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<!DOCTYPE html>



for (i=0;i<3;i++)
let y= "<?php echo $array[i] ?>";



can u tell me why i doesnt print anything from array ? but if a remove loop and  swrite $array[0] it prints 1, but if i write let i=0;
it prints nothing why ? they are same logic

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PHP runs on the server. - Javascript runs on the client.

On completion of the PHP it sends the page to the client where the javascript runs.

At the time you "echo $array;" the js variable "i" does not yet exist. (Error thrown if turn on error reporting)

By the time the javascript runs "$array" no longer exists.

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<!DOCTYPE html>

<?php echo 'const array = ["one", "two", "three"];'.PHP_EOL; ?>
for (i=0;i<3;i++)


your logic needs to change. use php to dynamically author JavaScript code or json/ajax to get values from php scripts. Barand explains the why.

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Because you are trying to use the javascript variable "i" inside the PHP code. Javascript is a client side processor and PHP is a server side processor so when the browser gets the file the PHP will already be processed which will give an error as i is undefined in the PHP code.

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