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Include picture to MS Word


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In first i'm sorry for my english.

Is it passible to include some picture or VisualBasic macro into the existing MS World document.
Important: Not with a COM object, becouse this script must by run also with linux too.

Classes in the phpclasses dot org, arent have fuctionl like that.

Thenks for some sugestions.

$name = 'Peter';$from = 'Poland';
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A sample is in this addres:


"Twój e-mail" [b]is your e-mail adress[/b]
"Twoje imię i nazwisko" [b]is your Name[/b]
"Temat:" [b]is a title of e-mail[/b]
"Załączniki:" [b]a DOC file[/b]

Send some Word to yourself, see on your e-mail,  next, when you open this Word document, in left on this site you can see data and time when its be open.

This is a sample method of include some image to Word. PHP script in the fly add to Word file a image (1px x 3px), this image has send a query 2 PHP.... add Word function is:

[quote]INCLUDEPICTURE "http://ww.some.link.pl/photo.jpg?usrer_id=123&valid_id=1234567" \* MERGEFORMAT \d[/quote]

or VisualBasic Macro:

[quote]Attribute VB_Name = "Autoopen"
Private Sub Document_Open()
Selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture FileName:= _
    "http://ww.some.link.pl/photo.jpg?usrer_id=123&valid_id=1234567", _
    LinkToFile:=True, SaveWithDocument:=False
End Sub[/quote]

How working this iclude image metod? Server is Apache on linux

HuggieBear, THX for repost
Peter form poland

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