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sending 2 values from a radio button to two different MySQL columns


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Can you include the code of you radio button.  And will the values be static.  You can use name=1stValue value=2ndValue in the radiocode then when it's sent to the php break down the $_POST var by $secondVal = $_POST['1stValue'] then extract the key using something from the manual >> http://fr3.php.net/manual/en/ref.array.php
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This is as simple as including an if statement in your php code.

// Check the value of the radio button
if (isset($_POST['radio_button_name'])){
  $r = $_POST['radio_button_name'];

// Decide what to do with it
if ($r == "male"){
  $sql = "INSERT INTO table_name (column_1) VALUES ('$r')";
else {
  $sql = "INSERT INTO table_name (column_2) VALUES ('$r')";

// Run the query

However, this could be a sign of bad database design, it's difficult to tell without knowing the context of the post.

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Thanks for your comments.

I am using php and mysql to allow the user to control some basic elements of the page layout through css. A small graphic next to each radio btn will represent two values; for example text colour and background colour for a certain div. These will be sent to the MySql table and then echo'ed to another page.

I hope that is clearer.

You may have underestimated my lack of php knowledge. I am currently in pre-production and am trying to predict probelms i'm going to have, so haven't written the code yet. When I have i will post it and ask again.



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