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Counter Help


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Hello everyone! I have a code that displays my graphics and I'd like to add a downloads/previews counter. Here's the code:


//MySQL connection variables
$connection = mysql_connect($host,$user,$password)
or die ("couldn't connect to server"); $db = mysql_select_db($database,$connection)
or die ("Couldn't select database");

//Which mySQL table to select from and in what order
$query = "select * from `layouts` order by id desc";

$result = mysql_query($query, $connection) or die ("Could not execute query : $query ." . mysql_error());
$rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
if ($rows=="0") { echo "No layouts found."; }

//Gets and assigns variables to array
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

//Prints out results
echo "<table id=\"box_top\"><tr>

<table id=\"box\">
<td valign=\"top\">
<img src=\"$previewimage\" width=\"160\" height=\"110\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\">
<td valign=\"top\" width=\"170\">
<b>Added</b>: $date
<br><b>Type</b>: $type
<br><b>Size</b>: $size
<br><b>Designer</b>: <a href=\"$artisturl\" target=\"_blank\">$artist</a>
<br><b>Previews</b>: $pcounter
<br><b>Downloads</b>: $dcounter
<a href=\"$preview\"><b>Preview</b></a> &nbsp; <a href=\"$download\"><b>Download</b></a>


$pcounter and $dcounter should display the number of the downloads, but the thing is I don't have the code that adds 1 to the database when I link is clicked. Sorry if this is confusing! Can someone help me with this?
And sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong forum.
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You might need to write a function to display the image when someone clicks on it. So that PHP (javascript i guess could do it too) pass a variable to the database to increment the counter.

I have not really done one for images but I have done one similar for downloads.  I created a download.php script that would take the file's id as an argument.

<a href="downloadFile.php&id=234">Download File</a>

Then I would need to set up a function for presenting the file to the user and handle the header and database items

if(isset($_GET['uid'])) {
// Filename are stored by their file_id in the fw/ directory
$uid = $_GET['uid'];
$message = "";
$qry = "SELECT file_name, file_type, file_size, downloads FROM support_files WHERE file_id = '{$uid}'";
$result = mysql_query($qry) or die ("MySQL Error: <br />{$qry} <br />". mysql_error());

list($fn, $ft, $fs, $dl) = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$extension = explode('.', $fn);
$the_file = "fw/{$uid}.{$extension[1]}";

//echo "<p>{$the_file}</p>";
if(file_exists($the_file)) {
if(filesize($the_file) == $fs) {
$dl++;  // This is what I use to increment the number of downloads
$qry = "UPDATE support_files SET downloads = '{$dl}' WHERE file_id = '{$uid}'";
$query = mysql_query($qry) or die ("MySQL Error: <br />{$qry}<br />". mysql_error());

                        // Need to pass the proper header to serve the file to the client
header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
header("Content-Type: {$ft}");
header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename={$fn}");
header("Content-Length: {$fs}");
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");

                        // Send the file to the user!

                        // Exit the rest of script
} else {
$message .= "<p>The file size is incorrect. Please notify the
<a href=\"mailto:support@.com\">Support</a> team about this.</p>\n";
} else {
$message .= "<p>That file could not be located.  Please notify the
<a href=\"mailto:support@.com\">Support</a> team about this.</p>";

Not a great explaination but I can try and explain aspects of if for you. It should give you a bit of an idea though :)

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Thank you so much! I have another question though, I'm using fclick and my download link looks like this: fclick/fclick.php?1 (1 is the id of the link) and fclick gives me good statistics so I'd like to keep it, but to show the number of the downloads it uses javascript: <script type="text/javascript" src="fclick/show.php?js&id=1"></script> and I don't know to insert this in the code, so I'm wondering if I can somehow keep the link fclick/fclick.php?1 and have another script that will count the downloads? Sorry, if this is confusing!
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On the show.php script you still pass the id of the image. 

You can modify the show.php script to use [code=php:0] $_GET['id'][/code] to pull the value from it and then query for how many downloads have been done:
SELECT downloads FROM myImages WHERE id = '{$_GET['id']}'

Increment the value it returns and update the database
UPDATE myImages SET downloads = '{$newDownloadValue}' WHERE id = '{$_GET['id']}'

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Oh, I guess I forgot to say that I'm very new to php. *blush* Alright, I saved the first code you posted as download.php, now what should I add to my links?

Also, show.php, should I put the same code in that file and save it as show.php? And where do I put these lines of code:

[code]SELECT downloads FROM myImages WHERE id = '{$_GET['id']}'[/code]


[code]UPDATE myImages SET downloads = '{$newDownloadValue}' WHERE id = '{$_GET['id']}'[/code]

I guess all of you here are professional php programmers and I'm such a pest. Sorry! I just want to get this freakin' code to work! >.<
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