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Hello - I'm trying to determine rolling user retention.

I have a table called 'user' that contains the userId, and the date they created their account.

I have a second table, activity_log, that also has the userId, and the dates they had activity.

I'm looking for a count of userId's by month/year using the date their account was created. And then how many of those users were active a month from that date, then two months, then 3 months, etc. 

query 1 would look like: 

select count DATE_FORMAT(created, '%m %Y') AS DateCreated, userId
from user
where DATE(created) >= "2015-06-01" 

group by 1;

Query 2 would then count how many of those users, by month and year, subsequently had a date in the activity_log from the user.created date +1, +2, +3, +4, etc.

I've seen examples of this for SQL, by week, but I can't get it working in MySQL by month:

WITH by_week
  TD_DATE_TRUNC('week', login_time) AS login_week
  FROM logins
  GROUP BY 1, 2),
  FIRST_VALUE(login_week) OVER (PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY login_week) AS first_week
  FROM by_week),
  (login_week - first_week) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 7) AS week_number
  FROM with_first_week)
  TD_TIME_FORMAT(first_week, 'yyyy-MM-dd') AS first_week,
  SUM(CASE WHEN week_number = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS week_0,
  SUM(CASE WHEN week_number = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS week_1,
  SUM(CASE WHEN week_number = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS week_2,
  SUM(CASE WHEN week_number = 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS week_3,
  SUM(CASE WHEN week_number = 4 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS week_4,
  SUM(CASE WHEN week_number = 5 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS week_5,
  SUM(CASE WHEN week_number = 6 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS week_6,
  SUM(CASE WHEN week_number = 7 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS week_7,
  SUM(CASE WHEN week_number = 8 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS week_8,
  SUM(CASE WHEN week_number = 9 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS week_9
  FROM with_week_number
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Question: If a user joins in January and is active in February and April, is that

  • 3 months, because still active 3 months after joining?
  • 2 months because active in anly 2 of those following months?

The following assumes the former.


select * from user;                            select * from user_activity;
+---------+----------+------------+            +------------------+---------+-------------+
| user_id | username | created    |            | user_activity_id | user_id | date_active |
+---------+----------+------------+            +------------------+---------+-------------+
|       1 | Peter    | 2017-10-04 |            |                1 |       1 | 2017-10-04  |
|       2 | Paul     | 2018-03-01 |            |                2 |       1 | 2017-10-19  |
|       3 | Mary     | 2018-04-15 |            |                3 |       1 | 2017-11-03  |
|       4 | Jayne    | 2018-05-01 |            |                4 |       1 | 2017-11-18  |
|       5 | John     | 2018-06-14 |            |                5 |       2 | 2018-03-01  |
|       6 | Archie   | 2018-01-05 |            |                6 |       2 | 2018-03-16  |
|       7 | Barbara  | 2018-02-25 |            |                7 |       2 | 2018-03-31  |
|       8 | Carol    | 2018-01-26 |            |                8 |       2 | 2018-04-15  |
|       9 | Dave     | 2018-03-20 |            |                9 |       2 | 2018-04-30  |
|      10 | Ernie    | 2018-04-25 |            |               10 |       2 | 2018-05-15  |
+---------+----------+------------+            |               11 |       2 | 2018-05-30  |
                                               |               12 |       2 | 2018-06-14  |
                                               |               13 |       2 | 2018-06-29  |
                                               |               14 |       2 | 2018-07-14  |
                                               |               15 |       2 | 2018-07-29  |
                                               |               16 |       2 | 2018-08-13  |
                                               |               17 |       3 | 2018-04-15  |
                                               |               18 |       3 | 2018-04-30  |
                                               |               19 |       3 | 2018-05-15  |
                                               |               20 |       3 | 2018-05-30  |
                                               |               21 |       3 | 2018-06-14  |
                                               |               22 |       3 | 2018-06-29  |
                                               |               23 |       3 | 2018-07-14  |
                                               |               24 |       3 | 2018-07-29  |
                                               |               25 |       4 | 2018-05-01  |
                                               |               26 |       4 | 2018-05-16  |
                                               |               27 |       4 | 2018-05-31  |
                                               |               28 |       4 | 2018-06-15  |
                                               |               29 |       4 | 2018-06-30  |
                                               |               30 |       4 | 2018-07-15  |
                                               |               31 |       5 | 2018-06-14  |
                                               |               32 |       5 | 2018-06-29  |
                                               |               33 |       5 | 2018-07-14  |
                                               |               34 |       5 | 2018-07-29  |
                                               |               35 |       5 | 2018-08-13  |
                                               |               36 |       5 | 2018-08-28  |
                                               |               37 |       5 | 2018-09-12  |
                                               |               38 |       5 | 2018-09-27  |
                                               |               39 |       5 | 2018-10-12  |
                                               |               40 |       6 | 2018-01-05  |
                                               |               41 |       6 | 2018-01-20  |
                                               |               42 |       6 | 2018-02-04  |
                                               |               43 |       6 | 2018-02-19  |
                                               |               44 |       6 | 2018-03-06  |
                                               |               45 |       6 | 2018-03-21  |
                                               |               46 |       6 | 2018-04-05  |
                                               |               47 |       6 | 2018-04-20  |
                                               |               48 |       6 | 2018-05-05  |
                                               |               49 |       6 | 2018-05-20  |
                                               |               50 |       6 | 2018-06-04  |
                                               |               51 |       6 | 2018-06-19  |
                                               |               52 |       6 | 2018-07-04  |
                                               |               53 |       6 | 2018-07-19  |
                                               |               54 |       6 | 2018-08-03  |
                                               |               55 |       7 | 2018-02-25  |
                                               |               56 |       7 | 2018-03-12  |
                                               |               57 |       7 | 2018-03-27  |
                                               |               58 |       8 | 2018-01-26  |
                                               |               59 |       8 | 2018-02-10  |
                                               |               60 |       8 | 2018-02-25  |
                                               |               61 |       8 | 2018-03-12  |
                                               |               62 |       8 | 2018-03-27  |
                                               |               63 |       8 | 2018-04-11  |
                                               |               64 |       8 | 2018-04-26  |
                                               |               65 |       8 | 2018-05-11  |
                                               |               66 |       8 | 2018-05-26  |
                                               |               67 |       8 | 2018-06-10  |
                                               |               84 |       8 | 2018-07-27  |
                                               |               68 |       9 | 2018-03-20  |
                                               |               69 |       9 | 2018-04-04  |
                                               |               70 |       9 | 2018-04-19  |
                                               |               71 |       9 | 2018-05-04  |
                                               |               72 |       9 | 2018-05-19  |
                                               |               73 |       9 | 2018-06-03  |
                                               |               74 |       9 | 2018-06-18  |
                                               |               75 |       9 | 2018-07-03  |
                                               |               76 |       9 | 2018-07-18  |
                                               |               77 |       9 | 2018-08-02  |
                                               |               78 |      10 | 2018-04-25  |
                                               |               79 |      10 | 2018-05-10  |
                                               |               80 |      10 | 2018-05-25  |
                                               |               81 |      10 | 2018-06-09  |
                                               |               82 |      10 | 2018-06-24  |
                                               |               83 |      10 | 2018-07-09  |


SELECT months_active
     , COUNT(user_id) as num_users
      SELECT user_id
         , MAX(timestampdiff(MONTH, created, date_active)) as months_active
      FROM user u 
            INNER JOIN 
         user_activity a USING (user_id)
      GROUP BY user_id
      ) as retention
GROUP BY months_active; 


| months_active | num_users |
|             1 |         2 |
|             2 |         2 |
|             3 |         2 |
|             4 |         1 |
|             5 |         1 |
|             6 |         2 |


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Barand, thank you for the reply!

This is close, but what I'm looking for is:

Of the users created in June, how many of those were active in Month 1 (July)? How many of those users were active in Month 2 (August)? etc. through current date.

Of the users created in July, how many were active in their Month 1 (August)? How many of those users were active in their Month 2 (September)? etc. through current date. 

Etc. through current month of users created.

Essentially creating output I can use to populate a waterfall chart:

Month Created Month 0 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3
June 2 2 1 1
July 2 1 0 0
August 3 3 2 1
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This site looks to have what I need, but it uses SQL, and I don't have enough knowledge to turn it into MySQL language. All I know is that it doesn't work when I copy/paste, substituting my tables called user and activity_log   :(


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How about this? Same table but different (more) data


  ,created as date_joined
  ,GROUP_CONCAT(date_active SEPARATOR ', ') as active_dates
FROM user 
     user_activity using (user_id)
GROUP BY user_id

| user_id | date_joined | active_dates                                                                       |
|       1 | 2018-05-17  | 2018-05-17, 2018-06-17, 2018-07-17, 2018-08-17, 2018-09-17                         |
|       2 | 2018-05-24  | 2018-05-24, 2018-06-24, 2018-07-24                                                 |
|       3 | 2018-05-09  | 2018-05-09, 2018-06-09                                                             |
|       4 | 2018-05-10  | 2018-05-10, 2018-06-10, 2018-07-10, 2018-08-10, 2018-09-10, 2018-10-10, 2018-11-10 |
|       5 | 2018-05-10  | 2018-05-10, 2018-06-10                                                             |
|       6 | 2018-05-15  | 2018-05-15, 2018-06-15, 2018-07-15, 2018-08-15, 2018-09-15, 2018-10-15, 2018-11-15 |
|       7 | 2018-05-03  | 2018-05-03, 2018-06-03, 2018-07-03, 2018-08-03, 2018-09-03, 2018-10-03, 2018-11-03 |
|       8 | 2018-05-02  | 2018-05-02, 2018-06-02                                                             |
|       9 | 2018-05-27  | 2018-05-27, 2018-06-27, 2018-07-27, 2018-08-27, 2018-09-27, 2018-10-27             |
|      10 | 2018-05-23  | 2018-05-23, 2018-06-23, 2018-07-23, 2018-08-23, 2018-09-23, 2018-10-23             |
|      11 | 2018-06-04  | 2018-06-04, 2018-07-04, 2018-08-04, 2018-09-04, 2018-10-04, 2018-11-04             |
|      12 | 2018-06-17  | 2018-06-17, 2018-07-17, 2018-08-17                                                 |
|      13 | 2018-06-14  | 2018-06-14, 2018-07-14, 2018-08-14, 2018-09-14, 2018-10-14, 2018-11-14             |
|      14 | 2018-06-26  | 2018-06-26, 2018-07-26                                                             |
|      15 | 2018-06-06  | 2018-06-06, 2018-07-06                                                             |
|      16 | 2018-06-24  | 2018-06-24, 2018-07-24, 2018-08-24                                                 |
|      17 | 2018-06-16  | 2018-06-16, 2018-07-16, 2018-08-16, 2018-09-16, 2018-10-16, 2018-11-16             |
|      18 | 2018-06-17  | 2018-06-17, 2018-07-17, 2018-08-17, 2018-09-17, 2018-10-17, 2018-11-17             |
|      19 | 2018-06-20  | 2018-06-20, 2018-07-20, 2018-08-20, 2018-09-20                                     |
|      20 | 2018-06-10  | 2018-06-10, 2018-07-10, 2018-08-10, 2018-09-10, 2018-10-10, 2018-11-10             |
|      21 | 2018-07-08  | 2018-07-08, 2018-08-08, 2018-09-08                                                 |
|      22 | 2018-07-28  | 2018-07-28, 2018-08-28, 2018-09-28, 2018-10-28                                     |
|      23 | 2018-07-12  | 2018-07-12, 2018-08-12, 2018-09-12, 2018-10-12, 2018-11-12                         |
|      24 | 2018-07-28  | 2018-07-28, 2018-08-28, 2018-09-28, 2018-10-28                                     |
|      25 | 2018-07-06  | 2018-07-06, 2018-08-06                                                             |
|      26 | 2018-07-26  | 2018-07-26, 2018-08-26                                                             |
|      27 | 2018-07-20  | 2018-07-20, 2018-08-20, 2018-09-20, 2018-10-20, 2018-11-20                         |
|      28 | 2018-07-09  | 2018-07-09, 2018-08-09                                                             |
|      29 | 2018-07-13  | 2018-07-13, 2018-08-13, 2018-09-13, 2018-10-13, 2018-11-13                         |
|      30 | 2018-07-15  | 2018-07-15, 2018-08-15, 2018-09-15, 2018-10-15, 2018-11-15                         |
|      31 | 2018-08-12  | 2018-08-12, 2018-09-12, 2018-10-12, 2018-11-12                                     |
|      32 | 2018-08-07  | 2018-08-07, 2018-09-07, 2018-10-07, 2018-11-07                                     |
|      33 | 2018-08-18  | 2018-08-18, 2018-09-18, 2018-10-18, 2018-11-18                                     |
|      34 | 2018-08-15  | 2018-08-15, 2018-09-15, 2018-10-15, 2018-11-15                                     |
|      35 | 2018-08-26  | 2018-08-26, 2018-09-26, 2018-10-26                                                 |
|      36 | 2018-08-08  | 2018-08-08, 2018-09-08, 2018-10-08                                                 |
|      37 | 2018-08-22  | 2018-08-22, 2018-09-22, 2018-10-22, 2018-11-22                                     |
|      38 | 2018-08-06  | 2018-08-06, 2018-09-06, 2018-10-06, 2018-11-06                                     |
|      39 | 2018-08-01  | 2018-08-01, 2018-09-01                                                             |
|      40 | 2018-08-11  | 2018-08-11, 2018-09-11, 2018-10-11                                                 |


       monthname(created) as created
     , timestampdiff(MONTH, created, date_active) as duration
     , COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) as user_count
FROM user
     user_activity USING (user_id)
GROUP BY MONTH(created), duration;

| created      | duration | user_count |
| May          |        0 |         10 |
| May          |        1 |         10 |
| May          |        2 |          7 |
| May          |        3 |          6 |
| May          |        4 |          6 |
| May          |        5 |          5 |
| May          |        6 |          3 |
| June         |        0 |         10 |
| June         |        1 |         10 |
| June         |        2 |          8 |
| June         |        3 |          6 |
| June         |        4 |          5 |
| June         |        5 |          5 |
| July         |        0 |         10 |
| July         |        1 |         10 |
| July         |        2 |          7 |
| July         |        3 |          6 |
| July         |        4 |          4 |
| August       |        0 |         10 |
| August       |        1 |         10 |
| August       |        2 |          9 |
| August       |        3 |          6 |

Using php to run the query and format the output:


$res = $db->query("SELECT 
                           monthname(created) as created
                         , timestampdiff(MONTH, created, date_active) as duration
                         , COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) as user_count
                    FROM user
                           LEFT JOIN
                         user_activity USING (user_id)
                    WHERE created > CURDATE() - INTERVAL 1 YEAR
                    GROUP BY MONTH(created), duration"
$data = [];
$empty = array_fill_keys(range(0,11), '');        // empty array for each row
//  store data in array with same structure as required output
foreach ($res as $rec) {
    if ( !isset($data[$rec['created']])) {
        $data[$rec['created']] = $empty;
    $data[$rec['created']][$rec['duration']] = $rec['user_count'];

// generate the table output from the data array
$thead = '<tr><th>Date<br>Created</th>';
foreach (array_keys($empty) as $m) {
    $thead .= "<th>Month $m</th>";
$thead .= "</tr>\n";

$tdata = '';
foreach ($data as $month =>$users) {
    $tdata .= "<tr><td class='month'>$month</td><td>" . join('</td><td>', $users ) . "</td><tr>\n";
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="generator" content="PhpED 18.0 (Build 18044, 64bit)">
<meta name="author" content="Barand">
<meta name="creation-date" content="11/23/2018">
<style type='text/css'>
    table {
        font-family: verdana, sans-serif;
        font-size: 11pt;
        border-collapse: collapse;
    th {
        background-color: #369;
        color: white;
        padding: 5pt;
    td {
        text-align: center;
        padding: 8px;
    td.month {
        text-align: left;
        background-color: #C5F8F8;
<table border='1'>


RESULT (I'll leave the pretty gradient colours to you)



Edited by Barand
Correction to query to use COUNT(DISTINCT user_id)
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