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[SOLVED] logos in web page header

PC Nerd

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im not wuite sure whether this is done in php, or just html or xml or whatever.

when you go to a webpage, and in the header of thep ager, on the internet broswer, it displays the title of the page, and often a small image or thumbnail of an image, ( like only 5 pixels across, or something tiny ) .

people using xampp, or wamp maybe might know of this when they veiw their pages.

my question is..... can you chenge this image, from the defult, such as the xampp logo for xampp users.  instead have it the logo of the page.  thanks for your help in advance, PC Nerd
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exactly there ( in the tab if its IE 7, or the bar at the top, in previous versions on IE)

when veiwing this particular page. youll see something like "[image] logos in web page header"  and the [logo] is like a blue swirl on a white background

how would i create that image on a web page im making
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the image can be any size it shrinks it down to size (although the detail would probably look better if it was sized down), i have made some favicons in paint its easy just name the file favicon.ico

Edit the icon size is 16x16 simply put it in your root directory and IE will apparently locate it eventually. You can also upload it into your images directory, but you will need to modify your web pages if you do. See later in this article for more information on this.

f you have placed your favicon.ico file in a location other than the current web directory (relative to your web page) or the root directory, you have to help your visitors' browser locate the favicon file by specifying it with a tag like the following in the <head> section of your web page.
[code]<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /> [/code]
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