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i dont know if this is js or not but what im looking to do is have a 'Go Back' button on the side of my page no matter how far they scroll down.. i would have two columns.. one that has the button and the other that has the content.. so the column with the button would have nothing else in it.. so no matter how far the person scroll down looking at the content the go back option will always be there in the left column so they wont have to scroll back up to click it.. how can i do this? i know it can be done ive seen it before but i dont know where..
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Hope this is good enough for you I added  Helptags in the script to walk you through it ....

Oh... an all this code has to be in Between the <body> </body> tags




<!-- Edit the HTML: Set first image path and size //-->
<div id="FloatSlideShow" style="position:absolute;z-index:1000000">
<a href="http://www.codebrain.com" target=_new>
<img border=0 src="image_1.gif" name='SlideShow' width=200 height=200></a>
<!-- End of editable HTML //-->


// You *must* add onload="runSlideShow()" to the <body> tag
// of the page.

// In the section marked Edit the HTML, above, remember to
// set the path and size for the first image.

// =======================================
// Set the following variables
// =======================================

// Set slideShowSpeed (milliseconds):
var slideShowSpeed = 3000

// Duration of crossfade (seconds) for IE:
var crossFadeDuration = 3

// Set the positioning variables, below:
// Negative numbers are relative to right (whereX) or bottom (whereY)
// Positive numbers are relative to left (whereX) or (whereY) top
// Experiment with values to get positioning exact, and allow
// for the dimensions of the image in the positioning

var whereX = 40;
var whereY = 50;

// Specify the image files:
var Pic = new Array() // don't touch this!
// to add more images, just continue
// the pattern, adding to the array below

Pic[0] = 'image_1.gif'
Pic[1] = 'image_2.gif'
Pic[2] = 'image_3.gif'
Pic[3] = 'image_4.gif'
Pic[4] = 'image_5.gif'

// =======================================
// Do not edit *anything* below this line!
// =======================================

var nn=(navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape")!=-1);
var t;var j=0;var p=Pic.length;var preLoad=new Array();
for (i=0;i<p;i++){preLoad[i]=new Image();preLoad[i].src = Pic[i];}
function runSlideShow(){
if (document.all){
if (document.all || document.getElementById){document.images.SlideShow.src = preLoad[j].src;}else{
document.FloatSlideShow.document.images["SlideShow"].src = preLoad[j].src;}
if (document.all){document.images.SlideShow.filters.blendTrans.Play();}
j=j+1;if (j>(p-1))j=0;t=setTimeout('runSlideShow()', slideShowSpeed);}
var dD=document,dH=dD.html,dB=dD.body,px=dD.layers?'':'px';
function floatSS(iX,iY,id){
var L=dD.getElementById?dD.getElementById(id):dD.all?dD.all[id]:dD.layers[id];
L.P=function(x,y){this.style.left=x+px;this.style.top=y+px;};L.Fss=function(){var pX, pY;
pX=(this.iX >=0)?0:nn?innerWidth:nn&&dH.clientWidth?dH.clientWidth:dB.clientWidth;
setTimeout(this.id+'O.Fss()',33);};return L;}


Oh an where it says

Pic[0] = 'image_1.gif'
Pic[1] = 'image_2.gif'
Pic[2] = 'image_3.gif'
Pic[3] = 'image_4.gif'
Pic[4] = 'image_5.gif'

... you only need one of them like ..

Pic[0] = 'image_1.gif'

only use ...

Pic[0] = 'image_1.gif'
Pic[1] = 'image_2.gif'
Pic[2] = 'image_3.gif'
Pic[3] = 'image_4.gif'
Pic[4] = 'image_5.gif'

if u want it to rotate images like a slide show
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