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[resolved] Count(*) my query?

Mr Chris

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I’m having problems with my pagination search results page.  I’m getting the message:

[b]Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/***********/results.php on line 38[/b]

Which is part of this line:

    $query_count = mysql_query ( "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM news_stories WHERE " . $search_query );
    $result_count = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $query_count );

However, I can’t see what is wrong?  Is it not seeing my $search_query and paginating the results?

[code=php:0]  $search_query = "select *, DATE_FORMAT(appeared, '%W %d %M, %Y') as published_date from news_stories where section like '%$section%' AND unix_timestamp(published) <= unix_timestamp(NOW()) AND ( headline LIKE '%$searchstring%' OR story_text LIKE '%$searchstring%' ) Order by id Asc" or die(mysql_error()); [/code]

Can someone please help?




// Start the connection to the database

// End the connection to the database     

// Start to get the data from the form and trim any whitespace
            $section = trim($_POST['section']);
            $searchstring = ($_POST['searchstring'] != "") ? $_POST['searchstring'] : false;

            $section = trim($_GET['section']);
            $searchstring = trim ($_GET['searchstring'] != "") ? $_GET['searchstring'] : false;


// End getting the data from the form and trimming any whitespace
// Start to build the query

    $search_query = "select *, DATE_FORMAT(appeared, '%W %d %M, %Y') as published_date from news_stories where section like '%$section%' AND unix_timestamp(published) <= unix_timestamp(NOW()) AND ( headline LIKE '%$searchstring%' OR story_text LIKE '%$searchstring%' ) Order by id Asc" or die(mysql_error());

// End building the query

// Start pagination script and state amount of records per page

    $limit = 5;
    $query_count = mysql_query ( "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM news_stories WHERE " . $search_query );
    $result_count = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $query_count );
    $totalrows = $result_count['total'];

    if( ! isset ( $_GET['page'] ) )
        $page = 1;
        $page = $_GET['page'];

    $limitvalue = $page * $limit - ($limit);   

// End pagination script and state amount of records per page

// Start to find how many search results are being found for the query

        $search_query . " LIMIT " . $limitvalue . ", " . $limit;
        $search_results = mysql_query($search_query, $link);
        $result = mysql_query($search_query) or die (mysql_error());

// Figure out the total number of results in DB:
$total_results = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()"), 0);
        if($total_results <= 0)
            echo "Sorry, there were no results for your search.";

// Else and Start to find how many pagination pages I have
            echo "Your search returned ".$totalrows." result(s). <br /><br />Here are those results, listed in ascendng order. <br /><br />";

if($page != 1){   
        $pageprev = $page - 1;
        echo("<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?page=$pageprev\"><img src=\"results/previous.jpg\" width=\"120\" height=\"22\" class=\"prev_next_border\"></a> ");   
    $numofpages = $number_of_results/ $limit;
    #echo "<br>", $totalrows;
    for($i = 1; $i <= $numofpages; $i++){
        if($i == $page){
            echo($i." ");
            echo("<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?page=$i\">$i</a> ");

    if(($totalrows - ($limit * $page)) > 0){
        $pagenext = $page + 1;
        echo("<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?page=$pagenext\"><img src=\"results/next.jpg\" width=\"120\" height=\"22\" class=\"prev_next_border\"></a>");   

        }   // End of how many results I have found

// End of Else and to find how many pagination pages I have

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There is maybe something is wrong with your query,
$query_count = mysql_query ( "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM news_stories WHERE " . $search_query );
Normally after Where, there should be 1 or more condition. 

You should echo your query to see is it a valid query.  Do this before you execute the query.
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Your query is wrong... If you look at what your query looks like, it's like this:

[color=blue]SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM news_stories WHERE select *, DATE_FORMAT(appeared, '%W %d %M, %Y') as published_date from news_stories where section like '%$section%' AND unix_timestamp(published) <= unix_timestamp(NOW()) AND ( headline LIKE '%$searchstring%' OR story_text LIKE '%$searchstring%'[/color]

This is not valid SQL.

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Thanks Guys,

I've changed my query to:

$search_query = "select * from news_stories where section like '%$section%' AND unix_timestamp(published) <= unix_timestamp(NOW()) AND ( headline LIKE '%$searchstring%' OR story_text LIKE '%$searchstring%' ) Order by id Asc";

Which is a valid query as i've tested it in phpmyadmin.  However i'm still getting the same error message:

[b]Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/***********/results.php on line 38[/b]

So why is my Count(*) line:

  [code=php:0] $query_count = mysql_query ( "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM news_stories WHERE " . $search_query ); [/code]

Not Working with this line?

[code=php:0]$result_count = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $query_count ); [/code]

Many Thanks

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It's still not valid... That query now looks like this:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM news_stories WHERE select * from news_stories where section like '%$section%' AND unix_timestamp(published) <= unix_timestamp(NOW()) AND ( headline LIKE '%$searchstring%' OR story_text LIKE '%$searchstring%' ) Order by id Asc

Try this...

$search_query = "SELECT * FROM news_stories WHERE section LIKE '%$section%' AND unix_timestamp(published) <= unix_timestamp(NOW()) AND ( headline LIKE '%$searchstring%' OR story_text LIKE '%$searchstring%' ) ORDER BY id";

$result = mysql_query($search_query);

$result_count = mysql_num_rows($result);

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Hi Huggie,

Thanks for your help.  From what i've read I would have thought i'm nearly there from this.  I've gone back and used a simple query to check it's all working

So With my pagination script I get:

- It to output all the results in the DB
- I get it so it displays pagination previous and next buttons

BUT IT DOES NOT LIMIT MY RESULTS - ie it displays all the results on one page:


Now I know I have to do something with this line:

[code=php:0]$query_count = mysql_query ( "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total From news_stories" );  [/code]

To incorporate this query:

[code=php:0]    $search_query = "select * from news_stories"; [/code]

But I’m not sure what?

I just need it to count the results?




// Start the connection to the database
include("../************* ");

// End the connection to the database   

// Start to get the data from the form and trim any whitespace
            $section = trim($_POST['section']);
            $searchstring = ($_POST['searchstring'] != "") ? $_POST['searchstring'] : false;

            $section = trim($_GET['section']);
            $searchstring = trim ($_GET['searchstring'] != "") ? $_GET['searchstring'] : false;


// End getting the data from the form and trimming any whitespace
// Start to build the query

    $search_query = "select * from news_stories";

// End building the query

// Start pagination script and state amount of records per page

    $limit = 5;
    $query_count = mysql_query ( "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total From news_stories" );  // THIS LINE IS THE PROBLEM!!!!
    $result_count = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $query_count );
    $totalrows = $result_count['total'];

    if( ! isset ( $_GET['page'] ) )
        $page = 1;
        $page = $_GET['page'];

    $limitvalue = $page * $limit - ($limit);   

// End pagination script and state amount of records per page

// Start to find how many search results are being found for the query

        $search_query . " LIMIT " . $limitvalue . ", " . $limit;
        $search_results = mysql_query($search_query, $link);
        $result = mysql_query($search_query) or die (mysql_error());

// Figure out the total number of results in DB:
$total_results = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()"), 0);
        if($total_results <= 0)
            echo "Sorry, there were no results for your search.";

// Else and Start to find how many pagination pages I have
            echo "Your search returned ".$totalrows." result(s). <br /><br />Here are those results, listed in ascendng order. <br /><br />";

if($page != 1){   
        $pageprev = $page - 1;
        echo("<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?page=$pageprev\"><img src=\"results/previous.jpg\" width=\"120\" height=\"22\" class=\"prev_next_border\"></a> ");   
    $numofpages = $number_of_results/ $limit;
    #echo "<br>", $totalrows;
    for($i = 1; $i <= $numofpages; $i++){
        if($i == $page){
            echo($i." ");
            echo("<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?page=$i\">$i</a> ");

    if(($totalrows - ($limit * $page)) > 0){
        $pagenext = $page + 1;
        echo("<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?page=$pagenext\"><img src=\"results/next.jpg\" width=\"120\" height=\"22\" class=\"prev_next_border\"></a>");   

        }  // End of how many results I have found

// End of Else and to find how many pagination pages I have

<?while ($obj=mysql_fetch_object($search_results)){?>

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" background="lines.jpg">
    <td height="1"></td></tr>
</table><img src="blank.jpg" width="4" height="4">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1">
    <td width="41%" height="25">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    <td width="2%"><img src="results/left_jaw.jpg" width="11" height="24"></td><td width="93%" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><span class="arrow">»</span> <span class="name"><?echo $obj->headline; ?></span></td><td colspan="2" width="5%"><img src="results/right_jaw.jpg" width="11" height="24"></td></tr>
</table></td><td width="59%" height="25">&nbsp;</td></tr>
</table><img src="blank.jpg" width="4" height="4">
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