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Google OAuth2.0 Server to Server


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Hello fellow developers...


I am having a seriously difficult time trying to get this to work...

//OAuth - Here is what I am attempting to use:

//The Service I would like to connect to:


//What I have so far:

    require_once 'google/vendor/autoload.php';

    $client = new Google_Client();

    $server_root = str_replace("/public_html", "", $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);


    $client->setApplicationName("The App");


:/ I am not even sure this even remotely right...however the specific scope said I need to connect to OAuth2 first then call the service... and because it is a dashboard I am trying to create I figured it would be the service to service OAuth that I would need?

I am still pretty new to this...so any help would be extremely appreciated,,

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