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Text Input to Variable then Variable to Array


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I have a form that asks for the users name and student number. Then in a separate script I going to test it against a txt file that looks like this: 


Jim Smith, 400424565
Sarah Hillier, 534712479
Jonathan Quinlan, 764134296
Keith Roberts, 123456789
Sarah Hillier, 200343656
Chloe Butler, 678123987
I am new to php so I am not sure where I went wrong. I keep getting warnings:

Notice: Undefined index: snumber in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/assignment1/enrolled.php on line 9

Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, string given in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/assignment1/enrolled.php on line 21




  $students = "student.txt"; // text file for students and student number

  //converting a string into a variable

  $name = $_POST["name"];
  $number = $_POST["snumber"];

//open student file and explode into an array

  $sfile = fopen($students, 'r+') or die ("Student file does not exist");

  while ($sline = fgets ($sfile)) {
    $list = explode(",", $sline);

    //test array against text input

    if (in_array($name, $list[0])) {

      if (in_array($number, $list[1])) {

        echo $name;
        echo $number;

      } // end of inner if

    } //end of outer if

  } // end of while


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I figured out what was wrong with the text name snumber. I forgot the equal sign on the html side of the form. 


Made the correction from list[1] to list. No errors. However without list[1] meaning the name how will it be compared to the txt file for name and number?

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I was having someone help me but they are confusing me more than anything. So I do apologize for the questions. I have the code reading the text file perfectly. However as soon as I include the else statement it outputs it 6 times which I know is because its within the while statement. However when I leave it out of the while statement and create a new if statement it will always show the form

if ($name != $list[0] && $number != $list[1]) {

    include 'index.php';
  while ($sline = fgets ($sfile)) {
    $list = explode(",",trim ($sline));

    //test array against text input

    if ($name == $list[0] && $number == $list[1]) {

      echo "Welcome $name $number";

    } else {

      include 'index.php';


  } // end of while


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