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PHP Slideshow in Firefox


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HI Folk,

New to this Forum and fairly new to PHP. I have an issue with firefox and wonder if you can help.

Quite simple really. It reads the contents of a folder into an array and display number 1. Increments the variable, refreshes the page and displays image 2 and so on. All fine in IE. BUt when I view it in Forefox it displays image 1, refreshes and jumps straight to the last image in the folder....??

Help.. ??? ???

Thanks in advance.
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Hi Perad, Thanks fo rthe quick response. My code..

$folder = ("../cane-corso/images/gallery/");
$num = $_GET["num"];
$dir = opendir($folder);
print"<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Cane Corso Slide Show</TITLE><META NAME=\"Author\" CONTENT=\"Ashley Byrne\"><META NAME=\"Keywords\" CONTENT=\"Image Gallery Slideshow\"><META NAME=\"Description\" CONTENT=\"\"><link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"style2.css\"></HEAD><BODY bgcolor=\"#FF99CC\"><center><table border=\"5\" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"#FF99CC\"><table bgcolor=\"#FF99CC\">";

$dir = opendir($folder);
while ($a = readdir($dir)) {
if($a != "." && $a != ".." && $a != "text"){
$files[$i] = $a;
$total = count($files);
if ($num==""){

// resize the image if its too big
list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($gallery.$folder.$files[$num]);
$widthpc = round(($maxwidth/$width)*100);
$width = round(($width*$widthpc)/100);
$height = round(($height*$widthpc)/100);
$attr="width=".$width." height=".$height;
$attr="width=".$width." height=".$height;

print "<tr><td><center><b>".substr($files[$num],0,-4)."</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(". $num. " of ". $total.")</b></td></tr>";
print "<tr><td><center><img src=\"".$gallery.$folder.$files[$num]."\" ".$attr." border=1><br></td></tr>";
print "<tr><td><br><center><a href=\"javascript:parent.window.close()\"><font color=\"white\">--|  End slideshow  |--</a></td></tr>";
while ($num < $total){
$num = ($num+1);
print "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"refresh\" content=\"3; URL=?folder=".$folder."&num=".$num."\"></td></tr></table>";
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when in ff, go to the first picture, quickly right click the page, go to view source, what do you have in there for the

<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"refresh\" content=\"3; URL=?folder=".$folder."&num=".$num."\">
? that'll tell you if its an issue with the redirecting, or where its a math issue...
i also cleaned up your code a little :-)

$folder = ("../cane-corso/images/gallery/");
$num = $_GET["num"];
if (empty($num)) $num=="1";
$dir = opendir($folder);
print"<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Cane Corso Slide Show</TITLE><META NAME=\"Author\" CONTENT=\"Ashley Byrne\"><META NAME=\"Keywords\" CONTENT=\"Image Gallery Slideshow\"><META NAME=\"Description\" CONTENT=\"\"><link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"style2.css\"></HEAD><BODY bgcolor=\"#FF99CC\"><center><table border=\"5\" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" bgcolor=\"#FF99CC\"><table bgcolor=\"#FF99CC\">";

while ($a = readdir($dir)) if($a != "." && $a != ".." && $a != "text") $files[] = $a;
$total = count($files)-1;

list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($gallery.$folder.$files[$num]);
$widthpc = round(($maxwidth/$width)*100);
$width = round(($width*$widthpc)/100);
$height = round(($height*$widthpc)/100);
$attr="width=".$width." height=".$height;
}else $attr="width=".$width." height=".$height;

print "<tr><td><center><b>".substr($files[$num],0,-4)."</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(". $num. " of ". $total.")</b></td></tr>";
print "<tr><td><center><img src=\"".$gallery.$folder.$files[$num]."\" ".$attr." border=1><br></td></tr>";
print "<tr><td><br><center><a href=\"javascript:parent.window.close()\"><font color=\"white\">--| End slideshow |--</a></td></tr>";
while($num < $total){
print "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"refresh\" content=\"3; URL=?folder=".$folder."&num=".$num."\"></td></tr></table>";
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Thanks Taith,

It's very interesting but I guess it goes back to the "Firefox does not process php" line. My source does contain the correct line

[code]<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="3; URL=?folder=../cane-corso/images/gallery/&num=2">[/code]

but also contains the same code with each of the image numbers in it so I get:

<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="3; URL=?folder=../cane-corso/images/gallery/&num=2">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="3; URL=?folder=../cane-corso/images/gallery/&num=3">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="3; URL=?folder=../cane-corso/images/gallery/&num=4">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="3; URL=?folder=../cane-corso/images/gallery/&num=5">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="3; URL=?folder=../cane-corso/images/gallery/&num=6">[/code]

etc... all the way to the last imagenumber in the array.. I guess it reads the last line and refreshes but using the last number..!

Is there a way to stop this..?
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yup... ie reads <meta> tags top down, ff reads bottom up...

scrap this
while($num < $total){
print "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"refresh\" content=\"3; URL=?folder=".$folder."&num=".$num."\"></td></tr></table>";

use this in its place
echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"refresh\" content=\"3; URL=?folder=".$folder."&num=".$num."\"></td></tr></table>";
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Thanks Taith,

Your are a superstar..! I had to mod it a bit to get it move to the next image but that's ace. See it working here:-

[url=http://www.comports.net/cane-corso/pictures.php?folder=../cane-corso/images/gallery/&show=y&num=1]http://www.comports.net/cane-corso/pictures.php?folder=../cane-corso/images/gallery/&show=y&num=1[/url] and click on slideshow..

Thanks a Million
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