Freid001 Posted January 14, 2017 Share Posted January 14, 2017 (edited) Hi, I've recently been trying to learn more about VM's and vagrant, i'm also relatively new to Nginx as most development I have done in the passed has been on Apache. Anyway, I'm trying to setup a new Symfony project on my local under a workspace directory, within this directory I have several other projects too. I am able to run composer install and install the framework. I can go to the following endpoint: and see the "Welcome to symfony 3.2.2" page. However when I create a new route such as /test: /** * @Route("/test", name="test") */ public function testAction(Request $request) { die('Hello world, welcome to the test page!'); } and then go to: I get a Nginx 500 error. I'm not sure what I should do to resolve the issue or if I have missed something in the setup. I don't think this is a routing or .htaccess issue as it is is a blank install and i'm using: Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route I though maybe I need to setup a new vhost for the project like: which points to > but had no success. Would be really grateful of any help I'm using puphpet to generate my vagrant files etc. the config is like so: vagrantfile: target: local vm: provider: local: box: puphpet/ubuntu1404-x64 box_url: puphpet/ubuntu1404-x64 box_version: '0' chosen_virtualizer: virtualbox virtualizers: virtualbox: modifyvm: natdnshostresolver1: false showgui: 0 vmware: numvcpus: 1 parallels: linked_clone: 0 check_guest_tools: 0 update_guest_tools: 0 machines: vflm_75yfxsvwnabf: id: machine1 hostname: machine1.puphpet network: private_network: forwarded_port: vflmnfp_8bx6f11n3o9p: host: '7373' guest: '22' memory: '512' cpus: '1' provision: puppet: manifests_path: puphpet/puppet/manifests module_path: - puphpet/puppet/modules - puphpet/puppet/manifests options: - '--verbose' - '--hiera_config /vagrant/puphpet/puppet/hiera.yaml' synced_folder: vflsf_53kwyzt6imrw: source: ./ target: /var/www sync_type: nfs smb: smb_host: '' smb_username: '' smb_password: '' mount_options: dir_mode: '0775' file_mode: '0664' rsync: args: - '--verbose' - '--archive' - '-z' exclude: - .vagrant/ - .git/ auto: 'true' owner: www-data group: www-data usable_port_range: start: 10200 stop: 10500 post_up_message: '' ssh: host: 'false' port: 'false' private_key_path: 'false' username: vagrant guest_port: 'false' keep_alive: '1' forward_agent: 'false' forward_x11: 'false' shell: 'bash -l' insert_key: 'false' vagrant: host: detect proxy: http: '' https: '' ftp: '' no_proxy: '' server: install: '1' packages: - vim users_groups: install: '1' groups: { } users: { } locale: install: '1' settings: default_locale: en_US.UTF-8 locales: - en_GB.UTF-8 - en_US.UTF-8 timezone: UTC firewall: install: '1' rules: { } cron: install: '1' jobs: { } nginx: install: '1' settings: version: present default_vhost: 1 proxy_buffers: '4 256k' proxy_buffer_size: 128k proxy_connect_timeout: 600s proxy_send_timeout: 600s proxy_read_timeout: 600s names_hash_bucket_size: 128 upstreams: { } vhosts: nxv_74ybirqpo6y6: server_name: www_root: /var/www/workspace listen_port: '80' client_max_body_size: 1m ssl: '0' ssl_cert: '' ssl_key: '' ssl_port: '443' ssl_protocols: '' ssl_ciphers: '' rewrite_to_https: '1' spdy: '1' locations: nxvl_8z3jl4fqoihu: www_root: '' location: / index_files: - index.html - index.htm - index.php try_files: - $uri - $uri/ - /index.php$is_args$args fastcgi: '' fastcgi_index: '' fastcgi_split_path: '' proxy: '' proxy_redirect: '' nxvl_v3elxlm2ee8t: www_root: '' location: '~ \.php$' try_files: - $uri - $uri/ - /index.php$is_args$args fastcgi: '' fastcgi_index: index.php fastcgi_split_path: '^(.+\.php)(/.*)$' fast_cgi_params_extra: - 'SCRIPT_FILENAME $request_filename' - 'APP_ENV dev' set: - '$path_info $fastcgi_path_info' proxy: '' proxy_redirect: '' proxies: { } apache: install: '0' settings: version: 2.4 user: www-data group: www-data default_vhost: true manage_user: false manage_group: false sendfile: 0 modules: - proxy_fcgi - rewrite vhosts: av_4infpibvguio: servername: serveraliases: - docroot: /var/www/awesome port: '80' setenv: - 'APP_ENV dev' setenvif: - 'Authorization "(.*)" HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$1' custom_fragment: '' ssl: '0' ssl_cert: '' ssl_key: '' ssl_chain: '' ssl_certs_dir: '' ssl_protocol: '' ssl_cipher: '' directories: avd_b11z3wfwne08: path: /var/www/awesome options: - Indexes - FollowSymlinks - MultiViews allow_override: - All require: - 'all granted' custom_fragment: '' files_match: avdfm_hvzzj66xcvle: path: \.php$ sethandler: 'proxy:fcgi://' custom_fragment: '' provider: filesmatch provider: directory letsencrypt: install: '1' settings: email: '' domains: { } php: install: '1' settings: version: '7.0' modules: php: - cli - intl - xml pear: { } pecl: { } ini: display_errors: 'On' error_reporting: '-1' session.save_path: /var/lib/php/session date.timezone: UTC fpm_ini: error_log: /var/log/php-fpm.log fpm_pools: phpfp_mbsmnwlxru02: ini: prefix: www listen: '' security.limit_extensions: .php user: www-user group: www-data composer: '1' composer_home: '' xdebug: install: '0' settings: xdebug.default_enable: '0' xdebug.remote_autostart: '0' xdebug.remote_connect_back: '0' xdebug.remote_enable: '0' xdebug.remote_handler: dbgp xdebug.remote_port: '9000' blackfire: install: '0' settings: server_id: '' server_token: '' agent: http_proxy: '' https_proxy: '' log_file: stderr log_level: '1' php: agent_timeout: '0.25' log_file: '' log_level: '1' xhprof: install: '0' wpcli: install: '0' version: v0.24.1 drush: install: '0' version: 8.0.5 ruby: install: '1' versions: rv_p3peyopuq3qe: default: '1' bundler: '1' version: 2.3.1 gems: - [email protected] - [email protected] - [email protected] python: install: '1' packages: { } versions: { } nodejs: install: '1' settings: version: '6' npm_packages: { } hhvm: install: '0' composer: '1' composer_home: '' settings: { } server_ini: hhvm.server.port: '9000' hhvm.log.use_log_file: '1' hhvm.log.file: /var/log/hhvm/error.log php_ini: display_errors: 'On' error_reporting: '-1' date.timezone: UTC mariadb: install: '0' settings: version: '10.1' root_password: '123' override_options: { } adminer: 0 users: mariadbnu_pc6gjoy99feb: name: dbuser password: '123' databases: mariadbnd_wt6ozsihg8us: name: dbname sql: '' grants: mariadbng_nc5i0ukkwapg: user: dbuser table: '*.*' privileges: - ALL mysql: install: '1' settings: version: '5.7' root_password: '123' override_options: { } adminer: 0 users: mysqlnu_mqqy0asimbr1: name: dbuser password: '123' databases: mysqlnd_99t2ic6cge0q: name: dbname sql: '' grants: mysqlng_imc2gpk71d6v: user: dbuser table: '*.*' privileges: - ALL postgresql: install: '0' settings: global: encoding: UTF8 version: '9.6' server: postgres_password: '123' databases: { } users: { } grants: { } adminer: 0 mongodb: install: '0' settings: bind_ip: port: '27017' globals: version: 2.6.0 databases: { } redis: install: '0' settings: port: '6379' sqlite: install: '0' adminer: 0 databases: { } mailhog: install: '0' settings: smtp_ip: smtp_port: 1025 http_ip: http_port: '8025' path: /usr/local/bin/mailhog beanstalkd: install: '0' settings: listenaddress: listenport: '11300' maxjobsize: '65535' maxconnections: '1024' binlogdir: /var/lib/beanstalkd/binlog binlogfsync: null binlogsize: '10485760' beanstalk_console: 0 rabbitmq: install: '0' settings: port: '5672' users: { } vhosts: { } plugins: { } elastic_search: install: '0' settings: version: 2.3.1 java_install: true instances: esi_tu0viqar5x3i: name: es-01 solr: install: '0' settings: version: 5.5.2 port: '8984' Edited January 14, 2017 by Freid001 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zyx Posted January 15, 2017 Share Posted January 15, 2017 Both nginx and Symfony produce logs: nginx: /var/log/nginx/ Symfony: [your project directory]/var/logs/dev.log or prod.log If you're able to run the default page, I think that Nginx works, and the problem is on the framework side. Routing problems are generally reported in Symfony log files and they should give you some clue. For development purpose, use app_dev.php file instead of app.php. In the development mode, Symfony shows detailed information about exceptions directly in the browser, and you have an access to the profiler, too. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Freid001 Posted January 15, 2017 Author Share Posted January 15, 2017 Hi, Thanks for commenting. Nginx - error log: 2017/01/15 14:05:44 [error] 1826#1826: *3 rewrite or internal redirection cycle while internally redirecting to "/index.php", client:, server:, request: "GET / favicon.ico HTTP/1.1", host: "", referrer: "" 2017/01/15 14:07:03 [error] 1826#1826: *4 rewrite or internal redirection cycle while internally redirecting to "/index.php", client:, server:, request: "GET / symfony/web/app_dev.php/test HTTP/1.1", host: "" 2017/01/15 14:07:03 [error] 1826#1826: *5 rewrite or internal redirection cycle while internally redirecting to "/index.php", client:, server:, request: "GET / favicon.ico HTTP/1.1", host: "", referrer: "" Nginx access log: - - [15/Jan/2017:14:05:44 +0000] "GET /symfony/web/app.php/test HTTP/1.1" 500 595 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0. 2883.87 Safari/537.36" - - [15/Jan/2017:14:05:44 +0000] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 500 595 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36" - - [15/Jan/2017:14:07:03 +0000] "GET /symfony/web/app_dev.php/test HTTP/1.1" 500 595 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55. 0.2883.87 Safari/537.36" - - [15/Jan/2017:14:07:03 +0000] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 500 595 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36" The Symphony log is empty. Also when I try to run app_dev.php for the index page I get this error: An error occurred while loading the web debug toolbar (500: Internal Server Error) Do you want to open the profiler? I open the profiler and it does give a 500 error too. Thanks Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Freid001 Posted January 15, 2017 Author Share Posted January 15, 2017 The Nginx config looks like this: server { listen *:80; server_name ; client_max_body_size 1m; root /var/www/workspace; index index.html index.htm index.php; access_log /var/log/nginx/nxv_74ybirqpo6y6.access.log; error_log /var/log/nginx/nxv_74ybirqpo6y6.error.log; location ~ \.php$ { set $path_info $fastcgi_path_info; root /var/www/workspace; fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.*)$; try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args; include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params; fastcgi_pass; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $request_filename; fastcgi_param APP_ENV dev; } location / { root /var/www/workspace; try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args; autoindex off; index index.html index.htm index.php; } sendfile off; } Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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