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[SOLVED] How to Delete checkboxes


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Hi everyone
I'm fairly new to php and having some difficulties figuring out how to delete checkboxes from Mysql. Here's my code below can some one help please.


$id= $_POST["id"];
$question= $_POST["question"];
$opt1= $_POST["opt1"];
$opt2= $_POST["opt2"];
$opt3= $_POST["opt3"];
$answer= $_POST["answer"];

$Query="INSERT into qtable (id,question,opt1,opt2,opt3,answer)
values ('$id','$question', '$opt1' , '$opt2', '$opt3' , '$answer')";

$result = mysql_query($Query) ;
    if (!$result)
    print ("Your information has been passed into current database!<BR>\n");
      } else {
    print ("The query could not be executed for inserting your data!<BR>");
$query = "SELECT * FROM qtable  ORDER BY id";
$result = mysql_query($query)
      or die ("Couldn't execute query for collecting your data.");

  /* Display results in a table */
print ("<TR ALIGN=CENTER onmouseover=blue>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><b><font color=red>No</font></TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><b><font color=red>Question</font></TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><b><font color=red>Option 1</font></TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><b><font color=red>Option 2</font></TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><b><font color=red>Option 3</font></TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><b><font color=red>Answer</font></TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><font color=blue size=2>Del/Edit</font></TD>\n");
print ("</TR>\n");
if ($result = mysql_query($query)) {    // see if any rows were returned
  if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))  {
print ("<TR ALIGN=CENTER >\n");
print( "<TD ALIGN=CENTER >$row[id]</TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER >$row[question]</TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER >$row[opt1]</TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER >$row[opt2]</TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER >$row[opt3]</TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER >$row[answer]</TD>\n");

print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><input type=checkbox name=delete value=\"$id\"></font></TD>\n");
print ("</tr>");
        } else {
        echo "Error in query: $query. ".mysql_error();  // print error message
print ("</TABLE>\n");   
echo "<input type=submit value=Delete >&nbsp";

$id= $_POST["id"];
if (isset($Delete)) {

$toDelete = implode(', ', $_POST['id']);
$query = "DELETE FROM `qtable` WHERE ID IN ($toDelete)";
if(mysql_query($query)) {
  echo 'Hooray, the filthy rows were deleted';
else echo 'Bad luck schmuck<br>' . mysql_error();
// close connection
?> [/code]
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You might try changing this line in your WHILE loop:

print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><input type=checkbox name=delete value=\"$id\"></font></TD>\n");

To this:

print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><input type='checkbox' name='delete' value='" . $row['id'] . "'></font></TD>\n");

That should populate your checkbox with the right value. Then your delete query should point to that in the WHERE clause.
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Well, a checkbox is a form element. It can't do anything on its own. In other words, the checkbox and submit button both need to be part of a form. Right now they aren't. Therefore the button doesn't do anything. This section here:


  /* Display results in a table */
print ("<TR ALIGN=CENTER onmouseover=blue>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><b><font color=red>No</font></TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><b><font color=red>Question</font></TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><b><font color=red>Option 1</font></TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><b><font color=red>Option 2</font></TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><b><font color=red>Option 3</font></TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><b><font color=red>Answer</font></TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><font color=blue size=2>Del/Edit</font></TD>\n");
print ("</TR>\n");
if ($result = mysql_query($query)) {    // see if any rows were returned
  if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))  {
print ("<TR ALIGN=CENTER >\n");
print( "<TD ALIGN=CENTER >$row[id]</TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER >$row[question]</TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER >$row[opt1]</TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER >$row[opt2]</TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER >$row[opt3]</TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER >$row[answer]</TD>\n");

print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><input type=checkbox name=delete value=\"$id\"></font></TD>\n");
print ("</tr>");
        } else {
        echo "Error in query: $query. ".mysql_error();  // print error message
print ("</TABLE>\n");   
echo "<input type=submit value=Delete >&nbsp";

needs to be inside a form tag. So, you'd echo the form tags ahead and at the end:

echo "<form action='youractioninfohere.php' method='post'>";
  /* Display results in a table */
print ("<TR ALIGN=CENTER onmouseover=blue>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><b><font color=red>No</font></TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><b><font color=red>Question</font></TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><b><font color=red>Option 1</font></TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><b><font color=red>Option 2</font></TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><b><font color=red>Option 3</font></TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><b><font color=red>Answer</font></TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><font color=blue size=2>Del/Edit</font></TD>\n");
print ("</TR>\n");
if ($result = mysql_query($query)) {    // see if any rows were returned
  if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))  {
print ("<TR ALIGN=CENTER >\n");
print( "<TD ALIGN=CENTER >$row[id]</TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER >$row[question]</TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER >$row[opt1]</TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER >$row[opt2]</TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER >$row[opt3]</TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER >$row[answer]</TD>\n");

print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><input type=checkbox name=delete value=\"$id\"></font></TD>\n");
print ("</tr>");
        } else {
        echo "Error in query: $query. ".mysql_error();  // print error message
print ("</TABLE>\n");   
echo "<input type=submit value=Delete >&nbsp";
echo "</form><br>\n";[/code]

By doing this the button will work. Note however that you need to have an 'action' statement that tells the form what to do.
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You were very right simcoweb I did need the form + my delete code wasn’t quite right, thanks to everyone who tried to help.  Here’s my final code what worked for me.


if($_POST['delete']) {
echo "<form action=quiz.php method=POST>";
foreach($_POST as $id) { // This will loop through the checked checkboxes
mysql_query("DELETE FROM qtable WHERE id='$id'"); // This deletes the record from the database
$errorString = "";
$id= $_POST["id"];
$question= $_POST["question"];
if (empty($question))
      $errorString =$errorString."<br>Question Field cannot be blank.";
$opt1= $_POST["opt1"];
if (empty($opt1))
      $errorString =$errorString."<br>Option 1 Field cannot be blank.";
$opt2= $_POST["opt2"];
if (empty($opt2))
      $errorString =$errorString."<br>Option 2 Field cannot be blank.";
$opt3= $_POST["opt3"];
if (empty($opt3))
      $errorString =$errorString."<br>Option 3 Field cannot be blank.";
$answer= $_POST["answer"];
if (empty($answer))
      $errorString =$errorString."<br>Answer Field cannot be blank.";
if (!empty($errorString))
        echo "There were some errors :<br>". $errorString;
    else //Otherwise, insert the data into database
$Query="INSERT into $table (id,question,opt1,opt2,opt3,answer)
values ('$id','$question', '$opt1' , '$opt2', '$opt3' , '$answer')";

$result = mysql_query($Query) ;
    if (!$result)
print ("Your information has been passed into current database!<BR>\n");
  } else {
print ("The query could not be executed for inserting your data!<BR>");
$query = "SELECT * FROM qtable  ORDER BY id";
$result = mysql_query($query)
      or die ("Couldn't execute query for collecting your data.");

<form name="action" id="action" method="post" action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>">

  /* Display results in a table */
print ("<TR ALIGN=CENTER onmouseover=blue>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><b><font color=red>No</font></TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><b><font color=red>Question</font></TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><b><font color=red>Option 1</font></TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><b><font color=red>Option 2</font></TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><b><font color=red>Option 3</font></TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><b><font color=red>Answer</font></TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><font color=blue size=2>Del/Edit</font></TD>\n");
print ("</TR>\n");
if ($result = mysql_query($query)) {    // see if any rows were returned
  if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
//while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))  {
print ("<TR ALIGN=CENTER >\n");
print( "<TD ALIGN=CENTER >$row[id]</TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER >$row[question]</TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER >$row[opt1]</TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER >$row[opt2]</TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER >$row[opt3]</TD>\n");
print ("<TD ALIGN=CENTER >$row[answer]</TD>\n");
//echo "<td><font size=2><a href=delete.php?id=".$row[id].">Del/
// <a href=edit.php?id=".$row[id].">Edit</a></font></td>";
<TD ALIGN=CENTER ><input type="checkbox" name="<?=$row[id]?>" id="<?=$row[id]?>" value="<?=$row[id]?>"/></TD>
print ("</tr>");
} else {
    echo "Error in query: $query. ".mysql_error();  // print error message
print ("</TABLE>\n");
<input type="submit" name="delete" id="delete" value="Delete Selected" onClick='alert("Are you sure ?")'/>
echo "</form><br>\n";
echo "<p><a href='quiz.html'>Would you like to create another question</a>";

// close connection
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