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Using the Key of one array to search another and make use of it's value.

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Hi all,

I am trying to search and array (neat) based on the key of another array (data)

They both have identical key values but the content differs.

I am basically trying to display errors for missing fields and want  to be able to display what is missing in a neater way.

However I am not getting any results?

$data = [
        'keyone'    =>  $_POST['myvalue'],
        'keytwo'    =>  $_POST['myothervalue'],


$neat= [
        'keyone'    =>  'My Value',
        'keytwo'    =>  'My Other Value',

foreach ($data as $key=>$value) {
		if($value == ''){
		$neatdisp = array_search($key, $neat);
		echo ' My Neat Display is: '.$neatdisp.'<br/>';
			//this should display the following
			// if the $_POST values are empty
			//My Neat Display is: My Value
			//My Neat Display is: My Other Value
			// what it is display when I test
			//My Neat Display is:
			//My Neat Display is:
		} else {}

Wha'ts the best way for me to approach this?

1 hour ago, NavCrowds said:

want  to be able to display what is missing in a neater way.

A neater way would be to have the $_POST keys matching the $neat keys. (EG $_POST['keyone'] and $_POST['keytwo']

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