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Can anyone show me how to display 'filesize' & 'duration' from my MP3s?


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I'm constructing an Mp3 player for my site that is fed it's songlist dynamically through the xml.php. All I need in the script is a way to get the 'filesize' and 'duration' from the songs, and output them in the XML rendering section of the PHP file.

I was just wondering if it is possible to do this with a few lines of code, rather than implement a whole ID3 class into my script. I don't yet know enough to rip the classes apart and take the functions that I need out. So if anyone here may have a no nonsense, lightweight approach for me, I would love to see it and try it out.

The urls where the physical MP3 files reside are listed in the script here.
I placed ?????? in the XML area for the 'filesize'&'duration' variables.
Many thanks to responders. 
header("Cache-control: private");
if (!$_SESSION['email']) {
    echo "You aren't logged in.";
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
echo "<songs>\n";
echo "<song artist='" . $_SESSION['username'] . "' title='" . $_SESSION['songtitle_1'] . "' duration='" . $_SESSION['????????'] . "' filesize='" . $_SESSION['????????'] . "' url='../user_files/song1/" . $_SESSION['song_1'] . "' />\n";

echo "<song artist='" . $_SESSION['username'] . "' title='" . $_SESSION['songtitle_2'] . "' duration='" . $_SESSION['????????'] . "' filesize='" . $_SESSION['????????'] . "' url='../user_files/song2/" . $_SESSION['song_2'] . "' />\n";

echo "<song artist='" . $_SESSION['username'] . "' title='" . $_SESSION['songtitle_3'] . "' duration='" . $_SESSION['????????'] . "' filesize='" . $_SESSION['????????'] . "' url='../user_files/song3/" . $_SESSION['song_3'] . "' />\n";

echo "<song artist='" . $_SESSION['username'] . "' title='" . $_SESSION['songtitle_4'] . "' duration='" . $_SESSION['????????'] . "' filesize='" . $_SESSION['????????'] . "' url='../user_files/song4/" . $_SESSION['song_4'] . "' />\n";

echo "<song artist='" . $_SESSION['username'] . "' title='" . $_SESSION['songtitle_5'] . "' duration='" . $_SESSION['????????'] . "' filesize='" . $_SESSION['????????'] . "' url='../user_files/song5/" . $_SESSION['song_5'] . "' />\n";

echo "</songs>\n";
And this is the XML it renders:
  <?xml version="1.0" ?>
- <songs>
  <song artist="Allison" title="Midnight Ride" duration="???????" filesize="???????" url="../user_files/song1/16.mp3" />
  <song artist="Allison" title="Almost Me Again" duration="???????" filesize="???????" url="../user_files/song2/16.mp3" />
  <song artist="Allison" title="Hope you Live" duration="???????" filesize="???????" url="../user_files/song3/16.mp3" />
  <song artist="Allison" title="Midnight Ride" duration="???????" filesize="???????" url="../user_files/song4/16.mp3" />
  <song artist="Allison" title="punched a hole in it" duration="???????" filesize="???????" url="../user_files/song5/16.mp3" />
The member's various mp3s all have the same name, just spread to 5 different folders.
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no... thats inside out ;-)
echo "<song artist='" . $_SESSION['username'] . "' title='" . $_SESSION['songtitle_1'] . "' duration='" . $_SESSION['????????'] . "' filesize='" . filesize($_SESSION['filepath']) . "' url='../user_files/song1/" . $_SESSION['song_1'] . "' />\n";
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OK, here is the solution I created for finding MP3 file sizes(tried a few different file types, and they all worked txt,php,html)

// this line puts the file into variable($filename) from it's url location

$filename = '../../user_files/song3/' . $_SESSION['song_3'] . '';

//  XML rendering

echo "<song artist='" . $_SESSION['username'] . "' title='" . $_SESSION['songtitle_1'] . "' duration='" . $_SESSION['song1time'] . "' filesize='" . filesize($filename) . "' url='../user_files/song1/" . $_SESSION['song_1'] . "' />\n";


Now that that's out of the way, does anybody know how to determine MP3 "duration" or "playtime"? It is the last bit of coding I need for the player.

Would it work in the same fashion as filesize? I'll go lookin'
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