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I'm trying to check two see if the customer is within range of the realtor and if so to email that realtor. So far I got to the point where I can calculate the distance in the query. So since I can match those that are in distance how to check if two columns match? I need to know if two columns match what is the best way for this to be done?

Here is my php code.

           $realtCust = $db->prepare("SELECT
              , rEmail
              , eMail
            FROM realtors r
                LEFT JOIN
              customers c
                ON pow(clatitude-rlatitude, 2) + pow(clongitude-rlongitude, 2) < pow(100/110.25, 2)
            ORDER BY rid, id");
    $realtCust_row = $realtCust->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    $rcArray = array(
    foreach( $rcArray as mail($rcEmail,)) {
        //echo "$a\n";
      if($arraysAreEqual = ($rcEmail==$rcEmail))
        echo "don't work";


I updated my code.

$realtCust = $db->prepare("SELECT
, rEmail
, eMail
FROM realtors r
customers c
ON pow(clatitude-rlatitude, 2) + pow(clongitude-rlongitude, 2) < pow(100/110.25, 2)
ORDER BY rid, id");

$realtCust_row = $realtCust->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$rcArray = array(

$rcArray = array(

foreach( $rcArray as list( ,$rcEmail)) {
//echo "$a\n";

echo $rcEmail;

That query gives results similar to this (as per my reply over at devshed)

| rid | rEmail             | fullname | email             |
|   1 | [email protected] | Cust_1   | [email protected]  |
|   1 | [email protected] | Cust_3   | [email protected]   |
|   1 | [email protected] | Cust_5   | [email protected]  |
|   1 | [email protected] | Cust_10  | [email protected] |
|   2 | [email protected]   | Cust_2   | [email protected]  |
|   2 | [email protected]   | Cust_6   | [email protected]    |
|   2 | [email protected]   | Cust_8   | [email protected] |
|   2 | [email protected]   | Cust_9   | [email protected]    |
|   3 | [email protected] | Cust_4   | [email protected]  |
|   3 | [email protected] | Cust_7   | [email protected]  |

This gives the realtors with customers that are within the prescribed distance (in this case 100Km).


So realtor 1 has customers 1, 3, 5, 10 within range, realtor 2 has 2, 6, 8, 9 and realtor 3 has 4 and 7 within range.


What you haven't told is us what you want to do with that data, other than a vague "I want to send emails"

 I'm trying to get my code to email the associate realtor.  For example if realtor 1 has customers 1, 3, 5, 10 within range then I want to send 1 email notification per customer with their email information to realtor 1.  This is pretty complex code well to me but i been trying different ways to do this like using an associative array.  Sorry for being vague but I'm pressed for time on my final project. 

Sorry I took to long to reply but Ok so I changed my code and emails are going to their respected recipients.  The only problem is that there is two registered customers that is within distance of realtor_2.  Only one of the email address show up.  I was thinking of maybe of making a new table for matches.  So I did a print_r to see what was going on and this is what I got.

    [rid] => 2
    [0] => 2
    [rEmail] => [email protected]
    [1] => [email protected]
    [id] => 3
    [2] => 3
    [eMail] => [email protected]
    [3] => [email protected]
    [rid] => 4
    [0] => 4
    [rEmail] => [email protected]
    [1] => [email protected]
    [id] => 2
    [2] => 2
    [eMail] => [email protected]
    [3] => [email protected]
    [rid] => 5
    [0] => 5
    [rEmail] => [email protected]
    [1] => [email protected]
    [id] => 
    [2] => 
    [eMail] => 
    [3] => 

This is the foreach loop. 

$realtCust_row = $realtCust->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

foreach ($realtCust as $realtCust_row):

  //send an email to the realtor email containing the customer email.

 $msgBody = "This is a test";

 // use wordwrap() if lines are longer than 70 characters
 $msgBody = wordwrap($msgBody,70);

 $Mailto = $realtCust_row['rEmail'];

 $FromEmail = $realtCust_row['eMail'];

  //mail($Mailto, $FromEmail , $msgBody);

echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";

Edited by robatojazzo

You can't put the customer email as the "From" in the email. The from address must be from the same domain as the server. Put the customer email in a "Reply-To" header.

This is all you need


$sql = "SELECT
        , eMail
        , c.fullname
        FROM realtors r
        LEFT JOIN
        customers c
          ON pow(clatitude-rlatitude, 2) + pow((clongitude-rlongitude)*cos(radians(rlatitude)), 2) < pow(100/110.25, 2)
        ORDER BY rid, id";
$realCust = $db->query($sql);

foreach ($realCust as $email) {
    $to = $email['rEmail'];
    $subject = "Test";
    $message = "Hello, I am {$email['fullname']}";
    $headers = "Reply-To: {$email['eMail']}\r\n";
    // mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
    echo "To : $to<br>$subject<br>$message<br>$headers<hr>";

Thanks ok I see.  What was I thinking before?  To be honest I used another forum besides this one and devshed for help and I'm still learning mySQL.  My problem is I took on a big project and jumped in without a life jacket.  I just needed to break this down so I can understand what I'm trying to do.  It was a choice between mySQL or Access.  I'm really migrating from a windows environment to linux.  I like linux just a super newbie thats it.


Well with the project the script is working but now its emailing everybody even if they don't have customers in their area.  I set up test emails for the realtors using gmail.  I was thinking maybe making a email list with a time variable.

Edited by robatojazzo

Ok so for distance I added something that may complicate my code.  The realtor is willing to travel a certain distance in miles.  I added a column in my MySQL called willToTravel.  The data in that column is in miles.

`willToTravel` int(11) NOT NULL,

Ok so based off that information I needed clients to that are in the distance range of willToTravel.  Do you think it will be a good idea to calculate using 

acos and cos? 

Change query to

, eMail
, c.fullname
FROM realtors r
customers c
  ON pow(clatitude-rlatitude, 2) + pow((clongitude-rlongitude)*cos(radians(rlatitude)), 2) < pow(willtotravel/69.13, 2)
ORDER BY rid, id
This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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