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Hello all...

I do have really lots problems. If you help me out and tell what should I do step by step. I am gonna be pleasure.
I bought a book that teaches php. (It is php5) It is the first time for me to learn to build a website by using php.
In this book, it is telling what should I do and giving some links to load those (apache, php, zend optimizer, MySql, phpMyAdmin) down. ano telling the configuration after downloading. But, It fails somehow. I do not know why.

Moreover, The links for programmes are not working. I am giving an example, It says load apache down by using this link (http://nagoya.apache.org/mirror/httpd/binaries/win32/) Please tell me Where Can I Load Those Down (apache, php, zend optimizer, MySql, phpMyAdmin) and I do not know what are they to be of use? Please, explain one by one these programmes (apache (Why whe should use this), php (Why whe should use this), zend optimizer (Why whe should use this), MySql (Why whe should use this), phpMyAdmin (Why whe should use this).

I am using Windows XP Professional
I am looking forward your answers
Thank You all...
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I am not going to bother giving you the links to each of the programs simply because if you do a Google search for each, it will be the top result. However, I will explain what each of them does.

[*]Apache serves all of your files so that they can be accessible from your intranet and the internet;
[*]PHP parses your files so that .php files can be run;
[*]Zend Optimizer makes your pages load quicker;
[*]MySQL is a database tool so that you can store data within databases;
[*]phpMyAdmin is a tool for you to graphically administer your databases without the need for any code.

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Hello Again

I have set xxamp. I tried to load apache lots of times and it failed now it fails one mora time. I know why, I checked the services and I see 2 apache services there. because of first one it fails repeatedly. How I can remove from services look at the picteru you well get my problem well
N am sure because of first apache it fails when I set I should remove it but do not hnow how to romove
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ok, dependant on what or where you have downloaded the original programs from will depend on if there is an unistaller, if there is then use add remove programs from the control panel and remove everything you have tried to install and then 'start again'.

Else, you can edit the services, first double click on the apache services this will bring up the options box, stop the service and then set it to manual.

This will allow you to load and start the new apache server. The other services will remain untill you find an uninstaller and remove them.
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