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Code to display fields of a table


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The $_GET statement 'snags' the age from the url (ex: www.yoursite.com/view.php?age=7) and populates the variable name you've assigned to it which is $age. So...

$age = $_GET['age'];  snags the number 7 from the url and assigns that number as the value of $age.  Now, you need to use that variable in your mysql query like this:

$sql = "SELECT age, division, team FROM MyTable WHERE age='$age'";

Note the $age variable is in the WHERE clause. So, say you had a link on your page for each age like 7, 6 , 10, etc. then the query would simply snag the age from the url and display all people/members/whatevertheyare that have that age. The 'WHERE' clause filters out all the other results since it's looking for everyone (in this case) that is the age of 7.

Make sense?
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Well, if it's any inspiration to you... I didn't know up from scoot about 4 months ago. I practically lived here and read post after post learning all I could. Then I wrote 3 completely different styled scripts on my own with the help of these people that included everything from file uploading to IP banning. One was an entire website in PHP. It'll all make sense once you get the terminology down and the basic concepts of the core functions and database integration.

There's a load of great great sites with tutorials with each explaining it in their own way. I read through dozens of those to find the ones that explained it the way I could understand it. So, check those out and you'll learn faster.
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