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Session problem


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ok i have been trying to make a database driven website where people login and use the site, but i want to make sure only people who are logged in can view the various pages.

so i looked this up and found the best way was to use sessions....

so when the person was logged in i set a session variable (am i right so far?)

here is the code for login.php:


//set the variables as required
$dbhost = "fdb1.awardspace.com";
$dbuser = "rocketeermus_db1";
$dbpass = "zuluhead2";
$dbname = "rocketeermus_db1";

//do not edit this, it connects the script
$members = mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass);//line10

if(!$members) //error checking :D
            echo "<p>Sorry! We could not log you in at this time. Please Try again later!</p>";

mysql_select_db($dbname) or die(mysql_error());

$username = $_POST["Username"]; //get the username from the form, as $username
$password = md5($_POST["Password"]); //line20 get the password from the form in md5

$recieve = sprintf("SELECT * FROM Members WHERE Username='%s' AND Password='%s'", mysql_real_escape_string($Username), mysql_real_escape_string($Password)); //this is the "query", which selects the row where memebername=the one entered, and the same for the password

$query = mysql_query($recieve); //do the query


if($rows = mysql_num_rows($query)) //line30 if the query resulted with a row, start the sessions and go to the index
    $_SESSION['login'] == $Username;
    header("location: main.html");
else //if not, end incorrect sessions, and go to the index
    header("location: error.html"); //go to error page


ok so once the session was set i put a little bit of php at the top of every other page which would basically check if the session was set and then act accordingly

here is the code for that:


header("location: index.html");

//blah blah HTML code here[/code]

for some reason it always send me back to the login page (index.html) and wont let me go on to the rest of the html, does anyone know what i have done wrong???

please help!
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ok here goes:


//set the variables as required
$dbhost = "***********";
$dbuser = "*************";
$dbpass = "***********";
$dbname = "*************";

//do not edit this, it connects the script
$members = mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass);//line10

if(!$members) //error checking :D
            echo "<p>Sorry! We could not log you in at this time. Please Try again later!</p>";

mysql_select_db($dbname) or die(mysql_error());

$username = $_POST["Username"]; //get the username from the form, as $username
$password = md5($_POST["Password"]); //line20 get the password from the form in md5

$recieve = sprintf("SELECT * FROM Members WHERE Username='%s' AND Password='%s'", mysql_real_escape_string($Username), mysql_real_escape_string($Password)); //this is the "query", which selects the row where memebername=the one entered, and the same for the password

$query = mysql_query($recieve); //do the query


if($rows = mysql_num_rows($query)) //line30 if the query resulted with a row, start the sessions and go to the index
    $_SESSION['login'] == $Username;
    header("location: main.php");
else //if not, end incorrect sessions, and go to the index
    header("location: error.html"); //return to login


main.php: (i renamed it php instead of .html in an attempt at making it work but no success :()
//raw html code (is this wrong?)
header("location: index.html");
  echo "You must be logged in to view this page.";


as for the html code, its just raw html, im assuming this is one of the problems, how do you set a whole page of html to a php variable?
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:o :o :o :o :o :o :o


thankyou thankyou etc...

this is my first php/mysql database and iv finally done that bit woo!
thankyou all and i shall continue my journey into the strange and confusingish world of PHP!!
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