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Need to try and simplify my code possibly into two functions and I want to be able to use substr and strpos and store them into an array?


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Here's the code so far, essentially I want to. E able to take the text file that has numbers and commas and remove the commas, not happy with it would rather it be simpler in a away but with out the use of explode. Any help would be brilliant. Thank you






//linking table to form



//To print out student ID

echo "You have selected Student ID: $studentid <br />";



//define what the file equals to which is the students ID

$file = "$studentid.txt";


//Opening the selected files

$fileopen = fopen($file,'r') or die("Sorry, cannot open $file");



while (($buffer=fgets($fileopen,4096))!==false){

// echo $buffer."<br/>";



echo "Error:unexpected fgets() fail\n";






//remove all commas from txt file




for($i=0; $i<$count; $i++){



$stringlength = strlen($filearray[$i]);

$comma = strpos($filearray[$i], ",", $startnum);

$array[$i][0] = substr($filearray[$i], $startnum, $comma);



while ($j<$count-1){

$comma = strpos($filearray[$i], ",", $startnum);

$comma2 = strpos($filearray[$i], ",", $comma+1);

$sub = $comma2-$comma;

$num = substr($filearray[$i], $comma+1, $sub -1);

$startnum = $comma2;

$array[$i][$j]= $num;




$stop = $stringlength - $comma2;

$array[$i][$j] = substr ($filearray[$i], $comma2 + 1, $stop);



function array_transpose($filearray)


array_unshift($filearray, NULL);

return call_user_func_array('array_map', $filearray);



//table heading

echo"<h1>The Table</h1>";


//creating the rows and columns for the txt file

echo "<table border = 1 >";

for($row=0; $row<$count; $row++){

print "<tr>";


for($col=0; $col<$count; $col++){

print "<td>".$array[$row][$col]."</td>";



echo "</table>";




//table heading




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