XCalibre1 Posted June 21, 2023 Share Posted June 21, 2023 You must have cookies enabled to login. I get this error when trying to log into a calendar, but my cookies are to accept all cookies. This is the Calendar.php There are no cookies going to the calendar, there is just the login feature so anyone with Admin status can login to make changes. <script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js"></script> <?php if ( !defined('IN_PHPC') ) { die("Hacking attempt"); } require_once("$phpc_includes_path/Gettext_PHP.php"); require_once("$phpc_includes_path/html.php"); require_once("$phpc_includes_path/util.php"); // Displayed in admin $phpc_version = "2.0.10"; /** * @param string $msg * @return string */ function __($msg) { global $phpc_gettext; if (empty($phpc_gettext)) return $msg; return $phpc_gettext->gettext($msg); } /** * @param string $context * @param string $msg * @return string */ function __p($context, $msg) { global $phpc_gettext; return $phpc_gettext->pgettext($context, $msg); } // checks global variables to see if the user is logged in. /** * @return bool */ function is_user() { global $phpc_user; return $phpc_user->uid > 0; } /** * @return bool */ function is_admin() { global $phpc_user; return $phpc_user->admin; } /** * @param string $username * @param string $password * @return bool */ function login_user($username, $password) { global $phpcdb; $user = $phpcdb->get_user_by_name($username); if(!$user || $user->password !== md5($password)) return false; phpc_do_login($user); return true; } /** * @param PhpcUser $user * @param bool $series_token * @return bool */ function phpc_do_login($user, $series_token = false) { global $phpcdb, $phpc_prefix; $uid = $user->uid; $login_token = phpc_get_token(); $_SESSION["{$phpc_prefix}uid"] = $uid; $_SESSION["{$phpc_prefix}login"] = $login_token; if(!$series_token) { $series_token = phpc_get_token(); $phpcdb->add_login_token($uid, $series_token, $login_token); } else { $phpcdb->update_login_token($uid, $series_token, $login_token); } // TODO: Add a remember me checkbox to the login form, and have the // cookies expire at the end of the session if it's not checked // expire credentials in 30 days. $expiration_time = time() + 30 * 24 * 60 * 60; phpc_set_cookie("{$phpc_prefix}uid", $uid, $expiration_time); phpc_set_cookie("{$phpc_prefix}login", $login_token, $expiration_time); phpc_set_cookie("{$phpc_prefix}login_series", $series_token, $expiration_time); return true; } function phpc_do_logout() { global $phpc_prefix; session_destroy(); $past_time = time() - 3600; phpc_set_cookie("{$phpc_prefix}uid", "", $past_time); phpc_set_cookie("{$phpc_prefix}login", "", $past_time); phpc_set_cookie("{$phpc_prefix}login_series", "", $past_time); } // returns tag data for the links at the bottom of the calendar /** * @return Html */ function footer() { global $phpc_url, $phpc_tz, $phpc_lang; $tag = tag('div', attributes('class="phpc-bar ui-widget-content"'), "[" . __('Language') . ": $phpc_lang]" . " [" . __('Timezone') . ": $phpc_tz]"); if(defined('PHPC_DEBUG')) { $tag->add(tag('a', attributes('href="http://validator.w3.org/check?url=' . phpc_html_escape(rawurlencode($phpc_url)) . '"'), 'Validate HTML')); $tag->add(tag('a', attributes('href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer"'), 'Validate CSS')); } return $tag; } /** * @return array */ function get_languages() { global $phpc_locale_path; static $langs; if(!empty($langs)) return $langs; // create links for each existing language translation $handle = opendir($phpc_locale_path); if(!$handle) soft_error("Error reading locale directory."); $langs = array('en'); while(($filename = readdir($handle)) !== false) { $pathname = "$phpc_locale_path/$filename"; if(strncmp($filename, ".", 1) == 0 || !is_dir($pathname)) continue; if(file_exists("$pathname/LC_MESSAGES/messages.mo")) $langs[] = $filename; } closedir($handle); return $langs; } /** * @return int */ function day_of_week_start() { global $phpc_cal; return $phpc_cal->week_start; } // returns the number of days in the week before the // taking into account whether we start on sunday or monday /** * @param int $month * @param int $day * @param int $year * @return int */ function day_of_week($month, $day, $year) { return day_of_week_ts(mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year)); } // returns the number of days in the week before the // taking into account whether we start on sunday or monday /** * @param int $timestamp * @return int */ function day_of_week_ts($timestamp) { $days = date('w', $timestamp); return ($days + 7 - day_of_week_start()) % 7; } // returns the number of days in $month /** * @param int $month * @param int $year * @return false|string */ function days_in_month($month, $year) { return date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year)); } //returns the number of weeks in $month function weeks_in_month($month, $year) { $days = days_in_month($month, $year); // days not in this month in the partial weeks $days_before_month = day_of_week($month, 1, $year); $days_after_month = 6 - day_of_week($month, $days, $year); // add up the days in the month and the outliers in the partial weeks // divide by 7 for the weeks in the month return ($days_before_month + $days + $days_after_month) / 7; } // return the week number corresponding to the $day. function week_of_year($month, $day, $year) { $timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year); // week_start = 1 uses ISO 8601 and contains the Jan 4th, // Most other places the first week contains Jan 1st // There are a few outliers that start weeks on Monday and use // Jan 1st for the first week. We'll ignore them for now. if(day_of_week_start() == 1) { $year_contains = 4; // if the week is in December and contains Jan 4th, it's a week // from next year if($month == 12 && $day - 24 >= $year_contains) { $year++; $month = 1; $day -= 31; } } else { $year_contains = 1; } // $day is the first day of the week relative to the current month, // so it can be negative. If it's in the previous year, we want to use // that negative value, unless the week is also in the previous year, // then we want to switch to using that year. if($day < 1 && $month == 1 && $day > $year_contains - 7) { $day_of_year = $day - 1; } else { $day_of_year = date('z', $timestamp); $year = date('Y', $timestamp); } /* Days in the week before Jan 1. */ $days_before_year = day_of_week(1, $year_contains, $year); // Days left in the week $days_left = 8 - day_of_week_ts($timestamp) - $year_contains; /* find the number of weeks by adding the days in the week before * the start of the year, days up to $day, and the days left in * this week, then divide by 7 */ return ($days_before_year + $day_of_year + $days_left) / 7; } function year_of_week_of_year($month, $day, $year) { $timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year); // week_start = 1 uses ISO 8601 and contains the Jan 4th, // Most other places the first week contains Jan 1st // There are a few outliers that start weeks on Monday and use // Jan 1st for the first week. We'll ignore them for now. if(day_of_week_start() == 1) { $year_contains = 4; // if the week is in December and contains Jan 4th, it's a week // from next year if($month == 12 && $day - 24 >= $year_contains) { return $year + 1; } } else { return $year; } // $day is the first day of the week relative to the current month, // so it can be negative. If it's in the previous year, we want to use // that negative value, unless the week is also in the previous year, // then we want to switch to using that year. if($day < 1 && $month == 1 && $day > $year_contains - 7) { return $year; } else { return date('Y', $timestamp); } } function create_event_link($text, $action, $eid, $attribs = false) { return create_action_link($text, $action, array('eid' => $eid), $attribs); } function create_occurrence_link($text, $action, $oid, $attribs = false) { return create_action_link($text, $action, array('oid' => $oid), $attribs); } function create_action_link_with_date($text, $action, $year = false, $month = false, $day = false, $attribs = false) { $args = array(); if($year !== false) $args["year"] = $year; if($month !== false) $args["month"] = $month; if($day !== false) $args["day"] = $day; return create_action_link($text, $action, $args, $attribs); } /** * @param $action * @param bool $year * @param bool $month * @param bool $day * @param array $args * @return string */ function create_action_url($action, $year = false, $month = false, $day = false, $args = array()) { global $phpc_script, $vars; if($year !== false) $args["year"] = $year; if($month !== false) $args["month"] = $month; if($day !== false) $args["day"] = $day; $url ="".$phpc_script."?"; if(isset($vars["phpcid"])) $url .= "phpcid=" . phpc_html_escape($vars["phpcid"]) . "&"; $url .= "action=" . phpc_html_escape($action); foreach ($args as $key => $value) { if (empty($value)) continue; if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $v) { $url .= "&" . phpc_html_escape("{$key}[]=$v"); } } else $url .= "&" . phpc_html_escape("$key=$value"); } return $url; } /** * @param string $text * @param string $action * @param string[] $args * @param bool|AttributeList $attribs * @return Html */ function create_action_link($text, $action, $args = array(), $attribs = false) { global $phpc_script, $vars; $url = "href=\"$phpc_script?"; if(isset($vars["phpcid"])) $url .= "phpcid=" . phpc_html_escape($vars["phpcid"]) . "&"; $url .= "action=" . phpc_html_escape($action); foreach ($args as $key => $value) { if (empty($value)) continue; if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $v) { $url .= "&" . phpc_html_escape("{$key}[]=$v"); } } else $url .= "&" . phpc_html_escape("$key=$value"); } $url .= '"'; if($attribs !== false) { $as = attributes($url, $attribs); } else { $as = attributes($url); } return tag('a', $as, $text); } // takes a menu $html and appends an entry /** * @param Html $html * @param string $name * @param string $action * @param string[] $args * @param bool|AttributeList $attribs */ function menu_item_append(&$html, $name, $action, $args = array(), $attribs = false) { $name=str_replace(' ',' ',$name); /*not breaking space on menus*/ if(!is_object($html)) { soft_error('Html is not a valid Html class.'); } $html->add(create_action_link($name, $action, $args, $attribs)); $html->add("\n"); } // takes a menu $html and appends an entry with the date /** * @param Html $html * @param string $name * @param string $action * @param bool|int $year * @param bool|int $month * @param bool|int $day * @param bool|AttributeList $attribs */ function menu_item_append_with_date(&$html, $name, $action, $year = false, $month = false, $day = false, $attribs = false) { $name = str_replace(' ',' ',$name); if(!is_object($html)) { soft_error('Html is not a valid Html class.'); } $html->add(create_action_link_with_date($name, $action, $year, $month, $day, $attribs)); $html->add("\n"); } // same as above, but prepends the entry /** * @param Html $html * @param string $name * @param string $action * @param string[] $args * @param bool|AttributeList $attribs */ function menu_item_prepend(&$html, $name, $action, $args = array(), $attribs = false) { if(!is_object($html)) { soft_error('Html is not a valid Html class.'); } $html->prepend("\n"); $html->prepend(create_action_link($name, $action, $args, $attribs)); } // creates a hidden input for a form // returns tag data for the input /** * @param string $name * @param mixed $value * @return Html */ function create_hidden($name, $value) { return tag('input', attributes("name=\"$name\"", "value=\"$value\"", 'type="hidden"')); } // creates a submit button for a form // return tag data for the button /** * @param mixed $value * @return Html */ function create_submit($value) { return tag('input', attributes('name="submit"', "value=\"$value\"", 'type="submit"')); } /** * creates a text entry for a form * returns tag data for the entry * * @param string $name * @param mixed $value * @return Html */ function create_text($name, $value = false) { $attributes = attributes("name=\"$name\"", "id=\"$name\"", 'type="text"'); if($value !== false) { $attributes->add("value=\"$value\""); } return tag('input', $attributes); } // creates a password entry for a form // returns tag data for the entry /** * @param string $name * @return Html */ function create_password($name) { return tag('input', attributes("name=\"$name\"", "id=\"$name\"", 'type="password"')); } // creates a checkbox for a form // returns tag data for the checkbox /** * @param string $name * @param mixed $value * @param bool $checked * @param bool|string $label * @return array|Html */ function create_checkbox($name, $value, $checked = false, $label = false) { $attributes = attributes("id=\"$name\"", "name=\"$name\"", 'type="checkbox"', "value=\"$value\""); if(!empty($checked)) $attributes->add('checked="checked"'); $input = tag('input', $attributes); if($label !== false) return array($input, tag('label', attributes("for=\"$name\""), $label)); else return $input; } // $title - string or html element displayed by default // $values - Array of URL => title // returns an html structure for a dropdown box that will change the page // to the URL from $values when an element is selected /** * @param mixed $title * @param mixed $values * @return Html */ function create_dropdown_list($title, $values) { $list = tag('ul'); foreach($values as $key => $value) { $list->add(tag('li', tag('a', attrs("href=\"$key\""), $value))); } return tag('span', attrs('class="phpc-dropdown-list"'), tag('span', attrs('class="phpc-dropdown-list-header"'), tag('span', attrs('class="phpc-dropdown-list-title"'), $title)), $list); } // creates the user menu // returns tag data for the menu /** * @return Html */ function userMenu() { global $action, $phpc_user; $welcome = __('Welcome') . ' ' . $phpc_user->username; $span = tag('span'); $html = tag('div', attributes('class="phpc-logged ui-widget-content"'), $welcome, $span); if($action != 'settings') menu_item_append($span, __('Settings'), 'settings'); if(is_user()) { menu_item_append($span, __('Log out'), 'logout', array('lasturl' => phpc_html_escape(rawurlencode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])))); } else { menu_item_append($span, __('Log in'), 'login', array('lasturl' => phpc_html_escape(rawurlencode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])))); } return $html; } // creates the navbar for the top of the calendar // returns tag data for the navbar /** * @return Html */ function navbar() { global $action, $year, $month, $day, $phpc_cal; $html = tag('div', attributes('class="phpc-bar ui-widget-header"')); $args = array('year' => $year, 'month' => $month, 'day' => $day); if($phpc_cal->can_write() && $action != 'add') { menu_item_append($html, __('Add Event'), 'event_form', $args); } if($action != 'search') { menu_item_append($html, __('Search'), 'search', $args); } if($action != 'display_month') { menu_item_append($html, __('View Month'), 'display_month', $args); } if($action == 'display_event') { menu_item_append($html, __('View date'), 'display_day', $args); } if($phpc_cal->can_admin() && $action != 'cadmin') { menu_item_append($html, __('Calendar Admin'), 'cadmin'); } if(is_admin() && $action != 'admin') { menu_item_append($html, __('Admin'), 'admin'); } return $html; } // creates an array from $start to $end, with an $interval /** * @param int $start * @param int $end * @param int $interval * @param mixed $display * @return array */ function create_sequence($start, $end, $interval = 1, $display = false) { $arr = array(); for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i += $interval){ if($display) { $arr[$i] = call_user_func($display, $i); } else { $arr[$i] = $i; } } return $arr; } /** * @return array */ function get_config_options() { static $options = NULL; if($options === NULL) { $options = init_config_options(); } return $options; } /** * @return array */ function init_config_options() { $languages = array("" => __("Default")); foreach(get_languages() as $language) { $languages[$language] = $language; } // name, text, type, value(s) return array( array('week_start', __('Week Start'), PHPC_DROPDOWN, array( 0 => __('Sunday'), 1 => __('Monday'), 6 => __('Saturday') )), array('hours_24', __('24 Hour Time'), PHPC_CHECK), array('title', __('Calendar Title'), PHPC_TEXT), array('subject_max', __('Maximum Subject Length'), PHPC_TEXT, 50), array('events_max', __('Events Display Daily Maximum'), PHPC_TEXT, 8), array('anon_permission', __('Public Permissions'), PHPC_DROPDOWN, array( __('Cannot read nor write events'), __('Can read but not write events'), __('Can create but not modify events'), __('Can create and modify events') ) ), array('timezone', __('Default Timezone'), PHPC_MULTI_DROPDOWN, get_timezone_list()), array('language', __('Default Language'), PHPC_DROPDOWN, $languages), array('date_format', __('Date Format'), PHPC_DROPDOWN, get_date_format_list()), array('theme', __('Theme'), PHPC_DROPDOWN, get_theme_list()), ); } /** * @return array */ function get_theme_list() { $themes = array('base', 'black-tie', 'blitzer', 'cupertino', 'dark-hive', 'dot-luv', 'eggplant', 'excite-bike', 'flick', 'hot-sneaks', 'humanity', 'le-frog', 'mint-choc', 'overcast', 'pepper-grinder', 'redmond', 'smoothness', 'south-street', 'start', 'sunny', 'swanky-purse', 'trontastic', 'ui-darkness', 'ui-lightness', 'vader'); $theme_list = array(NULL => __('Default')); foreach($themes as $theme) { $theme_list[$theme] = $theme; } return $theme_list; } /** * @return array */ function get_timezone_list() { $timezones = array(); $timezones[__("Default")] = ""; foreach(timezone_identifiers_list() as $timezone) { $sp = explode("/", $timezone, 2); $continent = $sp[0]; if(empty($sp[1])) { $timezones[$continent] = $timezone; } else { $area = $sp[1]; if(empty($timezones[$continent])) $timezones[$continent] = array(); $timezones[$continent][$timezone] = $area; } } return $timezones; } /** * @return array */ function get_date_format_list() { return array( __("Month Day Year"), __("Year Month Day"), __("Day Month Year")); } /** * @return Html */ function display_phpc() { global $phpc_messages, $phpc_redirect, $phpc_script, $phpc_prefix, $phpc_home_url, $phpc_cal, $phpcdb; $navbar = false; try { $content = do_action(); $navbar = navbar(); if(sizeof($phpc_messages) > 0) { $messages = tag('div', attrs('class="phpc-message"')); foreach($phpc_messages as $message) { $messages->add($message); } // If we're redirecting, the messages might not get // seen, so don't clear them if(empty($phpc_redirect)) $_SESSION[$phpc_prefix . 'messages'] = null; } else { $messages = ''; } $list = array(); foreach($phpcdb->get_calendars() as $calendar) { if($calendar->can_read()) { $list[$phpc_home_url . '?phpcid=' . $calendar->get_cid()] = $calendar->get_title(); } } return tag('div', attributes('class="php-calendar ui-widget"'), userMenu(), tag('br', attrs('style="clear:both;"')), tag('h1', attrs('class="ui-widget-header"'), create_dropdown_list(tag('a', attrs("href='$phpc_home_url?phpcid={$phpc_cal->get_cid()}'", 'class="phpc-dropdown-list-title"'), $phpc_cal->get_title()), $list)), $navbar, $messages, $content, footer()); } catch(PermissionException $e) { $results = tag(''); // TODO: make navbar show if there is an error in do_action() if($navbar !== false) $results->add($navbar); $msg = __('You do not have permission to do that: ') . $e->getMessage(); $results->add(tag('div', attrs('class="phpc-message ui-state-error"'), $msg)); if(is_user()) return $results; else return message_redirect($msg, "$phpc_script?action=login"); } catch(Exception $e) { $results = tag(''); if($navbar !== false) $results->add($navbar); $results->add(tag('div', attrs('class="phpc-main"'), tag('h2', __('Error')), tag('p', $e->getMessage()), tag('h3', __('Backtrace')), tag('pre', phpc_html_escape($e->getTraceAsString())))); return $results; } } /** * @return mixed */ function do_action() { global $action, $phpc_includes_path; $action_file = "$phpc_includes_path/$action.php"; if(!preg_match('/^\w+$/', $action) || !file_exists($action_file)) soft_error(__('Invalid action')); require_once($action_file); $action_output = call_user_func($action); return $action_output; } // takes a number of the month, returns the name /** * @param int $month * @return string */ function month_name($month) { global $month_names; $month = ($month - 1) % 12 + 1; return $month_names[$month]; } //takes a day number of the week, returns a name (0 for the beginning) /** * @param int $day * @return string */ function day_name($day) { global $day_names; $day = $day % 7; return $day_names[$day]; } /** * @param int $month * @return string */ function short_month_name($month) { global $short_month_names; $month = ($month - 1) % 12 + 1; return $short_month_names[$month]; } function verify_token() { global $vars, $phpc_token; if(!is_user()) return; if(empty($vars["phpc_token"]) || $vars["phpc_token"] != $phpc_token) { //echo "<pre>real token: $phpc_token\n"; //echo "form token: {$vars["phpc_token"]}</pre>"; soft_error(__("Secret token mismatch. Possible request forgery attempt.")); } } /** * @param string $path * @return array */ function get_header_tags($path) { global $phpc_cal; if(defined('PHPC_DEBUG')) $jq_min = ''; else $jq_min = '.min'; $theme = $phpc_cal->theme; if(empty($theme)) $theme = 'base'; $jquery_version = "3.6.0"; $jqueryui_version = "1.13.1"; $showdown_version = "1.9.1"; return array( tag('link', attrs('rel="stylesheet"', 'type="text/css"', "href=\"$path/phpc.css\"")), tag('link', attrs('rel="stylesheet"', 'type="text/css"', "href=\"//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/$jqueryui_version/themes/$theme/jquery-ui$jq_min.css\"")), tag('link', attrs('rel="stylesheet"', 'type="text/css"', "href=\"$path/jquery-ui-timepicker.css\"")), tag("script", attrs("src=\"//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/$jquery_version/jquery$jq_min.js\""), ''), tag("script", attrs("src=\"//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/$jqueryui_version/jquery-ui$jq_min.js\""), ''), tag('script', attrs("src=\"$path/phpc.js\""), ''), tag("script", attrs("src=\"$path/jquery.ui.timepicker.js\""), ''), tag("script", attrs("src=\"$path/jquery.hoverIntent.minified.js\""), ''), tag("script", attrs("src=\"$path/spectrum.js\""), ''), tag('link', attrs('rel="stylesheet"', 'type="text/css"', "href=\"$path/spectrum.css\"")), tag("script", attrs("src=\"https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/showdown/$showdown_version/showdown.min.js\""), ''), ); } /** * @param $path */ function embed_header($path) { echo tag('', get_header_tags($path))->toString(); } // $element: { name, text, type, value(s) } /** * @param array $element * @param mixed $default * @return array|Html */ function create_config_input($element, $default = false) { $name = $element[0]; $text = $element[1]; $type = $element[2]; $value = false; if(isset($element[3])) $value = $element[3]; switch($type) { case PHPC_CHECK: if($default == false) $default = $value; $input = create_checkbox($name, '1', $default, $text); break; case PHPC_TEXT: if($default == false) $default = $value; $input = create_text($name, $default); break; case PHPC_DROPDOWN: $input = create_select($name, $value, $default); break; case PHPC_MULTI_DROPDOWN: $input = create_multi_select($name, $value, $default); break; default: soft_error(__('Unsupported config type') . ": $type"); } return $input; } /* Make a timestamp from the input fields $prefix-time and $prefix-date uses $phpc_cal->date_format to determine the format of the date if there's no $prefix-time, uses values passed as parameters */ /** * @param string $prefix * @param int $hour * @param int $minute * @param int $second * @return false|int */ function get_timestamp($prefix, $hour = 0, $minute = 0, $second = 0) { global $vars, $phpc_cal; if(empty($vars["$prefix-date"])) soft_error(sprintf(__("Required field \"%s\" was not set."), "$prefix-date")); if(!empty($vars["$prefix-time"])) { if(!preg_match('/(\d+)[:\.](\d+)\s?(\w+)?/', $vars["$prefix-time"], $time_matches)) { soft_error(sprintf(__("Malformed \"%s\" time: \"%s\""), $prefix, $vars["$prefix-time"])); } $hour = $time_matches[1]; $minute = $time_matches[2]; if(isset($time_matches[3])) { $period = $time_matches[3]; if($hour == 12) $hour = 0; if(strcasecmp("am", $period) == 0) { // AM } else if(strcasecmp("pm", $period) == 0) { $hour += 12; } else { soft_error(__("Unrecognized period: ") . $period); } } } if(!preg_match('/(\d+)[\.\/\-\ ](\d+)[\.\/\-\ ](\d+)/', $vars["$prefix-date"], $date_matches)) { soft_error(sprintf(__("Malformed \"%s\" date: \"%s\""), $prefix, $vars["$prefix-date"])); } switch($phpc_cal->date_format) { case 0: // Month Day Year $month = $date_matches[1]; $day = $date_matches[2]; $year = $date_matches[3]; break; case 1: // Year Month Day $year = $date_matches[1]; $month = $date_matches[2]; $day = $date_matches[3]; break; case 2: // Day Month Year $day = $date_matches[1]; $month = $date_matches[2]; $year = $date_matches[3]; break; default: soft_error(__("Invalid date_format.")); } return mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year); } /** * @param string $name * @param mixed $value * @param int $expire * @return bool */ function phpc_set_cookie($name, $value, $expire = 0) { return setcookie($name, $value, $expire, "", "", false, true); } Then the code to sign in to admin section that keeps saying I need cookies enabled. if(!defined('IN_PHPC')) { die("Hacking attempt"); } /** * @return Html */ function login() { global $vars, $phpc_script; $html = tag('div'); //Check password and username if(isset($vars['username'])){ $user = $vars['username']; $password = $vars['password']; if(login_user($user, $password)){ $url = $phpc_script; if(!empty($vars['lasturl'])) { $url .= '?' . urldecode($vars['lasturl']); } redirect($url); return tag('h2', __('Logged in.')); } $html->add(tag('h2', __('Sorry, Invalid Login'))); } $html->add(login_form()); return $html; } /** * @return Html */ function login_form() { global $vars, $phpc_script; $submit_data = tag('td', attributes('colspan="2"'), create_hidden('action', 'login'), create_submit(__('Log in'))); if(!empty($vars['lasturl'])) { $lasturl = phpc_html_escape(rawurlencode($vars['lasturl'])); $submit_data->prepend(create_hidden('lasturl', $lasturl)); } return tag('form', attributes("action=\"$phpc_script\"", 'method="post"'), tag('table', tag('caption', __('Log in')), tag('thead', tag('tr', tag('th', attributes('colspan="2"'), __('You must have cookies enabled to login.')))), tag('tfoot', tag('tr', $submit_data)), tag('tbody', tag('tr', tag('th', tag('label', attributes('for="username"'), __('Username'))), tag('td', create_text('username'))), tag('tr', tag('th', tag('label', attributes('for="password"'), __('Password'))), tag('td', create_password('password')))))); } Any ideas how to fix or just turn the cookies off? Thank you. Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/316990-cookies-problem/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solution XCalibre1 Posted June 21, 2023 Author Solution Share Posted June 21, 2023 Problem solved Thanks Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/316990-cookies-problem/#findComment-1609876 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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