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Installed WAMP5. . . Now What?

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So I'm a newbie when it comes to PHP. I'm still really lost on what the different functions do. Like the phpmyadmin expecially. I am well versed in HTML and know how to use javascript to a degree. I really REALLY want to learn so I'd appreciate any help.

I've been going through just about any tutorial I can get my hands on. But I still have alot of questions.

Like for starters, how do I create PHP pages? I have Adobe GoLive and use that for all my webprogaming needs (well, considering it's the only thing I have...). Do I need to download any scripts or anything or what? And when I upload it to the web host do I need a mySQL database there? Or what?

In the WAMP is has these options that say Start All Services, Resume all Services, and Put Online. What do those do and what do they mean?

I am a owner of a online horse game and I am looking to use PHP to further the site for the game. I am really wanting to learn this stuff and I am open to anything anybody has to say!

Thank you
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I'm not experienced with that editor but I think it does allow editing of PHP files. When you save PHP files they must have a .php extension. When you save the  PHP files you will want to move them to WAMPs www folder (C:\WAMP\www). Then to run your PHP files go to http://localhost/

About the Start All Services and Resume All Services they allow you start and restart WAMP server. You will need to restart WAMP when you change the configuration files, mainly php.ini and httpd.conf

I'm not sure what the Put Online function does. I'd recommend you to consult WAMP's documentation for that.

Now to learn PHP you wont pick it up straight away. It takes time. PHP is a programming language. When you start out with PHP start with something small and then build on it whilst you are learning PHP. The best place to go to learn PHP is php.net - go there when you don't know what something does. The manual is simple to read. You can never go wrong.

Also to get up to speed on basics of PHP go to [url=http://www.w3schools.com/php/default.asp]w3schools.com[/url] (click [next] buttons to go through the tutorials) and [url=http://www.php-mysql-tutorial.com/]php-mysql-tutorial.com[/url] too.
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Thanks so much!

So in a nutshell any and all files associated with a php site would be in the WWW folder right?

Yeah, I know this is gonna take awhile to learn. I've found that the best way I learn how to use a programing code is to get a tutorial with a intact script that then talks me through step by step and tells me what does what and what will happen if I edit this and so on. I've been trying to find some to-the-point tutorials that will help, but so far I've just found a bunch that just blab on and on about stuff and don't give you alot code (and as a result i just get bored and go elsewhere). I'll definetly check out the links you provided though!

Then I have some questions about phpmyadmin. Well, pretty much, what exactly does it do? It's like it's similar to mySQL but not quite. I've had some expierence with mySQL in cPanel and know how to work that, but I've never done anything with phpmyadmin.

Also the same goes for the SQLitemanager. What exactly is that and what does it do?

Well, I messed some more around with GoLive, unless I'm blind or just dense, as far as I can see it does not make or provide the ability to save php files. you can add php to a html document, but you can't create a .php file. (I've been using this program for a couple years now and know how it works, it is an older version and only creates .html .css and .jv files. I wonder if a newer version would create a .php file... hmm...). For now I'm trying to find a freeware php editor to download so that I can have the capability to save .php files. Any suggestions?

Then, just thought I'd throw this out into the wind, but my plans for using php is to add a member login system to my website, which is a online simulated horse game. I also want to add a banking system where members and login and edit their game money, transfer money to another members account, etc. I am also looking to get a calendar code of some sort for game shows and events, where anybody (not just admin) can post events, and if possible, be able to reply to them to.
If anybody knows of any such codes or where to get them (I know that there are TONS of login codes out there, I just don't know which ones are any good or easy to use and understand). Also, if anybody knows of any tutorials that would help with teaching some of the programing needed for such things that would be awesome! I've been hunting around but haven't been able to find anything helpful.

Well, those are my questions for the day. I'm sure that I'll have more to come. Thanks
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[quote]So in a nutshell any and all files associated with a php site would be in the WWW folder right?[/quote]
Yes, you also place your other files in that folder too, such as html, css, JavaScript, images etc.

[quote]Yeah, I know this is gonna take awhile to learn. I've found that the best way I learn how to use a programing code is to get a tutorial with a intact script that then talks me through step by step and tells me what does what and what will happen if I edit this and so on. I've been trying to find some to-the-point tutorials that will help, but so far I've just found a bunch that just blab on and on about stuff and don't give you alot code (and as a result i just get bored and go elsewhere). I'll definetly check out the links you provided though![/quote]
If you want to know how to create web applications such as creating a basic blog/forum/cms then there are books out there that show you how to create such PHP apps. However in order to understand whats going on you will need to have a good understanding of the basics of PHP and MySQL. Also create stuff yourself. The  more you create stuff yourself the more you learn and understand.

[quote]Then I have some questions about phpmyadmin. Well, pretty much, what exactly does it do? It's like it's similar to mySQL but not quite. I've had some expierence with mySQL in cPanel and know how to work that, but I've never done anything with phpmyadmin.[/quote]
phpMyAdmin is a web based MySQL control panel if you like. phpMyadmin allows you to manage your MySQL databases/users through a web interface rather than using the command line. It also gives you a nice easy to use user interface. Also phpMyAdmin is created in PHP!

[quote]Well, I messed some more around with GoLive, unless I'm blind or just dense, as far as I can see it does not make or provide the ability to save php files. you can add php to a html document, but you can't create a .php file. (I've been using this program for a couple years now and know how it works, it is an older version and only creates .html .css and .jv files. I wonder if a newer version would create a .php file... hmm...). For now I'm trying to find a freeware php editor to download so that I can have the capability to save .php files. Any suggestions?[/quote]
Whenever you are developing in PHP code or any other programming language you should use an IDE. IDE's usually have debugging/testing facilities,  code highlighting, code suggestions and other tools to help you develope and test your PHP scripts. I use an IDE called RapidPHP2006 has pretty much what I need. There are free alternatives such as jEdit and PHP Designer 2006. Using an HTML editor or any WYSIWYG editor is not recommended when creating PHP scripts especially Dreamweaver!
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi I've just set up WAMP5. - Php5, Apache2, MySQL5, but when I try to connect to the database I get the following error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in C:\wamp\www\index2.php on line 3

What do I need to do to fix this? I know I have to change some of the files but I'm not sure which and what to put into them.

Thanks in advance
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