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New alt tag problem


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Hi Guys can anyone please help me with this alt tag problem I have please.


I have 12 auction on my site and each picture as no alt tag showing





<div class="auction_slot">

        <div class="pos" id="so_auction_<?=$rows->auc_id?>">

            <div class="auction_name"><a href="<?=site_url('auctions/'.url_title($rows->auc_id.'-'.$rows->product_name))?>" class="auction_name" title='<?=$rows->product_name?>'><?=$rows->product_name?></a></div>

            <a href="<?=site_url('auctions/'.url_title($rows->auc_id.'-'.$rows->product_name))?>" class="auction_img"><img src="<?=base_url()?>auction_images/<?=$rows->feat_pic?>" width="110" height="90" alt="<?=$rows->feat_pic?>"><?php //AUCTION_IMG_SRC($rows->feat_pic,'AUCTION');?></a>


This section is what I thought I would need to change  feat_pic


My database column name is alt_tag


Thanking ever one in advance

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