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Exploded string from Db query


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I'm scratching my head, not really a coder just muddled my way through from the Internet but this one has got me puzzled.


from a db query:-


$var9=$row["Closed_Days"]; this is a varchar(30) in a db, its value is can be  sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat or any combination.


$days = explode("," $var9);
    $day1 = $days[0];
    $day2 = $days[1];
   $day3 = $days[2];
   $day4 = $days[3];
   $day5 = $days[4];
   $day6 = $days[5];
   $day7 = $days[6];


A user can input into the db from zero days to all days and the output is passed to a calendar/date picker to block any days when establishment isn't open. 


The output from the following is below:-

echo $day1;
echo $day2;
echo $day3;
echo $day4;
echo $day5;
echo $day6;
echo $day7;
echo "      ";
echo $days[0];
echo $days[1];
echo $days[2];
echo $days[3];
echo $days[4];
echo $days[5];
echo $days[6];



Gives the output " sunmontuewedthu sunmontuewedthufrisat"


$day6 and $day7 isn't being echoed yet they are in the array??


No matter what I do I can only get 5 of the seven  $days to pass to the calender.

Can't see what I'm doing wrong.



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That is a terrible way to store your data. Multiple values should not be stored in a single field. Instaead they should be stored in separate rows.

Rant over.

I am surprised your code executes at all - you have a syntax error in the first line (a missing comma)

$days = explode("," $var9);
                   comma missing

Make sure your error reporting level is set to E_ALL and that error reporting is on (in php.ini file). If some days are not specified your code fails because of undefined indexes in the array.

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