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hello, flks!

I have a doubt...

Is possible use php to access usb port on windows?

because I spent some hours in google and I had not found anything...

just to "com" port...

and I tried some functions in my code like: dio_open, fopen, fwrite .... but these function run ok only with "com" (rs232) port... But usb is impossible I get errors all the time....

I wanna access a usb port cause I have a garmin gps ... and I'm wondering catch the data send by gps with php...  to store in a db... :)

will I need some dll to solve this problem???

I'm hoping for any suggestion...  :)

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Many GPS manufacturers typically have a "usb to serial" utility that you can use...they provide it so you can use your GPS with applications that don't support USB.

Try searching Garmin's site for "usb to serial" or "usb to com" or something along those lines.

That will get you MUCH closer.
Yeah man is not a bad idea...

I have tried ur suggestion a couple of weeks ago...

However my objective is to not depend of external solution... You know?

Because after I want run my script in Linux and the Garmin software is only for windows plataform... 

Not using external sofware is possible to keep my program more bug free and robust... ;)

I'm very glad for ur post.

c u.
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