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Getting file name from the url


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I am trying to get the filename extension from the URL. It works fine if the URL doesn't have parameters after the file name . Below is my code so far


$ext = parse_url($url);
$filename = pathinfo( parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_PATH ), PATHINFO_EXTENSION ); 
when i echo filename it just prints ch but i need to know the extension of filename like whether its php or .p or .js etc.
I would really appreciate any help on this.
Many Thanks,
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I'm not sure you understand how paths work. In the path


the filename is "ch", and there's no extension. If you're interested in the "test.php", that's not the filename. It's technically a directory.


It may be the case that your webserver accepts fantasy paths and transforms them to different paths. I think CGI had an obscure feature which allowed this. But you won't be able to process those fantasy paths with standard file functions.

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I think your only option is to create your own function to get the piece of data you need. This requires that you "know" what can and cannot exist in the URL. For example, if you know that a period cannot exist in the non-file elements you could determine it pretty simply. For example, is this something that would exist in your data:




If so, then perhaps you need logic to look for specific extensions. But,t hen you have to know all the possible extensions.


Building a customer function would not be difficult, but you have to know what is and is not possible in the values to be parsed so you can create the appropriate logic.

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