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I'm trying to retreive top and left values from my JSON object. This is all good, but once I create divs with the values retreived, there's one div that just won't align properly. It's the div at the very top, that has a "top" style value of 0 and a left of 255. Doing this in XML using the same data as the JSON file, it aligns correctly. Could the 0 in JSON have anything to do with it? Perhaps it being "null" instead or whatever?

My JSON file looks like:

                "id": "1",
                "image": "earth_1",
                "top": "123",
                "left": "123"
                "id": "2",
                "image": "earth_2",
                "top": "123",
                "left": "123"

And 42 id's more with different top/left and background/image. Everything but the first entry is positioned correctly.

var Blob = new Class({
    initialize: function() {       
        new Ajax('default.js', { onComplete: this.callback }).request();
    callback: function(responseText) {
        var obj = Json.evaluate(responseText);
        for (var i = 0; i < obj.world.tiles.length; i++)
            var styles = {
                backgroundImage: 'url(' + obj.world.tiles[i].background + ')',
                width: '64px',
                height: '128px',
                position: 'absolute',
                margin: '0px',
                padding: '0px',
                textAlign: 'center',
                top: obj.world.tiles[i].top + 'px',
                left: obj.world.tiles[i].left + 'px'
            new Element('div').injectInside($('world')).setStyles(styles).innerText = obj.world.tiles[i].id;

You can see it in action here: http://blob.conventia.dk/blob/blob.index - I'm working on it as I'm writing this, so beware of errors. Also, I have no clue weather it workes in Firefox/others, but I don't believe I'm currently using functions that shouldn't work in all of them.
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Oops, old JSON document posted (tho nothing but the names have changed).. looks like this:

        "name": "Default",
                "id": "1",
                "background": "earth_6.gif",
                "top": "0",
                "left": "255"
                "id": "2",
                "background": "earth_6.gif",
                "top": "16",
                "left": "193"
Omg. I'm sorry for wasting your time.. the "left" property of the first tile should be 225, not 255. Someone please shoot me. I just spent hours trying to figure it out, diden't really think of looking at the data itself, just figured it might've been something with the JSON reply.  ::)
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