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photo display mysql php


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I can upload a file to the server and mysql table using php
no problem

when I display the table using php, no photo, only photo name

any thoughts? 

here is the display code for this example...

include ("link.php");

if($query= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM inventory"))
  $num = mysql_num_rows($query); 
  die('There was an error with the query:<br>'.mysql_error());

if ($num == '0') {
echo "Nothing Exist.";
else {

<table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">
<td><font face=Arial>Stock#</font>
<td><font face=Arial>Year</font>
<td><font face=Arial>Make</font>
<td><font face=Arial>Model</font>
<td><font face=Arial>Price</font>
<td><font face=Arial>Miles</font>
<td><font face=Arial>Photo</font>

while ($info = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
$stock = $info['stock'];
$year = $info['year'];
$make = $info['make'];
$model = $info['model'];
$price = $info['price'];
$miles = $info['miles'];
$photo1 = $info['photo1'];
echo ("
<td> <font face=Arial>$stock</font>
<td> <font face=Arial>$year</font>
<td> <font face=Arial>$make</font>
<td> <font face=Arial>$model</font>
<td> <font face=Arial>$price</font>
<td> <font face=Arial>$miles</font>
<td> <font face=Arial>$photo1</font>

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How are you inserting the photo into the database. You cant just insert it into the database, it has to be read and THEN inserted. e.g:
[code] $filename = $_FILES["upload"]["name"];
$filetype = $_FILES["upload"]["type"];
$filesize = $_FILES["upload"]["size"];
$tmpname = $_FILES["upload"]["tmp_name"];

$open = fopen($tmpname,"r");
$file = fread($open, filesize($tmpname));
$file = addslashes($file);

$addtodb = "insert into uploads (name,type,size,upload) values ('$filename','$filetype','$filesize','$file')";[/code]
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I use this code to insert the file:

<title>Add Vehicle Form</title>

<form action="insert.php" method="post">
<td>Stock Number:</td><td><input type="varchar" name="stock" /></td>
<td>Year:</td><td><input type="tinyint" name="year" /></td>
<td>Make:</td><td><input type="text" name="make" /></td>
<td>Model:</td><td><input type="varchar" name="model" /></td>
<td>Price:</td><td><input type="tinyint" name="price" /></td>
<td>Miles:</td><td><input type="tinyint" name="miles" /></td>
<td>Photo1:</td><td><input type="file" name="photo1" /></td>

<input type="submit" />

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Presuming you want the photo where $photo1 is, and assuming that the database holds the link to the photo, this is what you need:
<img src=$photo1 alt=$model>

echo ("
<td> <font face=Arial>".$stock."</font>
<td> <font face=Arial>".$year."</font>
<td> <font face=Arial>".$make."</font>
<td> <font face=Arial>".$model."</font>
<td> <font face=Arial>".$price."</font>
<td> <font face=Arial>".$miles."</font>
<td> <font face=Arial><img src=".$photo1." alt=".$model.">
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Would you explain the 'database holds the link to the file' part?  I thought the database would hold the photo file, much like it holds other data.  I want to display using several sizes.  Is there a better method?

I guess to answer your question, yes, the photo1 cell holds the file I uploaded for the photo...thanks.

[quote author=Cagecrawler link=topic=118457.msg484049#msg484049 date=1166017510]
Presuming you want the photo where $photo1 is, and assuming that the database holds the link to the photo, this is what you need:
<img src=$photo1 alt=$model>

echo ("
<td> <font face=Arial>".$stock."</font>
<td> <font face=Arial>".$year."</font>
<td> <font face=Arial>".$make."</font>
<td> <font face=Arial>".$model."</font>
<td> <font face=Arial>".$price."</font>
<td> <font face=Arial>".$miles."</font>
<td> <font face=Arial><img src=".$photo1." alt=".$model.">
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I don't really have to store the photo in the database, and I think I'd be better off if I did not store it there, only the link.  That's what I'm confused about.  Where should I store the photo?  Simply in a file called photos, for example?  Then if it's in the same directory as the php code that 'calls' it, it works...

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