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i'm using the fwrite() function of the tutorial kind... looks like this: after some (nooby) modifications:

$filename = 'comments.txt';

$handle = fopen($filename, "a");

$somecontent = "$comment\n257";

fwrite($handle, $somecontent);


?> [/code]

the $comment data comes from another script which is placed in the same file... this works fine, but the "257" fragment (being my way of marking which file the comments are from...)gives the bug - the script writes the number 3 times... what could be done about it?
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there - the whole lot:

[code]<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-2">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://www.tkk.pl/~kupka27/styl.css">


foreach($_POST as $k=>$v)
$$k = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? $v : addslashes($v);


$txt=fopen("test.gb","r");  // zapis informacj


$errorfarbe_1 = "red";
$error = "error";
$errorfarbe_1 = "black";

$errorfarbe_2 = "red";
$error = "error";
$errorfarbe_2 = "black";

$aktion = "aktion";


    <div align="center"><span class="style1"><span style="font-variant: small-caps">skargi i wnioski</span>
              echo "<p>$gbfile</p>"
            <form action="<? echo $PHP_SELF;?>" method="post">
              <div align="center"><br />
            nick: <input name="name" type="text" class="wpisz" size="32"
            <? if(isset($name)) echo "value='$name'";?>>
                <br />
              <br />
            e-mail: <input name="mail" type="text" class="wpisz" size="30">
            <br />
              <br />
            strona: <input name="site" type="text" class="wpisz" value="http://" size="30">
            <br />
              twój komentarz:<br />
            <textarea name="comment" cols="30" rows="5" class="prawa"><? if(isset($comment)) echo "$comment";?></textarea>
            <br />
            <br />
            <input name="Button" type="submit" class="zapisz" value="zapisz"><br>
    <input type="Hidden" name="aktion" value="senden" class="aktion">

  <input type="hidden" name="userIP" class="aktion"
          value="<? $userIP; ?>"><br>

  <span class="style2">

                <?        }else{


$gbfile="<div align=center><br>\n$comment<br><a href='mailto:$mail'><b>$name</b></a> (ip:$userIP)\n"."\n<text>/<a href='$site' target='blank'>#</a><text>/</text>\n "."\n
".date("d.m.y H:i:s")." "."</div>\n".$gbfile;

echo "<p align=center><a href='test.php'><b>powrót</b></a><br><br>" . $gbfile . "</p>";



$filename = 'comments.txt';

$handle = fopen($filename, "a");

$somecontent = "$comment\n257";

fwrite($handle, $somecontent);



    </table> </td>
Looks like it would write to the file regardless of any user input

This bit may need an isset() around it:
if(isset($_POST['somevar']) {
  $filename = 'comments.txt';
  $handle = fopen($filename, "a");
  $somecontent = "$comment\n257";
  fwrite($handle, $somecontent);

Also you are going to come unstuck using $posted_var instead of $_POST['posted_var']

when i changed the script to what you suggested, the browser doesn't open it - gives me a white page - nothing.
p.s. i am not sure what i should do with this last piece of advice :"Also you are going to come unstuck using $posted_var instead of $_POST['posted_var']"
am a real noob, so, please - if you can - do explain just roughly, in short, what these commands do. i did try to read the turorials, but, well... i don't get them fully. in fact that is why i am asking my questions here.
If you are submitting data from a form, trying to read a variable with $var is dependant on having register_globals set to on, which in later versions of PHP has been disabled by default. The best way to read posted vars is to use $_POST['var']. Also, use $_GET['var'] for query strings passed in the URL.

Re your original post, if your code is not working, post what you have after making your changes....

ok, now seriously - first - my english is a second language, so i do not fully understand everything. secondly - all that programming jargon does make it more difficult. on top of that i am not that well acquainted with the php itself, so please do treat me like a blonde bimbo - tell me what to put and where - please.
[quote author=rysio link=topic=122719.msg508193#msg508193 date=1169161500]...so please do treat me like a blonde bimbo - tell me what to put and where - please.[/quote]
Most blonde bimbos don't need to be told what to put and where. They've usually had it put just about anywhere it can go. Thanks for that - it made my day.
[quote author=mjdamato link=topic=122719.msg508919#msg508919 date=1169252797]
[quote author=rysio link=topic=122719.msg508193#msg508193 date=1169161500]...so please do treat me like a blonde bimbo - tell me what to put and where - please.[/quote]
Most blonde bimbos don't need to be told what to put and where. They've usually had it put just about anywhere it can go. Thanks for that - it made my day.
well - you are absolutely right - it IS totally hilarious.. didn't notice it while writing though ;)
[quote author=mjdamato link=topic=122719.msg508919#msg508919 date=1169252797]
Most blonde bimbos don't need to be told what to put and where. They've usually had it put just about anywhere it can go. Thanks for that - it made my day.

bahahahahahaha. Thats fantastic.
  $number= 257;
  $filename = 'comments.txt';
  $handle = fopen($filename, "a");
  $somecontent = "\n photo number: $number\n comment: $comment\n added by: $name\n posted on: ".date("d.m.y H:i:s")."\n";
  fwrite($handle, $somecontent);
ok here it is: i've done some changes, and know already why it used to write the data three times.
the thing is - every time the file was executed by a browser (refreshed, opened etc.) the string [sub]$somecontent = "$comment $number ".date("d.m.y H:i:s")."\n";[/sub] is written into the comments.txt file
but i only wanted the script to write any content into the comments.txt file when the comment field in the form was filled. actually by this last sentence i've come to the sullution. as simple as the if function - by the way - just learned it because i so much wanted to make this work! and it does :)

well - this one is finally solved!
did it myself, but thanks phpfreaks for everything!
This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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