does Eclipse...I don't have any databases yet, nor should I if following the ACME Guide start to finish is correct. I'm at the step to make MySQL and CF communicate.

I recall the port was 3306 (I think).

In apache I have localhost and 3 virtual hosts:


...all set to (yes, they give me errors since nothing is there yet but it doesn't stop any services, and the Guide says this is normal) in the hosts page. I can see CF, and Apache externally via the web.

So all is going good, but I have absolutely no idea what to plug in for jdbc:mysql://[host]:[port]/[database]

...after the ://

Could someone offer a noobie some help on this?

The ACME author has done a fantastic job, so I would be shocked if at this point he asks us to do something without full disclosure (i.e., make sure you have a database before you go any further...).

Also, I am assuming I can install PHP5 and PHPmyAdmin...after I'm done, is that correct? One of my sites is Flash/PHP, the other...dunno yet, and the other CF/Flex (hopefully!) all from my server at home...

Thanks very much:)


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Host is probably, and port you should leave blank if possible.  3306 is the default.

For database, that will be whatever name you used when you created your database.  If you haven't created your database yet, go back into mysql and do it :)  A single copy of mysql can have several "databases" running inside it, each with different names.
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