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Running multiple queries to games servers using script?


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Hi, first post here. It's the first time I've been so stuck really.


I'm using the library below to pull server data (players, time online etc) from a Steam game through the source API, however it will not work with more than one script or server at once. For example, if I copy the script into a new file and change the connection info, and include both in my HTML, only one will work. Any ideas on how to do it, or an example would be amazing. 




namespace web2;

require __DIR__ . '/SourceQuery/bootstrap.php';

use xpaw\SourceQuery\SourceQuery;

// For the sake of this example
Header( 'Content-Type: text/html' );
Header( 'X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff' );

// Edit this ->
define( 'SQ_SERVER_ADDR', 'iphere' );
define( 'SQ_SERVER_PORT', 27015 );
define( 'SQ_TIMEOUT',     3 );
define( 'SQ_ENGINE',      SourceQuery::SOURCE );
// Edit this <-

$Query = new SourceQuery( );


    $info = $Query->GetInfo();

    /*echo "<h1>Players: ".$info['Players' 'MaxPlayers']."</h1>";
    echo "<h1>Max Players: ".$info['MaxPlayers']."<h1>"; */

echo "<p>Hostname: ".$info['HostName']."</p>";  
$players = $info['Players']; $maxplayers = $info['MaxPlayers']; echo "<p>Players: ".$players . " / " . $maxplayers."</p>";
echo "<p>Map: ".$info['Map']."</p>";
echo "<p>Port: ".$info['GamePort']."</p>";
echo "<p>Version: ".$info['Version']."</p>";
catch( Exception $e )
    echo $e->getMessage( );
    $Query->Disconnect( );

That's for one connection. It will not work with more, although you can do it, I've seen it done. Thank you in advance!  :happy-04:

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If you use this script with different values, so





Only the first will work but apparently using a foreach to house multiple connections into one script DOES work. I just don't know how to do that. Make more sense or am I being confusing?

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If you use this script with different values, so





Only the first will work but apparently using a foreach to house multiple connections into one script DOES work. I just don't know how to do that. Make more sense or am I being confusing?


Edit: Here, the first script overrides the second (at the bottom of the page where it says rustoria) https://www.ketzen.com/games/cs-go

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Simply throwing two scripts together will likely cause name collisions all over the place.


Use one script where you create multiple SourceQuery objects (assuming you want to connect to multiple servers). You can put the connection and processing code into a function, so that it's easy to repeat the actions.

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