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If statement displays for most, but not others


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I've got some code that works well until I hit Sept listing.

$sql = "SELECT * FROM LPV_boatSchedule ORDER BY syear, smonth, sday";
$result = $conn->query($sql);

if ($result->num_rows > 0) {

     // output data of each row
     while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
	echo "   
	  <tr valign\"top\" bgcolor=\"#FFD2A6\"> 
	   <td width=\"18%\"><font face=\"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=2>";
	    if ($row['smonth'] == 01){echo "January";} 
	    if ($row['smonth'] == 02){echo "February";} 
            if ($row['smonth'] == 03){echo "March";} 
	    if ($row['smonth'] == 04){echo "April";} 
	    if ($row['smonth'] == 05){echo "May";} 
	    if ($row['smonth'] == 06){echo "June";} 
	    if ($row['smonth'] == 07){echo "July";} 
	    if ($row['smonth'] == 08){echo "August";} 
	    if ($row['smonth'] == 09){echo "September";} 
	    if ($row['smonth'] == 10){echo "October";} 
	    if ($row['smonth'] == 11){echo "November";} 
	    if ($row['smonth'] == 12){echo "December";} 
	   echo  " $SDAY, $SYEAR</font></td>

Displays all months with their names EXCEPT August & September. Data is correct in the database. This has confounded me for days. Any suggestions as to the cause?

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Remove the 0's from the number values. A leading 0 implies octal notation so only digits 0-7 are valid. Hence O8 and O9 are not valid numbers.


Use DATE types instead of separate fields, then all that processing can be done simply within the query.


You can also use datetime objects to format the date as required with a single line of code.

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