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haveing problems with a style sheet setup. I can get the layout I want but the my web pages text dosent show up in the main body of the style sheet ehre i would like it. it shows up on the lower right side
here is the syle shhet that I am useing, and I am looking to add the web page content in the center

function print_header_small($title='')
                <link rel='stylesheet' href='/include/alderaanbase.css'>

                <body bgcolor=black text=black marginheight=0 marginwidth=0>         

function print_header($title='Alderaan Base')
<link rel='stylesheet' href='/include/alderaanbase.css'>

<body bgcolor=black text=black marginheight=0 marginwidth=0>

<table width=100% height=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5>
<td class=header align=left height=110><img src='/images/alderaanbase1.jpg'></td>
<table width=100% cellspacing=10 cellpadding=10 border=0 height=100%>
<td class=bodyline width=150 valign=top>
<a class=mainmenu href='/'>Home</a><br>
<a class=mainmenu href='/calendar/eventslist.php'>Upcoming Events</a><br>
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<a class=mainmenu href='/invite.php'>To Invite Alderaan Base to an event or to find out more email us</a><br>

<P>&nbsp;</p> </td>

<td width='674' valign=top class=row1>

  <td width='250' valign=top class=tablewhite>

<P> <img border=0 width=250 height=340 src='/images/rebelpreview.jpg'></a><br></P>


function print_footer()
print("     </td>

function print_footer_small()
print "</body></html>";

        function fix_url($linkurl)
                if(substr($linkurl,0,4) == "http" || substr($linkurl,0,5) == "https")
                        $fixed_url = $linkurl;
                        $fixed_url= "http://" . $linkurl;

                return $fixed_url;


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