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PHP For loop with differents IDs


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Hello people, everything all right ??

I am with the following doubt, hope you can help me !!

In my "mysql" database I have a list with ID = 1, 3 and 4 and I would like to list them in
"html<select><option></option></select>" !!

I can´t list them like:


$sql_list = "SELECT * FROM dados_socios WHERE usuario = '$usuario' ORDER BY ID";
$result_list = $conn->query($sql_list);
	echo "<select>";
	for($x = 0; $x <= $result_list->num_rows; $x++) {
	echo "<option>ID: $x</option>";
	echo "</select>";

Because if I list this way would show:
ID: 1
ID: 2
ID: 3

And I would like the original:
ID: 1
ID: 3
ID: 4

How Can I do that ??
Waiting answer and thanks for the attention !!
One hug

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Don't use "select *". Specify the columns you need.

Then use a foreach loop, not a for loop.

Don't embed variables in the sql string, use prepared queries with placeholders, then execute with the variables passed as parameters.

$sql_list = "SELECT ID FROM dados_socios WHERE usuario = ? ORDER BY ID";
$result_list = $conn->prepare($sql_list);

echo "<select>";
  foreach {$result_list as $row)
    echo "<option>ID: {$row['ID']}</option>";
 echo "</select>";


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@Barand completely agree with your response. But, unless I am missing something, I think there is a step missing in your example code. Shouldn't there be a step to fetch the results? I think $result_list would be a PDO object and not an array of the results. And there is a missing opening curly brace for the foreach() statement - although I consider that a minor typo that I would expect the OP to identify/fix.

$sql_list = "SELECT ID FROM dados_socios WHERE usuario = ? ORDER BY ID";
$result_query = $conn->prepare($sql_list);
$result_ary = $result_query->fetchAll();

echo "<select>";
  foreach {$result_ary as $row)
    echo "<option>ID: {$row['ID']}</option>";
echo "</select>";


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@Psycho the PDO result/statement object is traversable whether you use query() or execute().

The mysqli result object is traversable (when the result of a query) but the statement object as a result of execute() is not (as well as having a different set of methods to process).

This adds to my theory that mysqli result class and statement class were developed by two teams who never spoke to one another.


$res = $pdo->query("SELECT name FROM reindeer");
foreach ($res as $r) {
    echo $r['name'] . "<br>";




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