Olumide Posted September 23, 2023 Share Posted September 23, 2023 Hi, in my project, I have two scripts, one is to show all the students position in a class and only available to the admin, while the second script will show the results for each student with the position. In the second script which is available to the student and admin, I added position row, but I don't know how to add the scripts for positioning. Please the experts, how can I fix this issue I am encountering. Here is the sql and functions for the ordinal suffix for ranking, from the code, a check button was used in the first script, but the second script, the user only need to select the term. switch ($midend) { case 'M': $res = $pdo->prepare("SELECT subjectname , stname , score , @seq := IF(subjectname = @prevs, @seq+1, 1) as seq , @rank := IF(score = @prev, @rank, @seq) as rank , @prev := score as prev , @prevs := subjectname as prevs FROM ( SELECT cl.classname , sb.subjectname , concat(st.firstname, ' ', st.lastname) as stname , round( sum( case exam when 'Exam' then score/70*100 else score*10 end ) / COUNT(distinct exam) ) as score FROM student_class stc JOIN student st ON stc.studentid = st.id JOIN class cl ON stc.classid = cl.id JOIN level l ON cl.levelid = l.id JOIN course c ON l.id = c.levelid JOIN subject sb ON c.subjectid = sb.id JOIN result r ON r.courseid = c.id AND r.studentclassid = stc.id WHERE stc.semesterid = ? AND exam = 'CA1' AND cl.id = ? GROUP BY c.id, sb.id, st.id ORDER BY subjectname, score DESC LIMIT 9223372036854775807 -- MariaDB bug workaround ) ordered JOIN (SELECT @prevs:='', @prev:=0, @seq:=0, @rank:=0) init "); $res->execute([ $semester, $class ]); $chkm = 'checked'; $chke = $chky = ''; break; case 'E': $res = $pdo->prepare("SELECT subjectname , stname , score , @seq := IF(subjectname = @prevs, @seq+1, 1) as seq , @rank := IF(score = @prev, @rank, @seq) as rank , @prev := score as prev , @prevs := subjectname as prevs FROM ( SELECT sb.subjectname , concat(st.firstname, ' ', st.lastname) as stname , round( sum( score )) as score FROM student_class stc JOIN student st ON stc.studentid = st.id JOIN class cl ON stc.classid = cl.id JOIN level l ON cl.levelid = l.id JOIN course c ON l.id = c.levelid JOIN subject sb ON c.subjectid = sb.id JOIN result r ON r.courseid = c.id AND r.studentclassid = stc.id WHERE stc.semesterid = ? AND cl.id = ? GROUP BY c.id, sb.id, st.id ORDER BY subjectname, score DESC LIMIT 9223372036854775807 -- MariaDB bug workaround ) ordered JOIN (SELECT @prevs:='', @prev:=0, @seq:=0, @rank:=0) init "); $res->execute([ $semester, $class ]); $chke = 'checked'; $chkm = $chky = ''; break; default: $res = $pdo->prepare("SELECT subjectname , stname , score , @seq := IF(subjectname = @prevs, @seq+1, 1) as seq , @rank := IF(score = @prev, @rank, @seq) as rank , @prev := score as prev , @prevs := subjectname as prevs FROM ( SELECT sb.subjectname , concat(st.firstname, ' ', st.lastname) as stname , round( sum( score )/count(distinct sm.id)) as score FROM student_class stc JOIN student st ON stc.studentid = st.id JOIN class cl ON stc.classid = cl.id JOIN level l ON cl.levelid = l.id JOIN course c ON l.id = c.levelid JOIN subject sb ON c.subjectid = sb.id JOIN result r ON r.courseid = c.id AND r.studentclassid = stc.id JOIN semester sm ON stc.semesterid = sm.id JOIN session sn ON sm.sessionid = sn.id WHERE sm.sessionid = ? AND cl.id = ? GROUP BY cl.id, sb.id, st.id ORDER BY subjectname, score DESC LIMIT 9223372036854775807 -- MariaDB bug workaround ) ordered JOIN (SELECT @prevs:='', @prev:=0, @seq:=0, @rank:=0) init ORDER BY subjectname, score DESC "); $res->execute([ $session, $class ]); $chky = 'checked'; $chkm = $chke = ''; break; } // calling function here /******************************************** * Derive ordinal suffix for $n * * @param int $n the number * @returns string number with suffix eg 23rd */ function ordinal($n) { $str = "$n"; $t = $n > 9 ? substr($str,-2,1) : 0; $u = substr($str,-1); //if((($t%100) >= 11) && (($t%100) <= 13)) if ($t==1) return $str . 'th'; else switch ($u) { case 1: return $str . 'st'; case 2: return $str . 'nd'; case 3: return $str . 'rd'; default: return $str . 'th'; } } //function end $data = []; foreach ($res as $r) { if (!isset($data[$r['subjectname']])) { $ Here is the second scripts where I want to fit in the above code for the ranking to populate the position row. The reason why I need all the sql code is because of the term/semester differences. switch($termno) { case 1: $term_headings = "<th>1st<br>Term<br>100</th> <!--<th>     </th> <th>     </th>-->"; break; case 2: $term_headings = "<th>1st<br>Term<br> </th> <th>2nd<br>Term<br>100</th> <th>     </th>"; break; default: $term_headings = "<th>1st<br>Term<br> </th> <th>2nd<br>Term<br> </th> <th>3rd<br>Term<br>100</th>"; } $report_title = $termno == 3 ? "End of Year Results" : "End of Term Results"; ########################## ############################################################################# $res->execute( [ $session, $student, $termno, $clid ] ); $data = []; // get data common to all rows from first row $r = $res->fetch(); if ($r) { $studentname = $r['stname']; $studentdob = $r['dob']; $studentmatricno = $r['matricno']; $studentlevel = $r['classname']; $studentsession = $r['sessionname']; $studentterm = "- Term $termno"; $nextterm = $r['date_until']; $passport = "images/" . $r['image']; ### provide image path here $level = $r['level']; // then process the rest of the row data in the first and remaining rows do { if (!isset($data[ $r['subjectid'] ])) { $data[ $r['subjectid'] ] = [ 'name' => $r['subjectname'], #'exams' => ['CA1'=>'', 'CA2'=>'', 'CA3'=>'', 'Exam'=>''], 'exams' => ['CA1'=>'', 'CA2'=>'', 'Exam'=>''], 'scores' => [ 1=>0, 0, 0 ], 'avg' => 0 //'rank' => 0 ]; } if ($r['term'] == $termno && isset($data[$r['subjectid'] ]['exams'][ $r['exam']])) { $data[ $r['subjectid'] ]['exams'][ $r['exam'] ] = $r['score']; } $data[ $r['subjectid'] ]['scores'][$r['term']] += $r['score']; } while ($r = $res->fetch()); // get the avg scores for the class $avgs = classAverageScores($pdo, $clid, $session, $termno); foreach ($avgs as $s => $av) { if (isset($data[$s])) $data[$s]['avg'] = round($av,0); } ###########my ranking here############### /***** manipulating here ************** * * * * / * */ /******************************************** * Derive ordinal suffix for $n * * @param int $n the number * @returns string number with suffix eg 23rd */ function ordinal($n) { $str = "$n"; $t = $n > 9 ? substr($str,-2,1) : 0; $u = substr($str,-1); if ($t==1) return $str . 'th'; else switch ($u) { case 1: return $str . 'st'; case 2: return $str . 'nd'; case 3: return $str . 'rd'; default: return $str . 'th'; } } //function end //$data = []; foreach ($res as $r) { if (!isset($data[$r['subjectname']])) { $data[$r['subjectname']]['students'] = []; } $position = ordinal($r['rank']); $data[$r['subjectname']]['students'][] = [ 'name' => $r['stname'], 'score' => $r['score'], 'rank' => $position ]; } /* //hffffffffff foreach ($res as $r) { if (!isset($data[$r['subjectname']])) { $data[$r['subjectname']]['students'] = []; } $data[$r['subjectname']]['students'][] = [ 'name' => $r['stname'], 'score' => $r['score'], 'rank' => $r['rank'] ]; } */ ################################################################################ # Get pupil count # ################################################################################ $res = $pdo->prepare("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT stc.studentid) AS pupils FROM student_class stc JOIN semester sm ON sm.id = stc.semesterid JOIN result r ON stc.id = r.studentclassid WHERE sm.id = ? AND stc.classid = ? "); $res->execute([ $semester, $clid ]); $pupil_count = $res->fetchColumn(); ################################################################################ # Loop through the data array to construct the output table rows # ################################################################################ $tdata = ''; $n = 1; $grand_total = 0; $subject_count = 0; foreach ($data as $subid => $subdata) { $tdata .= "<tr><td>$n</td><td>{$subdata['name']}</td>"; foreach ($subdata['exams'] as $s) { $tdata .= "<td>" . ($s=='' ? '–' : $s) . "</td>"; } foreach ($subdata['scores'] as $t => $s) { if ($s==0) $s = ''; $tdata .= "<td>" . ($t <= $termno ? $s : '') . "</td>"; } $temp = array_filter($subdata['scores']); $total = $temp ? round(array_sum($temp)/count($temp)) : 0; $grand_total += $total; if ($total) { list($grade, $comment) = getGradeComment($pdo, $total, $level); $subject_count++; } else { $grade = '-'; $comment = '-'; } $clr = GRADE_COLOUR[$grade] ?? '#000'; $tdata .= "<td>$total</td><td>{$subdata['avg']}</td><td style='color:$clr; font-weight: 600;'>$grade</td><td>$comment</td></tr>\n"; ++$n; } } else { $studentname = ''; $studentdob = ''; $studentmatricno = ''; $studentlevel = ''; $studentsession = ''; $studentsemester = ''; #$nextterm = ''; $studentterm = ''; $passport = ''; $level = '4'; $pupil_count = 0; $grand_total = 0; $subject_count = 1; // $clid = 0; $tdata = "<tr><td colspan='13'>No results found</td></tr>\n"; } Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/317316-what-is-the-best-method-to-use-two-switch-statement-for-different-output/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
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