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Freezing Pages When Busy


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I have made previous topics about this but something new has just come to light

I have a website, lets call it [b]site.com[/b]

Now, on [b]site.com[/b] I have a script that connects to MSN and does some 'stuff' which can take up to 30 seconds

If I click a link on [b]site.com[/b] that brings me to that script ([b]site.com/msnstuff[/b] Then I cant load any other page on my site until that msnstuff script has finished

Now I was told this was a browser issue (both firefox and IE btw) which can only handle one connection at a time. Now I had a play around and found that if I access [b]site.com/msnstuff[/b] by IP or a subdomain it wont lock out my [b]site.com[/b] pages as the browser will treat it as a new seperate connection.

So I thought, great! I created a subdomain called [b]msn.site.com[/b] and I could then run both [b]site.com[/b] and the msnstuff script simultaniously without them conflicting

Problem solved?

Well, I then went on to play around in PHP.INI and set the default SESSION.COOKIE_DOMAIN path from ' ' to '.site.com'

Bang, I was hit with the same problem

Since I did that the browser was no longer treating [b]site.com[/b] and [b]msn.site.com[/b] as seperate connections

Now it was definetly the session.cookie_domain that changed this

I am completely stumped, why would it do that !?

I have already made a work around for this, No I have to access the msnstuff page via IP ( and again its now being treated as a seperate connection and not locking my pages

But, I dont want to have to access scripts via IP...

Please, someone, shed some light on this. I know its a real tricky one but someone must have some information on it..
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